From Student by Day, Freelance Fighter by Night to... Forex Force? (Hello BabyPips!)

Hey everyone,

This isn’t your typical “Hi, I’m new” introduction. I’m Aman Ghouri, a student by day and a freelance fighter by night (think Seo warrior, not MMA champion). But lately, the thrill of the financial markets has me itching to join the ranks of something new – the Forex Force!

I’m fresh to the world of forex trading, but that doesn’t mean I’m coming in empty-handed. Between juggling studies and freelance projects, I’ve honed my research muscles and developed a taste for strategic thinking. I know the markets can be a battlefield, but I’m ready to learn, adapt, and conquer those currency charts.

That’s why I’m here at BabyPips. You guys seem like the ultimate training ground for aspiring forex fighters. I’m eager to soak up all the knowledge, battle-tested strategies, and maybe even a few war cries (read: trading tips) from this awesome community.

So, fire away with your best advice for a newbie like me! What are the essential weapons (indicators, anyone?) I should have in my forex arsenal? Any epic battles (market crashes?) I should be aware of?

Let’s turn this student-freelancer into a full-fledged forex force together!

See you on the trading battlefield,


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Whoaaa, love your energy and enthusiasm! Welcome to the community. I’d suggest starting with the basics: get a good grip on fundamental and technical analysis. Indicators like Moving Averages, RSI, and MACD are great. Can’t wait to see you rise through the ranks! :star_struck:

Cool intro post man! First question, what do you know already? How “new” are you? Any trading experience whatsoever?

Such a vibe! Welcome to the forum. For starters, check out moving averages, RSI, and MACD. Keep an eye on major news events.

Welcome, Aman! Great to have you here. Keep an eye on risk management—never risk more than you can afford to lose on a single trade. It’s key to long-term success.

Welcome Aman! If you haven’t been through the School of Pipsology yet, you should check it out. Good luck on your new journey!

I don’t have much trading experience but I’m do studying dilligently have been through the school of pipsology once

Thanks man

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welcome to the forum! be sure to be patient and start slow so as not to overwhelm :slight_smile: good luck on your trading journey :slight_smile:

The journey begins. It’s a tough road, but keep learning, demo trading for a bit. Find a strategy to trade, give that a go some weeks and months just so you get the hang of the markets, charts, platform day-to-day, entries and exits. And if you can squeak out some profit anywhere in there, move to a small real money account. It’s a good test of your psychology when real money is at stake.

Welcome Aman! How’s the learning going? Are you finding your way around forex trading alright?