Full Margin Trade? Is It Possible?

Have you hear or seen Ahmad Daniel video on Youtube? Basically he teach how to full margin trade using small amount of money for example $10, $20, $40, etc and become 100x(sometimes not).

My Experience Implement It
I tried using his approach using $10 and become $40 then I got Margin Call. I had tried a couple times but never reach my goal which is $100(only 10x from my balance).

My Question

  1. Have any one tried this approach and gamble with your small balance?
  2. What do you think about it?
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Haven’t tried it but I think this is a sure way approach to margin call :rofl:

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Then I can proclaim myself that I’m success implementing that strategy and margin call a couple times. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Possible, but you will most probably blow a few accounts at least. Even with profitable strategies, you manage risk. I usually do not risk more than 1% per trade. Knowing that mistakes can still happen.

Full margin trading is not sustainable trading. It is fun for challenges, but not something to live from.

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