Full Time/ Part Time

Do you think it’s better to trade forex as a full-time or part-time job?

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Better in which sense?

In the beginning it is obviously better to start out as part-time trader, even when one is profitable. You dont know if this time the profitability will last. Additionally, it is wise not to go all in with your savings but start out with a little account and work your way up to significant size. This will take at least several months. During this time you dont earn enough and the stress that you have to perform well to pay your bills might crush your trading discipline.

After you earn more as a part time trader than through your real job for several months, and after being very confident about your trading, nothing stops you to become a full time trader. Maybe this means that you can take additional trades which will increase your profit. At this point it is better to be a full time trader.


People on here might beg to differ but IMO I think day trading and trend trading are like chalk and cheese, different skills required.

You need to commit alot of time to day trade, though you could just restrict trading to certain days of the week maybe and still work,which would be fine

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It depends on you because if you want backup, you can trade Forex besides other professions.

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Do the math.
If you have a system that returns 20% a year after costs, including taxes, and you need $40,000 annually, then you will need $200,000 in your trading account.
If the numbers work, you may try full time awhile to see if you like it.


i follow the logic completely, but in reality a method that makes 20% per year on average is actually going to fluctuate in its results between 10% and 30%, isn’t it? (maybe even between 5% and 35%?, or even between 0% and 40%???) so if you really needed $40k and happened to hit a less-than-optimal year first, you’d need a whole lot more than $200,000, surely?

i’d advise nobody to give up a job to trade full-time without at least one whole year’s needed income in the bank first, as a back-up

and especially people who have tried before, because lightning always strikes in the same place twice


Yes, Flamingo, one must always have a reserve. My account has generated as much as 25% in a quarter to -6% the next quarter. Most importantly, all the trades need to be taken in order to hit the average.

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It’s all up to you and your preference whether you want to trade full time or part time.

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honestly speaking i never found any guy from this trading platform who already successful as a part time trader. so, i think traders should take trading as full time. ( own experience ).

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@Alg626 is successful while working full time.

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started my career in Forex as a part time job, now i trade as full timer , everything is going okay , but if you student or businessman can take Fx as a part time. but it will be challenging of course.


If you have other professions besides Forex, you have to trade Forex as a part time trader. But if you don’t have any other profession, you can trade forex as a full time trader.


Doesn’t matter .

If you start making more money then your job , , I’m sure you’ll have a sit with yourself to figure out if you wanna go full time . :100:

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full time or part time , i think this is not a big deal , the main issue how you are able to manage your trade . this is the real fact

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success is a long time approach in this marketplace, for that reason full time trading is appropriate in there. as a part-timer that is really difficult to survive here successfully.

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The best answer :+1:

It depends on personal circumstances and goals. Full-time trading provides more time and focus, but also involves more commitment and risk. Part-time trading offers a more flexible approach, but may require more effort to keep up with market changes. The decision should be based on individual factors such as financial stability, risk tolerance, and time availability.

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There’s no universal answer to whether you should trade forex for the long haul or short-term. You gotta pick a trading style that vibes with your goals, personality and risk tolerance

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You know what? I think it’s better to have a part-time job along with trading. There’s no surefire way to trade, so having a backup job is always a good idea. That’s what I’m doing right now, just to be on the safe side. :upside_down_face:

if you are a beginner i guess p[parttime suits you. but absolutely it depends on you