Fundamental Analysis

I have just started trading and at the moment I have been trading purely off of technical analysis and I would like to incorporate fundamental analysis but I don’t know what apps to use and how certain news posts will affect the markets

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How’s it, I recommend you read this which will explain to you where to find news and economic data. Popular sites are Reuters and Bloomberg for news, while for economic news you can take a look at BabyPips Economic Calendar for upcoming economic events and their relative importance. You can also download apps for this. an example


Hi @AaronDaman,

Regarding the potential impact of specific news events on currency prices, this is a good place for you to start: High School - School of Pipsology -

keep a regular check on the economic calendar for fundamentals.

CHeck Bloomberg as well and forexfactory

Forexfactory economic calendar is the best one as per my opinion.

Any particular reason that you think that?