FX Choice - Opened Live Account my experience so far

Hello all

I have decided and opened a live account with FX Choice.
I am a Canadian citizen. I was going to join Oanda but decided against them due to all
items needed to verify account and also that they make their own spreads and have read to many bad situations associated with them over that and other instances. I do really like Oanda’s Java based trading platform so props to them for that.

I will give further updates in the future about my experience with FX Choice
So far they have been very helpful when it came to a couple of matters setting up my account and initial deposit.

If you are or have been with FX Choice I would like to know your experience with them as well.

Could you please describe some of the documents and verification measures required by Oanda? I would love to know please.

Hey so what ever happened with this? Are they still doing everything well?


If you go o their website all the info is there.
I don’t remember all the forms off hand. But one was getting a doctor or lawyer or something to sign off.
A little over the top for me. Big brother watches you enough as it is

Yes so far so good. I have not made a withdrawal yet. But on two occasions I did require help and there online live chat was super fast to respond and super helpful.

Also setting up the account was fast and pretty easy. I think I was verified within 3-4 hours of submitting documents

That’s good to hear. I was thinking of opening a account with them due to the 200:1 leverage. Only the location scared me. Ive read about them on this forum and haven’t seemed to read anything bad yet. I’m prolly gonna go for it in the next few weeks.