Hi guys has good strategy made EA please have a look
Every currency has directly or indirectly correlation between them which could be positive or negative depending upon currency which can be measured from -100% to 100%.
Where -100% means currencies moves exactly opposite to each other where as 100% means currencies moves in same direction and in middle range they corelate as per percent corelation in between them.
This correlation between pairs keeps changing its range which could vary from negative to positive & positive to negative.
Now depending upon the type of correlation between two pairs our Correlation EA will place place trades as
and waits for collective profits of it and once threshold is reached EA closes both the trades.
Working :- When EA loaded eg for GBPUSD & EURGBP corelation eg. current correlation 20% EA will open BUY- GBPUSD & SELL-EURGBP and monitor the trades for collective profit of both trades once is reaches predefined profit EA will close the trades but IF not reaches and correlation changes from 20%-0%-Negative region EA will add new set SELL-GBPUSD & BUY-EURGBP, and keep monitoring.
Doing such make margin required reduces close to 0 (zero) and hedge trade between same pair.
Each set of trades get different magic number.
Inputs :
Performance on real account since 3 march 2015 over 1100% returns ahh… satisfied.
Intrersting system, but I am not understand it clearly. I can program a system to test and opt it on some broker that support multipair trade and hedge like dukascopy. contact me.
i know your strategy.but have questions,
can you make your myfxbook in public,now it’s in private.
and for example,you trade two pairs 15lot*2 and close in profit $300, so 30 lots for $300, it’s nearly profit 1 pips? in Demo not has sllipage can works well and backtest also,but in live trade for real account it’s easy meet sllipage when EAs try to close two orders.
okay started on 2nd March 2015 with 25,000$, 1 successful year completed with real account trading with fx correlation ea great performance about 80-90% monthly.
Congratulations! I employ a similar strategy and can attest that this works. For those who want to understand how this works, head to Dennis’ thread as he talks about trading the trend with strong/weak pairs.
One thing I note tho is that your account is constantly in drawdown of 40%+. That tells me that your entries and exits could do with a bit more fine tuning. Have you considered using some indicator that confirms trend?
Hey hey thanks for comment, its 1 year since using many a times switched to higher lot so came with larger DD anyways using a lower risk yes this strategy does make money.
No i havent implemented any indicator directly but used correlation formula to calculate correlation and then execute the trades.
Also, there is not the usual “no questions asked money-back guarantee” when buying FX Correlation EA. Mr Bhaban will only refund the USD$99 purchase price if the robot is not functioning correctly… but not, for example, if it loses a lot of money.