FXCM Bootcamp London 30/May

Hi guys

is anyone going to the FXCM bootcamp training in London at 30th of May? If you don’t know. it was advertised in the City A.M. newspaper ( free financial news paper distributed in the City of London , if you don’t live here and don’t know about it :slight_smile: )

I registered yesterday, not sure how much good info rate / them trying to sell you a account, but it’s free and I don’t usually go to things like that, so I will give it a shot.

Anyone else registered?

Ciao Piero!

No, non ci vado!

I will not go because I am 600 miles away, and it is on a Friday(!) which is during work time!!!

Also, it is advertised as Spread Betting bootcamp… but is this meant as Forex too?

I would have loved to have gone but it is too far and it should have been at the weekend, then, maybe!

In bocca al lupo.

What’s the venue? Is this bootcamp going to be a whole day?

hah, I took the day off to go :slight_smile: have some spare holidays anyway. Is it advertised as Spread Betting? In the City A.M its just Boot camp, but obviously FXCM UK does spread betting too, so , I’m not sure.

this is the copy of the news paper ad

and PS: Whilst I understand what you said, I’m Brazilian and speak very little Italian (though I know my name suggest otherwise :slight_smile: )

too bad you r too far, you could always get a train down to London :slight_smile:

Yes the whole day, see the jpeg attached. And it’s in a hotel around Tower Gateway

Olá Piero, obrigado por isso!

There is no way I can take the train to London, I am in Aberdeen!!! Even with a flight, it would not be possible to do it all in

a day, so you would have to factor in hotel expenses for an overnight stay, and then it would not be worth it.

I am disappointed that they gave so little notice; unless you have nothing else to do and can travel into London without

any problems at the drop of a hat, then I think that giving less than a month is a bit short-sighted, but that is just my

opinion. I am very loyal to the FXCM brand and am a DailyFX addict(!) so I do not feel like I will be missing out…

Of course, if I lived in London and had the day off, I would have gone!


The only difference between spread betting and non-spread betting accounts is the tax-free status available to UK and Ireland residents who have spread betting accounts. That means the topics covered at the boot camp will apply to both account types. Sorry you can’t make it, PMH :frowning:

Ola Piero,

Eu estou estudando portugues! I’ll be rooting for Brazil after the US gets eliminated from the World Cup, which judging by the group we’re in won’t be long after the tournament begins unfortunately. :34:

Welcome to BabyPips!

Hah, I bet U.S will do better than England :slight_smile:

Boa sorte com o Português e obrigado pelo welcoming.

Thank you, Jason Rogers!

There has been some threads about tax, and a distinction was being made, of course, between spread-betting and Foreign Exchange trading: I did wonder if the spread-betting label for this FXCM boot camp was to encourage traders to engage in
something that is known to be tax-exempt.

However, my sources tell me that Forex is also tax-free, if it is not your main source of income, in that it is de facto ‘gambling’,
therefore it does not, in the form of a ‘hobby’ (i.e. not the main source of income), constitute taxable revenue:

UK Taxation of Forex Profits

I think it’s just that most traders in the UK opt for the spread betting account type, so that’s the terminology we use for events in London.

Thank you…of course, we know that Forex is also tax-exempt, provided that it is not a regular job or main source of income…

Has anyone gone to the 30th May event?

Any feedback?

Will there be any videos available, like for the FXCM Expos of 2011 and 2012?
