FXCM Managed Accounts

what was you DD on friday? I saw a 7.5% dd

thank you…

Hmm… December through today Sentiment Aggressive is down 4.63% and Sentiment is down 2.5%

Their charts show Sentiment Aggressive down 1.81% and Sentiment down a mere 0.87% for December.

Caveat Emptor

I was also looking into FXCM managed account.
With this type of feedback on their recent performances, I will hold off on doing this.

I really appreciate people providing their experiences and input.

The Sentiment Aggressive Fund had a drawdown of over 8% today alone!

Since investing in mid-November my account is down about 15%. This most certainly exceeds their stated max equity drawdown of 11.18%. So far January has seen several large, single-day drawdowns significantly overtaking the meager returns.

Ah well, at least stocks have not faired any better this week :o

Yup, Aggressive is down 20%!!!

Urrghh… When should I stop the bleeding? This is abusrd! :mad::mad::mad:

The Sentiment Aggressive Fund finally made it back in the black today… I think this is the first time in about a month!

Because FXCM is so large, one segment of their managed Forex accounts is by way of EA’s (actual live trader’s with time tested and proven strategies) signaling trades for paying customer’s thru an alternate “signal providing company”. I happen to be one of these EA’s (expert advisers) providing signals for one of these companies. The handful of us EA’s (about 25 active and consistently profitable) get paid handsomely for providing these trading signals on the Forex Markets that we specialize in. As far as I’m aware, the company that I’m providing signals to (the second largest signals provider Globally) provides the client’s of FXCM (among others). I can assure you that the Signal’s providing Company that I am with is very legitimate with a strict code of boundaries that we as representatives of the Company must abide by. Many many Trader’s are weeded out during the qualifying period before going active. Not just anyone can do this. Errors that may be encountered during active (managed) Trading, in my opinion, would most likely be thru the host providing the Quotes and Charts. The Company that I’m with allows the Client purchasing the service to view all of the EA’s trackrecord and Trading history before choosing one or laying any money down for Signals. Leith.

thanks for keeping us updated… has anyone tried with dealsjamaica? they have 5% payout each month

Hi everyone,
I have had a Sentiment Aggressive account open with FXCM since late November. It has shown small gains of 2%-3% from day to day, but always ends up losing that and more. It currently stands at a 5% loss since I opened the account. I am going to give it probably 1yr. before I decide what to do. If FXCM comes out with more data showing gains over the last 2 months then I plan to immediately pull out my funds, because my account has not shown any gains. I knew going in that this was high risk with the possibility of high reward so I used funds that I can do without. Maybe I just got into the FXCM managed account at the wrong time.

Does anyone know what the Sharpe Ratio or Return Retracement Ratio is for FXCM’s managed funds?

sorry to bump this bad boy but was curious as to how things turned out for you guys?

Ceci, My account with FXCM now stands at an 18% loss since it was opened in November 07. It dropped to that in early February and has not gained much since then. Has anyone else done any better with another broker?

I was fortunate to escape the February 08 draw down with roughly a wash, simply because I was fortunate enough to do two things:

  1. I got lucky on my entrance in January and caught a 12% upswing, and
  2. I knew not to open my account in US Dollars.
    When I finally closed the account down after watching trade after trade of churning losses, I also lucked out and caught a nice run in the Japanese Yen and the Euro.

So the joke here is that the falling dollar saved my accounts from FXCM’s trading. I essentially was “long cash” JPY & EUR. As a side note, I was going down the introducing broker path with FXCM and their advertising team does not listen to their compliance department. If only you could see the stuff they wanted on my website and to then go look at their own language - yeah.

Two thumbs down.

RCProAm - I’m sorry to hear that, I’m sure that you’re looking for an exit strategy. Checkout Rovecapital, they appear to be doing well, but did have one poor month in March 08, only -3.65%. Has anyone else used RoveCapital?

I have so far not heard of a managed account doing well … and I would definitely not go with FXCM.

Just IMHO.

Thanks for the tip Roddy, I will look into the Rove Capital Funds :wink:

I just realized that I hadn’t posted any updates on my Sentiment Aggressive Fund account in a while and unfortunately (for me) the fund is still performing poorly. I opened the account in mid-November 2007 and to date my account is down approximately 23%. The base currency for the account is in USD.

I imagine that the low value of USD compared with the Euro and GBP is the main factor for the poor fund performance but the published performance charts still seem a bit inaccurate. Keep in mind that there is a 2% yearly management fee on these accounts so you are still loosing 0.167% every month regardless of fund performance. The only upside is that, due mostly to my skepticism, I invested a very small portion of my portfolio into this fund… still I wish I had saved that money to buy more stock in Visa Corp. on the day of the IPO :frowning:

I know FXCM offers accounts for the Sentiment Aggressive Fund in both GBP and JPY base currencies. I wonder if those accounts are fairing any better?
