FXCM Marketscope Chart Not Real! No Joke! Check for yourself!

I’ve been back and fort with FXCM about an issue with their chart and at first they pretended as if they know nothing about what I’m saying, they even say that I’m the first person with that issue but i doubt it.

Check for yourself. turn on your computer tomorrow morning at 7:45 AM est. Take a look at the 4hr chart, look at the candle that opens at 4:00 AM est, after the candle closes at 8:00 AM est. write down the Open, Close, High and Low Prices, make sure you make no mistake with the figures, if you have a camera you may even want to photograph it. Now turn off you computer and wait for about a hour and half and turn it on back, go back to the same candle that you wrote down the prices and check to see if the prices are the same…Believe you me one or even more of the prices may be out by up to 20pips.

I photograph it this morning to make sure that i’m not making any mistake, I guarantee you that I saw a different price… BEWARE.

I have the pics as evidence, they now say that they are going to pass on the issue to their IT team, If you doubt me and refuse to check for yourself, I can post a copy of the mails and even the photos if someone tell me how to do it…

Hi John, it would be great if you post the pics in the forum so we all can see them.

You could also post your experience at forex peace army. They seem to receive all kind of scam cases, if the case.

Also a memeber of BabyPips, Jason Rogers, is the official FXCM representative in the forum. Search his screen name, find one of his threads, and ask him directly. He seems to be very professional and surely will give an explanation on what you say. :slight_smile:

I don’t know how to post the pics, can you tell me?

Sure! Here’s a post by SweetPip where she explains how to post images.

You just have to upload your image in the post by clicking in the attachments icon above the text box, and then, follow her instructions.

Hope that helps.


I try to attach the pics, hope it work. You can write down the prices and tell me if you notice the same tomorrow. Write down the prices as the candle close then re-check them a few hours later.

Thanks for the post John. Received your email and will wait for copies of the images to investigate what is happening.


Hello, JohnStarlo may i have a follow up abt this caser?
what is it happen. and some detail. Thanks

causde i m new. not really understand all the explanation with english. so need ur help .
prefer with pic.

Jason. can u explan to me?

Hi Tony,

As you can see from the thread, there were no screenshots provided so I don’t have any further information. If you have any questions about Marketscope, please feel free to let me know.


Means i need to think the situation my self again.