FXCM mt4 platform issues?

I draw trendlines - and they don’t stay when going up or down a time frame ::: what is up with that?

As per chat session - uninstalled and reinstalled - still having an issue.

I’ve now uninstalled - and gone through the originator of the software to download… . . I am guessing it is not FXCM responsibility to ensure the MT4 platform works, as it isn’t theirs.

It seems to be working now?

EDIT May have been premature - I’ve seen this before too – I choose stochastic indi -and it pulls up RSI — I try choose an SMA line and it pulls up a momentum indi.


i have never seen that iss but there are issues with displaying objects, depends which version of windows you are running and if there are pending updates, whenever you have a display issues with any app trying logging out and restarting several times if necessary so as to install any windows patches.

Thanks - did uninstall/reinstall again with a reboot - seems to be working now.

With so much choice as to who you can trade with using MT4, why would you bother if you’re having problems?

Hi Stevies,

In July of 2014, FXCM settled a complaint brought by the NFA relating to charges of doing business with an unregistered entity and for failing to submit certain trade data reports. FXCM has resolved these matters and has taken steps to avoid similar occurrences in the future.

I’m sorry your opinion of us as a fair broker has changed because of this. If you feel we have ever treated you unfairly, please let me know.

Hi PT,

I’m glad to hear that issue is resolved. If you have any questions about your FXCM account in the future, please feel free to reach out to me in the Broker Aid Station.

Mr rogers,

Why is it a constant battle to retrieve marketscope after I give my computer a rest period. It’s ridiculous what I HAVE TO GO THROUGH TO BRING THIS BACK TO LIVE…IT SUCKS.

I experience the same. When placing an moving average I get a money index.

Hi Pippin on the moon,

I’m sorry you’re having these issues with Marketscope. This is the first I’m hearing of any such problem with the charting platform. I personally run Trading Station Desktop 24 hours a day during the week, locking my computer whenever I step away from my desk, and I’ve never had the issues with Marketscope you describe.

For this reason, I would like to investigate this problem for your further. Since this thread focuses on the MT4 platform, you’re welcome to start a new thread with more details about the Marketscope issue you’re having in the Broker Aid Station.

Hi Toekan,

PT mentioned in another discussion thread that reinstalling MT4 seems to have resolved the issue for him: 301 Moved Permanently

Please try that and let me know if you still have problems with MT4.


Appearantly restarting was sufficient to resolve the isse. :slight_smile: I run an VPS, so I don’ t restart MT4 that often.

Thanks for the update, Toekan :slight_smile:

I’ll keep your solution in mind if someone mentions having a similar problem with MT4.