FXCM or an ECN?

Although this has been asked, I am curious if any trader who is trading live is actually using FXCM and doing well with them? I hear so many bad things about FXCM but I too cannot understand how they could be so awful but yet have so much capitalization and so many accounts (to the tune of over 100,000 accounts)?! On the other hand I am also considering an ECN like MBTrading but am surprised to see they have such low capitalization. Any comments on FXCM or any other broker or one of the ECNs welcome!

i experienced FXCM standard, mini, mirco acounts with them. Standard acount they treat you good, mini & mirco forget about their customer serive.

their spread is low, the price is right, and u can limit few pips away from the current price (fxsol, gft u had to limit far away from current price)

the statement is easy to read compare to GFT