
Hi guys,

Another newbie,

IS FXCM a good one to use for a real account?

Any feedback is welcome.

Worry about which broker to use when you are ready to trade for real. If you are starting with less than $10,000 account then you should stay away from any broker that doesn’t offer variable or micro lots.

I am ready to start for real that’s why I posed the question!

I have an account with them and I hate them. Try useing a broker that uses mt4. Somewhere I saw a post that had a list of 111 brokers that use mt4. And like swordfish pointed out use a micro account first. It is alot easier losing 100 pips and knowing that it is only $10.00. Sure your wins will also be small but at this point you are still learning and you don’t want to blow your whole savings.

Have a look at Forex trading with Alpari. Online foreign exchange trading. Forex news, charts, analysis. this may be what you are looking for. Opening in NY soon.
London HQ.
Micro, mini, full a/c treated the same.
Unlimited demo time and MetaTrade charting.
Check it out.

I’ve been using FXCM for four years and have no complaints. Good support and spreads are OK. I have many clients who use them too and have had no negative feedback.

I do use the free metatrader demos for charting though - can’t beat it!

Thanks for the advice and useful info guys:)

Well, just downloaded metatrader and to be homest I think FXCM is a lot user friendlier.

As far as DEMO goes they are great
I haven’t went LIVE yet

I hear alot of talk about how bad they are , haven’t seen that

Here’s that list if your still looking for brokers.


MetaTrader Brokers List 01.03.07.pdf (94.4 KB)

Thanks for all the help and advice.
Spending hours studying it all, beats sitting in an office:)

Link doesn’t seem to work.

It worked fine for me. Just click on the file attachment and choose “Save” or
Open" when the pop up windows comes up. If nothing is happening when you click on the file link than you might have a popup blocker which is preventing it from coming up. Look at the top of you interent explorer windows for an indication for why the link is not opening.


Ok, thanks dude.