Ok I’ll try. I attended this webinar, one speaker named Stephen Leahy did a talk called “think like a dealer” in it… if I recall correctly, he mentioned he worked for a dealer, might have been FXCM, and he said, like others have said in this thread, that the average trader has more winning trades than losers but they still lose money. This means to me that they cut their winners short and let their losers run. So when the price is rising and SSI is showing lots of shorts it maybe cause the longs have exited for a small profit and the shorts are still hanging in there.

here is the webinar if it interests you.


(sorry moderators I can not seem to post a link in text only, it keeps changing it back to a link.)

Also in this blog there are 15 minute charts of the SSI, has anyone got this platform and if so is it updated live every 15 minutes. I email FXCM and they say they only have daily updates but I don’t think the sales men know their own product.



Hi deanz,

The SSI information available through DailyFX+ twice a day. The chart David Rodriguez has setup is not publicly available, and only accessible by the research team.

We are working to have it added to the new Strategy Trader platform although it probably won’t be ready for at least a couple of months. Strategy Trader is a new automated trading platform set to be released any day now.
