FXSystems.com broker or USA broker

I am debating between going with FXSystems.com many brokerages or a USA broker.

Reasons to go with offshore broker :rolleyes:

  1. More Leverage
  2. No worries about new regulations coming out effecting my account
  3. Seem to be more personal brokers
  4. Better reviews about offshore brokers in general
  5. Metatrader platform more common
  6. Hedging
  7. Can use Liberty Reserve and more payment options
  8. You can find STP Execution on many

Reasons for usa :58:

  1. If there is a problem, you can get them in big trouble.
  2. No issues with trading style usually
  3. No hedging
  4. All STP

Well if you live in the USA, you don’t got much choice in this matter. Don’t you love our freedom?

I live in USA, so I have USA broker, because of the regulation, I feel safer to use the USA broker.

I think FXSystems I would choose, they have good reviews and seem to be dealing with clients honestly. They are not some small new broker with no money. I would never go with a USA broker even if there was free money, I think Obama probably is doing the marketmaking, ha. I am so happy I am from Germany.

I am with their offshore 1pipfix branch and would never go with a usa broker personally

I will never go to the USA broker.

Ditto! Customer service of usa brokers is crap and there are always hidden fees. FXSystems is an overall good broker, id go with them

one of FXSystems brokerages I go with

I am with 1lotstp.com , Id say also that using any of fxsystems branches and you should do fine.

is it possible to use a non US broker if I live in the US?


yeah u can just open an offshore company in canada or anywhere for $100 then open offshore

I have been through both and wouldn’t touch a usa broker, I trade forex because of leverage, I’d go with FXSystems cause they are a real broker, not like usa stuff thanks to obama

yeah USA brokers used to be good, now there is no point of having them with no leverage

With FXSystems, i am trading 1lotstp branch, they own a few companies and I don’t get why anyone would trade forex without at least 100 leverage so I will stick with the offshore companies personally.

Yeah 400 leverage with 1lotstp beats the stupid 50 leverage of some usa broker by far. Why trade forex if your going to do low leverage, mias well just trade the stock market

ooh, ouch, did he say “Liberty Reserve”?

Dude, where do you live? US? I think that you should not worry too much about those options. Just go with one who find would be best for you.

Best setup for me has been fxsystems. I am with one of their devitions. I think they are actually part of the company and the same, just in their network, not an IB. 1pipfix.com and 4runnerforex.com both have good reputations out there and are safe. I think the main hub is fxsystems for many of these brokers.

I’ll go with FXSystems brokerages. They have very transparent system so you can rely on them

I’ll go with FXSystems.com