
As if banks don’t make enough already, wow :o

Awesome quote by the way cubanpip! :smiley:

Hola Cuban, maybe I missed it somewhere but can you explain to me what you mean by bank channel? Do you mean that the banks can move price that far in a day? Is that a picture of it in your last post where it is 1280 and 1530 pips? Where do you get that?

Hola TalonD!

what you mean by bank channel? Do you mean that the banks can move price that far in a day? Is that a picture of it in your last post where it is 1280 and 1530 pips?

I’ll try to explain what I call bank channel. For me is SIMPLY the BID and ASK prices the bank gives in his exchange rates info. When I plot this info into my chart as two horizontal lines that gives me a nice area where to buy or to sell with HIGH possibility of profit cause the info says where the bank is buying or selling. And I don’t mean that they can move price that way, this info just tells me where price can go and reverse MAYBE and also I monitor this info 4 times daily to see the changes on it. So is just an interesting tool. In that last post I’m sharing that I’m simply amazed by the change cause in two years I never saw nothing like this and although MAYBE nothing will happen, MAYBE when market opens we will see a HUGE GAP. Maybe. Let’s see what happens.

Where do you get that?

Currency exchange operations :: Currency exchange and cheque operations :: Services :: Retail Banking :: Bank of Moscow

Happy weekend, month-end and year-end :smiley:

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

Not sure I understand though. Are you saying that bank has a 1280 pip spread on eur/usd?

yes its a game, but its very boring on the internet, if you really want to have fun with it, bring all your money, go to the nearest bank, then ask the teller to exchange your money to yen, after two minutes, come back to him and ask him to change your yen to euro or any currency you may like, and keep exchanging your money from a currency to another each 2-3 minutes till the end of the day. at the end of that day you can joy the real fun of this game. by having almost no money :slight_smile:

best wishes.

Exactly! 1280 pips (12,8 cents) spread for E/U and 1530 pips (15,3 cents) for G/U from 01/01 to 03/01. So if something “strange” happens you can be aware in advance taking this into account in order to benefit from that.

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

wow that’s a crazy spread! I don’t get how it’s useful to you though.

See why I mentioned it as something interesting?

I don’t get how it’s useful to you though.

Sorry but I simply don’t know how to explain what I see useful from this tool. Maybe this may help:

And another interesting thing, the crazy spread seems to remain till 09 or 10/01, so let’s see what happens

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

09 or 10/01? you mean Sept or October? of next year?

Jajajajaja sorry for that, I mean 09 or 10 of January when Russian banks start working as usual

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

hmm there is a sport that many may or may not consider a sport that teaches patience to the finest. Hunting I love guns I have many of them and I like to use them. Try going out to the woods for weeks at a time with nothing but ammo and see how you make out. One of my faves not really for hunting but always go out with me for fun is my AK. I have used it as ammo is cheap and readily available. Just thought I would share as I ghosted this thread and didnt see anything mentioned. But has a lot to do with forex. Sit wait wait and wait. Get the shot you better hit if not you are usually out of luck. Sometimes you get a second shot but dont count on it. Make the first one count go big or go home.

ok! That makes a lot more sense :smiley:

Glad you got it!

I just think that if something helps me in order to make profit, I take into account and use it. The most important for me is to not lose.

buying :

or selling:

and keep playing the GAME

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

on 12/29 you were buying at the low of the day on GU. I think I would have been selling at the top but I wasn’t trading in Dec. I can’t look at Eur/Usd since I am missing some data. Need to use a different broker I think for more reliable data.

“Storm” time is gone, “normality” is back, the GAME continues

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

so do you use that as an over sold or over bought area? or you use it as a stop loss? I don’t understand the significance of it.

TalonD bro, I’m not good explaining mi amigo. You can call it that way. I told you that for me this is simply a tool that:

So, MAYBE there is ANY significance in this info BUT [B]when I take it into account[/B] together with other tools (example: sometimes this info coincides with Weekly or Daily Pivots or Weekly or Daily Highs or Lows giving more reason to take it into account) [B]I find help for my decisions[/B] at entries or exits.

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

ok, I get the idea. you use it in confluence with other things to help your decision.

Great you got it. You better than me know that in this GAME you need to be flexible and always mix your stuff cause this is an ART.

Best regards

[B]Abre tu mente, déjate fluir por los versos, no es coincidencia los errores de la vida,
sigue pa’ lante y deja que todo siga, que todo siga[/B]

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

Playing the GAME for the fun or for the profit?

Let’s keep playing

Best regards

[B]vivo la vida a mi manera y así SIEMPRE seré […]
a mi manera, a mi estilo[/B]

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]