
This is a REAL tough game. Gamefield gets pretty hot sometimes, very similar to a battlefield. So:

Warriors came on and play


Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

that’s a nice trade Cuban! over 200 pips.

TalonD bro, hope everything is OK with you cause the GAME is getting harder and harder

Давай за Жизнь, давай брат до конца

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

What do you mean it’s getting harder? Those look like some profitable trades! :slight_smile:

Wow, I’m annoyed with myself for not having noticed this thread way earlier.
I’ve just read it from the very first post up to here and I feel … smarter … already. :smiley:


Bro, what I mean is: MAJORITIES find harder and harder to SEE opportunity within difficulty and act accordingly and then, for them, results are more negative than positive. And simply wishing the best for you, cause here is all about good or bad decisions BUT for YOURSELF personally without comparing to others, ANYONE.

And [U]for mister market[/U] a message too:

You take any of my remoras down, is OK, BUT you PAY for that. Then, specially for you, like it or not (your problem):

[I]Flow boricua[/I]

[B]Quítate tú pa’ ponerme yo, vamo’ a ver aquí quién es quién.
Después no digan que no se advirtió, SON DOCE que dan por cien![/B]

[I]+ Flow cubano[/I]

[B]Cada cuál tiene un don que le dan cuando nace, hay quién nace pa’ estrella y otro para estrellarse
Tú quieres matarme a mí y yo siempre califico, conmigo no, cógela con Puerto Rico[/B]

So mister market see you next week. Watch out.

[B]“traigo lo último que trajo el barco, la combinación perfecta, la Escuela Cubana de boxeo”

  • Guillermo Rigondeaux

Happy weekend and best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

I saw where you lost a couple of trades but that’s ok you can’t win every trade. I’ve lost lots of trades. The good thing about loosing trades is that it takes away your fear when you loose and you don’t die. You realize it’s something that you can recover from. Even ICT looses a trade sometimes. I’m not trading much right now, mostly demo until Feb then back to real money. You said something about waiting for a little princess. Did you have a baby girl? If so then congratulations !

I can tell you that for me losing is not just part of the GAME. The biggest lessons I learn come from the losers ones even if they are a few cause I UNDERSTAND the why, the how and the specific decisions that toke me there and then I learn more for the future even if I can’t explain it. You know something like “what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger” and as you said taking FEAR out helps a lot.

I’m not trading much right now, mostly demo until Feb then back to real money.

Watch out mister market! February will be hot!

You said something about waiting for a little princess. Did you have a baby girl? If so then congratulations !

Thanks a lot! Now we have a prince and two princesses. And being father is one of the best gift a simple human can receive from above. A great motivation to keep fighting in life.

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

You got that right for sure. :slight_smile:
Kids are the best thing that can happen to a man, even though the responsibility of raising them the proper way can be pretty frightening, and one always worries about them.


Definitively mister market wasn’t ready for you. Bro, take it easy and give him a break

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

NFP = Nos Fuimos Papá

So mister market, ALWAYS remember this. You may be big, powerful, without mercy, a perfect killing machine or what is the same a SHARK. I may be little, not powerful BUT I’m a remora and remoras DON’T FEAR sharks, we USE them to get what we want even if this may be dangerous. So “JOGA BONITO”! See you!

Happy weekend and best regards!

Voy a darte la receta de como se prepara,
combina la calle con la escuela y las ganas,
ponle bomba, sentimiento, corazón y manana,
y… PAFATA, esto es un palo por la cara

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”


You too bro, you too :wink: Congrats!

NFP owned!! Well done bro :smiley:

you’re better at the game than I am. I sold at 1.319 and exit at 1.3100

Doesn’t it look just like a sell day template from ICT. Judas swing coming out of Asia range. LOL Fractals!

I can’t resist trading NFP, only because everyone says you shouldn’t ! :smiley:

I was trying a different method for it today. Usually if I trade NFP, I wait for 9:00 Eastern time and then trade opposite the main move. So with that method I would have gone long around 1.3080

TalonD bro, nice trade, only one thing. In this GAME as in anything in life I ain’t better than you the same you aren’t better than I. You are who you are and I am who I am. Each one has his own, OK? My apologies but I just don’t like comparisons cause find them non-helpful and hope you understand what I mean.

Happy weekend!

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

That may be true but you do seem to get better entries and exits than I do! :slight_smile: I’m not competing against you though. I only compete against myself. I always try to do better than I did the last time.

CP you should post up your thought process on some of your trades. I know you are a follower on ICTs thread, and it would be nice to see how youre employing the methods because you are landing some really nice trades.

Are you stalking setups days in advance?
Looking for trades everday? Or how often?
Youre a cuban living in Russia?

Keep up the good work.

“My thought process”, bro you are killing me, JAJAJAJA. I UNDERSTAND and CONTROL my “thought process”, BUT I have NO IDEA how to post it up. I just think that there is a difference between the TALKING about what you plan to do and the sharing WHAT you have done, between the what you think WILL HAPPEN and the WHAT HAPPENED and your actions regarding that.

you are a follower on ICTs thread

Mi apologies but I need to point this out. I am NOT a follower. Cubanpip RESPECTS [B]ICT[/B], ADMIRES him and LEARNS from him BUT my principle is the same for ANYONE:

And hope you understand what I mean, this is not arrogance or something like that, I’m simply an INDIVIDUAL with a very defined personality. I NEED to do things my way and not just follow others. And also I find unacceptable (for me) to be a follower cause there is a danger when you follow others (good example or bad): You may fall in the error of RELYING responsibility on the one you follow for YOUR decisions and more so if something goes not the way you wanted. So, I learn from everyone but do what I do my own way, the way I can do it according to my capacity and take COMPLETE responsibility for results, good or bad. If others did the same, similar or completely different with whatsoever results EACH one is responsible, OK?

[B] Each of you should test your own actions. Then you can take pride in yourself, without comparing yourself to somebody else, for each of you should carry your own load.[/B]
[B][I]- Galatians 6:4,5[/I][/B]

Are you stalking setups days in advance?
Looking for trades everday? Or how often?

My game plan is ALWAYS set in advance as I said:

And regarding time I don’t have an iron rule saying X amount of hours, days, weeks or something cause this is a process without time limits.

Youre a cuban living in Russia?

Yes, and not the first and not the last. And in reality, I’m Cuban only a 50%, I’m also a 25% Russian and a 25% Ukrainian so I’m a living REMIX, JAJAJAJAJA. But I identify myself as Cuban cause:
1- grew up in Cuba (lived there 24 years from age 3 months in a humble family but with a remarkable dignity, my Cuban grandma was simply a GREAT person)
2- physically I look like a Cuban (in Russia if I don’t show my ID I’m just another foreigner + I have a strong accent speaking Russian)

[B]Soy de Cuba lo que impuso y que se pega
Y cuando llega no despega, pega, pega[/B]

Keep up the good work.

I have 3 main reasons (my kids) for keep learning, keep working and keep improving.

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

Indeed being a follower only lets a person shrug responsibility, and I may have used the wrong wording, but I do enjoy the way you carry yourself. I just havent hashed out all the if price goes here Ill do this scenarios.

Lets go get it.

Fury bro, I really liked this:

cause makes me remember this:

Thanks to my dear friend Used for share this and to you bro for help in remembering. And let’s keep learning, working and improving.

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

And the PAMM Account™ 5 Service has a new Champ (just for some hours or maybe one day maximum)

[B]Soy un fajón, trabajando bien cabrón pa mi[s] hijo[s][/B]

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]