Gamer hate loss journal


basic trading knowledge is free and can be learned on the internet such as babypips. however, by the time you notice nothing you do can improve your trading, that would be the time you look for a trading mentor or paid course. a good mentor can save you years of running around in a circle, but they aren’t cheap either.

(quoted from somewhere)

  1. Building Trading Discipline ( I used to go on and off but now I am much more consistent which is great)
  2. Becoming confident ( I think now I am much more confident than before about my skills as a trader. I finally feel like I can reach my goals which makes me thrilled)

Quoted from “ribspiece”

I was using a ridiculous number of strategies cribbed from books, friends, forum chats, magazines, Youtube clips etc. The first breakthrough was realising that whatever strategy I used the outcomes were always better when the position followed the prevailing long-term trend.

The second breakthrough was realising that the entry signal was not critical, the trend was what was important.

The third was that when you have a winning trade, you can add to it, and make it a bigger winner, without increasing risk to your capital.

quoted from “tommor”

for inspiration and fun

quoted from somewhere

Real account for fun.

new demo challenge for fun

quoted from somewhere



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Like I’ve always said…

Focus on stockpiling great stocks at undervalued prices, especially in a bear market (which is what I’ve been doing the entire 2022) & you’ll reap the results.

quoted from Adam K

  • “Being a professional requires three things:
    Consistency and

anything can happen

quoted from somewhere

quoted from somewhere

quoted from somewhere

consistent results are the objective.
it is not about being right or wrong.
learn to change our mindset, our perspective.
when a pattern present itself, accept the risk of losing first
so that it would not put you through a state of emotional pain.
the primary skill that need to acquire is to trade without fear.

quoted from Mark Douglas

Focus on finding high-quality companies with strong fundamentals and a long-term growth outlook. Never be swayed by short-term market fluctuations or the latest market trends.

Remain focused on your long-term investment goals and have patience as you wait for your investments to grow. You can improve your chances of succeeding in the market by exercising patience and avoiding impulsive decisions.

Stay patient and stay disciplined

quoted from Adam K