I think it could be profitable to speculate on a huge down-gap of US indizes next Monday opening cause of Corona widespread in the states over the weekend…
Yes you are right it’s very tough for the market
Fingers are crossed
Trading the indizes is most profitable actually, I did it with DAX30 last week. So I took small short position sp500 before end of Friday session. On the other side it may happen , that people in US appreciate the recovery actions of trump and sp500 opens with up-gap.
we will see
Watch out for massive spreads. This is the way the brokers prevent themselves passively taking on huge risk as traders pile up aggressive entry orders through the weekend. A gap is only truly a gap if it is outside the Friday and Monday spread ranges.
I see, thanks for the hint - it’s more an experiment than a trade, last week I was on the lucky side with dax30,- opened with approx. 500 pip down gap, 52,62 EUR profit on 10 EUR position- I really was delighted when I saw this in the morning after opening MT4…