GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Are you short? Or flat… ?

Shong and lort currently.:smiley:

No… just kidding. I am building my longs.:slight_smile:

Shong & lort sound like the correct plays for this wild kid. :smiley:

Now I want to know how Andrew knew she was going to:

212.23 (also 208-214 fib fan speed line support here), 211.95, 211.79, and then back to 211.02.

She has just broken 211.79 …
what is a fan speed line?
and what other wizardry did you use to make that call?
You make Jeb look like a pre-schooler.

Is 211.02 the end, or could she go still lower?
I really am both shong & lort :smiley:

Looks like she has fueled the bus up and looking for passengers heading north. Hope everyone loaded up and are bagging the pips !!!

go Guppy Go!!!

I woke up a few hours ago to see GJ screaming up from 211.50 sitting at about 212. I didnt get any as margin is way high on NJ.

At least I have been scalping NJ. GJ would have been so much more rewarding.

I should have taken the short andrew didnt :slight_smile: That would have been awesome to be short from 215.50 to 211.50ish.

Someday I will stop chasing all around fixing stuff and stay trading, That would force me to trade service call income fro pips. Pips are better than driving around and fixing things. It is nice meeting new people, but my heart is with GJ. She was moaning a little bit last night and woke me up to rescue her out of the dip, but by the time I rolled out she was able to press up to 212. Of course now she has screamed past 213.

I told you all it was going to be a wild day, I guess the wildness didnt come until overnight. But youknow it is frankfurt and london that drawm way more volumne for gj than anything else after NY closes.

Anyways Coffee time!

This is not a bus today, it is a low flying jet aircraft wow !!!

But if you followed the advice back from 215.50, where I said 212.42 would come. And below I said after a break of 212.42 to go down 40-50 pips.
This would have left you with one more at 212.00 and around 211.50
and hopefully you got some there.

nd had the patence to hold them even until now. She is still ferociously ascending.

She is shooting for 216 but she isnt going to make it this morning.

I expect her to hit 214.50/60 and bounce off hard. But since we blew through this last time it is not a really hard hurdle to get over.

But I think we will hit 214.50/60 and boune back down into 213.50’s.
Play it like I do and you should be rolling in pips today.

These old fib levels are still good as someone is using them,
any time you stop @ a fib and turn around the other way, you know your fibs are right on. And thing is real traders (professional) sometimes wont admit their faith in fibs, but all the samrt Big Boys/Big Banks use fibs.

Sometimes this site is so slow. What are they going to do when they start getting a higher vloumne of users here? (94 KB)

[B]“Change your thoughts, change your life.”[/B]
James Allen

I just closed all my longs and very happy with the guppy girl.:slight_smile:

Now I will wait for her to get cheap again.

Anyone see the weekly M2P chart? That’s ugly.:eek:

She only got to 214.40 on the bid whichis 214.49 on the ASK so that be all for her for now. I expect a run down until NY comes in then she should be off to the races again.

She will be like a pinball today, expect wide wild swings, very bad for people who use stop loss orders. So the mission for today is too goble up as many stop loss orders as you can. Another persons Stop loss order is your profits.
The key is buying down into the dips and it IS that simple, as long as you stay straight in your own mind.

On the weekly M2P charts the 50 is going to cross down the 200 ema. We are also at a neckline test from a nasty drop from a beautiful head and shoulders. The 200 happens to be the neckline too.

Expect her to come down now as much as 100 pips.
But looking at the GJ weekly, yes she looks heavy.
But I am certain she has more upward dunamis.

Sorry for the greek, sometimes I think in greek, I am trying to think in hebrew at this point in my life.

So for those who dont understand greek here is wiki entry for dunamis:

[li]strength power, ability
[/li][li]inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth
[/li][li]power for performing miracles
[/li][li]moral power and excellence of soul
[/li][li]the power and influence which belong to riches and wealth
[/li][li]power and resources arising from numbers
[/li][li]power consisting in or resting upon armies, forces, hosts

It’s all greek to me.:smiley:

Put some windex on it.

study the charts and know GJ (96.1 KB)

We may spike down there if things turn south today. In any event be careful not too massively load up if she runs down back into 212.42 or 211.57,
as she may slide down to the 50% @ 210.88

Very good analysis Elijah. Being Friday, today’s pa could be noise or a nice slide back to discounts. I think the DOW will decide today. Noise will keep me flat. A nice drop will get me in before the close of the week.

HAHAHAHAHA Because everybody knows that Windex cures EVERYTHING!!

The daily M2P chart shows we could go all the way to 225 in the next few months.