GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

But will she take it. She has been pretty strong all day, in spite or whatever is going on. She is knocking on the 214 door now. NJ is a tie and in extra innings.

GU went down almost another 100 pips. I am still holding mine in the demo acct gu will come back. And at the current levels is a good value considering my biased bearish dollar view, but bullish GJ view you would wonder how I ever figure out what she is doing eh?

USD kicked the kiwi hard today, but at current levels the kiwi is a steal,
and already coming up from the bottom at 73.50. The dollar cannot continue this way there is no economic basis for it. Unless bush just found a couple tons of gold in the white house vault he didnt know he had.
Look at the chart. I think the rebound has begun.

she is very jumpy all of a sudden I am in the solid green now as my GJ long is averaged at 214.05

I drew some fans on the GU. But looking at gj 1H it looks to be heading back up now :slight_smile:

[B]“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”[/B]

Thomas Jefferson

Is this where they say “Patience is a virtue.”? Is there a setup for her going high? Jerry

Yes, she is trying everyone’s patience tonight … I think she has bottomed around 213.70 and is now going to head back up … how far I do not know.
A clear break below 213.64 and I would be flat. Hopefully that won’t occur but with our guppy-gal … anything could happen! :eek:

I have two loss leaders on right now. They are so small though, it is a joke.:smiley:

Call a paramedic! What’s the number to 911?

The girl is dead. She has not taken a breath or had a pulse for the past few days.

Must have been the food from that Burger King date.

nothing looks too bad. Got soem more kiwi going down. GJ still hanging in there. I am not expecting much of a run down this morning. GU is s till coming up nicely but slowly.

The dollar kicked some kwii overnight, the market is confused for sure with this dollar strength

Do you think she could visit the sunny south in the 212’s before heading to cooler climes? Jerry

otherwise, I am still yawning this morning and wondering why the run down,
and why the continued dollar strength.

Do NOT be fooled, the dollar cannot keep sailing like this, many americans
are clueless that their USD isnt worth much and it has been debased since nixon took us off the gold standard. In the long run USD has to sink comapred to the likes of AUD NZD and other currencies which are from commodity rich countries. It is unreal how USD is holding up against the CAD,
I guess USD has lost alot against CAD in the long term, but canada is the worlds 10 largest prodicers of oil, so when oil is high CAD soars.

ANyways back to my coffee, I am off on a mission this morning to chase after some hay.

I ay as always buy GJ all the way down. This run down wasnt seen by me nor can I even see this morning what motivated it, but no matter I would still be scaling in down.

The demo acct is almost sunk -10,500 now still almost 5K of that is GU.

real account is loaded up for triple interest wednesday with 30 1K NJ lots.
running in the 9% range on the margin, which with NJ isnt anywhere near ask risky pushing 9% with GJ. AJ looks like a good buy down here.

Oh ADP if it is positive USD, GJ should go up.

Anyone have the fib retracement levels plotted from the high on 07/23 @ 215.89 to the low on 07/25 @ 211.64? This will sound familiar from posts made Friday and then at the beginning of this week.

A number of touches on 07/25 and 07/27 at the 78.6% retracement (214.88), there was another run at that level on 07/28 on the 0200 and 0500 candles (on the 1H), both of which stalled around 214.80. Failure to break there and moreover failure to retest then brought on the decline to the 50% retracement (213.76) which has held as support until the 0500 ET candle today. Now price is probing support @ the 38.2% retracement level, 213.26 - there’s also a top fib fan line here originating from 199.79 on 05/09 of this year, crossing the 38.2% retracement line at exactly 213.26 - this overlap could provide a floor.

Levels to watch below:


Levels to watch above:


There are fib fans scattered through here, but with them it is more difficult to say at what level they will be relevant because they are a function of both price and time.

Yeah she respected that overnight, but she is angry this morning,
I guess I am spending her $ on hay.

the french fry farm is reporting ADP at 715AM
NOW I know thats wrong as I refereshing looking for the results.

Its normally at 815AM silly FFF.

I drew a fib from the low of July 25 to the high of July 25, 211.57 to 214.91 and when she stopped at 213.22, it was the exact .50 retracement of that fib. I have the fan drawn on the daily from low of July 16 to high of July 21 and on that one the .75 line intersects the .618 of the previous fib at 212.89 which is where Jeb is calling for a bottom of this current pullback.
I don’t think she will make it there & that’s ok because he just keeps re-drawing everything :smiley:

I am beginning to think plotting these fibs are like throwing darts, however I have noticed that along with candle formations, they are one of the few indicators she seems to pay any attention to at all.
Whatever helps… :eek:

Their calendar is off by one hour … I don’t know why. You have to add one hour to all their times.

OK, this is an oldie & you’ve probably heard it before but I have revised it slightly to fit our guppy … thought it appropriate about now:

A man was walking along the beach in So. California one morning and he came across an old, rusty container lying in the sand. He picked it up, rubbed it to clean it a bit & out popped a genie.

[I]Your wish is my command, master … what wish can I give you?[/I]

[I]Just one wish?[/I] said the man … [I]I thought there were 3[/I]

[I]Times are tough[/I] said the genie, [I]only one wish. What will it be.[/I]

[I]Well [/I]said the man, [I]I have always wanted to visit Hawaii but I am scared of flying and get sick on boats. So … could you build me a bridge to Hawaii so I could drive there?[/I]

[I]A bridge to Hawaii??[/I] said the genie [I]… do you realize what’s involved doing that? Spanning the ocean like that, how deep the supports would need to go? The materials and technology involved?? Impossible, even for me…
Pick another wish.[/I]

[I]Ok,[/I] said the man …[I] well, I’m a forex trader and I trade the guppy & I would just like to know why she moves like she does? What makes her go down so sharply then back up, is there any correlation with the US market, the dollar, oil, gold? How can I understand her movements & which indicators to use to predict them?[/I]

The genie said: [I]You want that bridge 2 lanes or 4?[/I]

Ha Ha:D

My Aunt Doris tells that joke all the time. If she was an FX trader I would have to send her your version.