GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

[B]“You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessings.”[/B]

Andrew Jackson

Fibonacci, trendlines, candlesticks, pivots, IKH, S&R, etc. They’re all simple treatments of price action that add up to much more than guesswork. Think of it like the game Clue: a clue is valuable by itself, but leaves a wide field of possibility open. Solve for variables, combine clues, identify fulcrum points, pull some of these things together and a cohesive technical picture emerges; then you’ve got a shot at guessing who did it, where, and with what with some level of reliability.

Predictive? Sometimes yes, but sometimes not. That’s not possible consistently; but it’s also not necessary.

What is important is to recognize what is happening as it is happening based off the picture you’ve already drawn. At that point wanting what the market wants is all that’s necessary. I don’t mean positive expectation: I mean analytical perspicacity (know your pair(s) and the chart(s)!), a good entry and good management all based off the what the market says. Drawing the picture and aligning with the market are the challenges.

Who will write the eulogy for our fallen lifeless guppy girl.:frowning:

Because 95% of the human population is retarded.

I’m sorry for my rant. I know this is supposed to be a good karma touchy feely thread. But have you read half the stuff around here?

This post is not supposed to be mean, but a revelation of reality. Think about it before you throw some political correct counter back at me.

GJ In the demo acct I am trading standard lots, banked $1000+ on 2 lots on that last run down and back up into 214.30ish.

I am getting a few more winks not much happening now. Well its jumpy price action, but no more real news coming out in the next few hours.

So I am going to get a few winks.

Maybe you can do emotional trading?> Do I emotioanlly trade GJ?
Seems like GJ is only thing I can make any mooney at any more as far as pairs.

I am still down on GU and NU, What is with the USD? Oil is sinking,
or WAS, looks like the EUro kicked some USD in the last few hours.

ANyways I am getting a few more winks, too early for coffee!

[B]“The secret to acheive true success is found in your daily routine.”[/B]

Origin Unknown

GU flew up so I banked $1000+ on GU sold GJ for profits,
only holding NU in demo still down some pips.

REAL account NJ performing nicely doing it GJ style. I feel NJ is much safer and much more boring.

GJ rosked up and I banked mad pips on demo account.

Anyways I have 4 calls today so wont be around.

The girl has died.:eek:

Below is what my chart looks like.:smiley:


Is she having any legs left ? any drive ? Or is she getting ready for a wild ride again ? Or all junior trades are playing solitare on their comps and their bosses are getting drunk somwhere in Carribean.:smiley:

The last one. Or they’re in jail.:smiley:

Hi there rrram2:
I began reading your threat from the begining and then switch to the end to see if everything keeps the same and It don’t so my question is…Where you recommend to start reading your threat?

Im using a system that I’ve develop with time and it’s giving me nice results. In somehow is very similar to yours like none use of SL. Actually is a mix betwen the grid system (but is not a grid), hedging and regular trade using idicators. Im thinking in start my own threat and I would like you to chek it out to know what do you think.

[B]“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it open.”[/B]

Arnold Glasgow

I would tend to think that as time goes on things change. I am all about progress growth and change. So hopefully every day I am getting even better at trading GJ as I continue to learn. if your system is similar you are welcome to discuss it here at length. If it is specifically used by you for trading GJ then by all means I am interested in reading. I am certainly not an forex expert, but I can assure you I am personally intimate with the guppy if you can imagine this. I think most of the people are are interested in trading GJ and making a consistant profit at it.

ANY way that they can increase their understanding of her or improve their trading so as to extract more pips from her, then WE are ALL ears.
If it is similar I dont think you would need a whole new thread to replicate it.
We are hip traders here for the most part. But we also have newer traders here.

I would like to think the newer traders are sharp enough to know trading demo for a good bit of time and trades is a VERY good idea before trading with real money, especially if the trader tends to be emotional.

I always used to say to my mind. I control my emotions. My emotions dont control me. But in reality emotions are your bodys way of telling your mind
something. Emotions contain more truth as they are closer to our true root level, than our mind is.

I would be interested in reading your posts if they were here. But frankyl if they were elsewhere it is unlikely that I would read them as I have already far too much on my plate now. I have 6 kids, 14 0r 15 alapcas, I am losing count, 4 dogs, 7 cats, one rabbit, a small flock of chickens, several businesses, a beautiful wife, A monster car I never have time to drive, and the demands on my time go on and on. So I honesty just dont have the time to committ to another thread.

I dont even post on my alpaca blog. I dont write many articles anymore.
I sure dont watch TV. I think that is time wasted in front of an idiot box.
I need sufficient time for meditation and prayer. Saturday is the sabbath.
So on that day I rest, pray and meditate. Sunday is the first day of the week for me and a often FULL work day at the farm.

Some people in my thread swore I never slept. Others swore it was impossible to make as many pips as I did in GJ in one week. Others thought
it was impossible for me to trade every minute of every trading day every week. But I do. I have my platform open from Sunday open to friday close.
Even when I do catch a few winks, I always have my orders in to buy, and my limit Tp orders set. So no I am not at the terminal 24/7 during trading days, but I do put a troll on certain bridges ALWAYS. So any time price passes it has to pay.

Quite simply, I changed my thinking about trading and my trading results changed. It is “what” I think about forex that makes it work for me.
If I was “thinking” the wrong things about forex, I was losing money.
I just dont look at it like andrew does anymore. I suppose I used to or I endeavored to get as good as him. But I had quite a few much better traders that I learned from over a long term. But my best teacher so far was GJ. She robbed me blind a few times when I first met her, But I love her now and she will support me for the rest of my life because I know ALL her secrets. I have been killing her in the demo account with standard lots.
Too bad I dont have that kind of money to put into a real account as I am fearless and do not change because it is demo, mini, micro, or standard.

So I cannot divert myself from this thread. It is the only thread I regularly post to. And i have several other forums I am a memebr of and I don’t even visit those places and they interest me, but I dont have enough hours in the day to do what I would like to do sometimes.

213.60 now She may hit 213.50 or even 213.40
213.40 is ST trend line support. I doubt she will get below that
at least until franfurt/london comes in.

NJ is down lower. I am digging in scalping the whole way.
I hope NZ is not sinking into the ocean. did anyone hear?

Normally she doesn’tmake these crazy runs when I am sitting next to her.
She is looking a little ill. But she is still consolidating. I have been gone all day. And all she has been doing is wallowing. Normally when I am away she plays.

The bollinger bands are very tight, like the BB tighness that goes before a breakout. Its 8PM EDT maybe Asia will start hoping now!

If nothing happens in Asia, I’d watch for a momentum move during the first 144 minutes of frankfurt and/or London. I think they are only 1 hour or two hours apart or is it 3? :slight_smile:

[B]“Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.”[/B]

Albert Einstein

But the dollar is holding strong. Guppy sinking,
but you know she will always rise like the phoenix from the fire.

That is how she knows where to go sometimes…I help her :slight_smile:

But even at that level. Price would ahve to sink below 3/17 levels before I get sold out so I feel pretty safe. And should things fall there is always the safety of a credit card deposit to add a little funds to your account if need be. See you in london.

I see you are very busy with your time, I respect that. I will post my system as soon as I have more time but I will for sure. If you can refresh what are you doing right now would be nice. I mean…your system, but just a short explanation about what you do and all that. Is just That I don’t have enough time to read the whole thing and Im sure you have change some things, so I wanna be updated to start sharing as soon as posible.

Thanks for taking the time to reply

Andrew did a lengthy post about 2-3 weeks ago summed up Rrram’s method … do a search back for that one. When you find it, let us know what # post it is as it should be re-pasted at front of the line every so often for new people coming in.