GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Hitting bottom now time to load up on some MORE longs.

Now would be the time to get MORE long @ 202.85 for the next ST run up

Good call on the Elijah

TO get some more longs. I think 202.60 for sure will hold and we may not even get there. esignal finally cut me off. SO Im back to accucharts.

Weirdness. I am looking at some mom and rsi crosses that are very odd.
They dont seem to indicate anything.

But let me reiterate NOW would be the time to get long.

Thats where the RSI comes from the momentum.
I never knew that.

I don’t think that we will make a new low. That was a nice strong uptrend on the 2 minute. Should have made 20 pips easily there.

Forget the interest. Sell if you have pips to make.
Or sit on your hands and let it RIDE!

If we can hold 203.10ish we may be in for a very large move up in the next 16 hours.

There is a 88% chance the feds wont cut rates june 24/25.
SO GU has continued up and UJ has suffered. UJ has critical support at 102.95ish. This dollar weakness cannot continue even as crappy as the dollar is. And when the dollar rebounds, which it will, hopefully it pusjes UJ back into the 104’s which would do wonders for GJ.

Remember its triple interest day

we have been pegged for a while now. Looking at the 60 min
we sure to be heading up rsi is up to over 40. We sure aren’t overbought on the 60. SO for a few hours everyone is buying gj long.

Although we are really in a wide ranged sideways pattern. On the 60 we appear to be up off the bottom and trying to trend up. We may get down to 202.60 or lower depending on how London goes. But after that I think we have to test and blow through 205 before week end.

It sure looks like it wants to break higher but I think we are going to see another dip down over night so I can pick up some longs cheap for the next ride up.

Yes I am wrong sometimes, but I have increased my account size 66% over the last 10 days or so of trading.

ANy trades held over 5PM today should have paid 4 days of interest because Monday is a holiday, Memorial Day. I think I had 10 or 12 lots carry over.

I had one at 79 and 89
the 79 I sold for 12 pips
renetered orders at 79 and 89 with TP’s
Hopefully it scoops down again and grabs them before breaking north.

Hi rrram2,
Just finished reading over your thread - interesting stuff. A few questions come to mind; the most immediate is: how did this method function when the decline from 252 started last July, and especially from 240 in late October? I know there would’ve been plenty of opportunities to close trades at B/E or at TPs in intra-day and short-term, but am just curious how a prolonged bias on the pair that runs contrary to the system (i.e. bearish) affects your strategy, if at all. Interest is one thing, but thousands of pips against you can make that a small consolation.

I have hopped in & out of this forum over the past week, reading a post here & there because of my interest in trading the G-Y … but I did not ‘get’ what this thread was about until just now when I started reading from the beginning …

This is the most unique approach to forex trading I have yet heard … and at first it sounded completely nuts, but the more I read, the more I thought … why not???
It actually makes perfect sense, a lot more sense than the dozens of strategies being touted across the forums.

Did you figure this out yourself rrram?

To play this way (after learning it on demo for a week or two) and sustain the initial margin requirements, I would need a micro account … can anyone recommend a good broker for this? I’m with FXCM at present but they do not do micros. I just need someone honest enough to fill orders & let me take money out without problem :D. I’d love to see how long it would take to parlay my way from a $1k micro to a $100k standard :wink:

I’m starting with my demo on this tonight, good a place as any at just under 203. Behaviour on this pair has been totally irrational these past few days, an interesting time to climb aboard.

Thanks for the informative thread rrram2.

Except for that “loss Leader” at 205.00. pips for the 5-11-until now
stat are well over 3000 pips.

That news this morning at 430 was sp unreal. that was totally low impact news, I was sitting here and watching sadly.

I say sadly because as usual I sold myself short, but I actually had no idea that that insignificant news would jack GJ up 100 pips over the next 2 hours.

Yes I am still down 50 pips on my loss leader but with 3000 pips in the bank,
who cares about 50?

It is funny when I first started doing this I thought my broker is going to notice I am making 100% profits, but he apparantly doesn’t care.

I guess when I finally decide to start making 30K and 300K and 3 M a week
trading GJ, then my broker will kiss my arse.

I received some crappy service from FXSOL yesterday some loser named Chris. I was pissed. THey are jacking GJ spreads during canadian CPI.
I said WHAT! you got me 20 pips down on a pending order placemeent because canadian CPI is coming out!

I asked what does candian CPI have to do with GJ. They tried to tell me something and I laughed so hard inside thinking how ignorant they are.
Canadian CPI does not affect GJ no matter what any fool tells you,
don’t entertain silly thoughts like that.

Let me assure you as I sat there waiting for the canadian news to be over, I missed some GJ entry orders I would have placed and got impatient.
But needless to say canadain CPI did NOT move GJ one bit.
I am not even goiong to ask why would it? BECAUSE it won’t!

All the markets affect other markets blah blah BAH.

Could you explain how the interest thing works? Or if you already have just let me know & I will do a search of prev posts to find it. Thanks.

Except for that “loss Leader” at 205.00. pips for the 5-11-until now
stat are well over 3000 pips.

That news this morning at 430 was sp unreal. that was totally low impact news, I was sitting here and watching sadly.

I say sadly because as usual I sold myself short, but I actually had no idea that that insignificant news would jack GJ up 100 pips over the next 2 hours.

Yes I am still down 50 pips on my loss leader but with 3000 pips in the bank,
who cares about 50?

It is funny when I first started doing this I thought my broker is going to notice I am making 100% profits, but he apparantly doesn’t care.

I guess when I finally decide to start making 30K and 300K and 3 M a week
trading GJ, then my broker will kiss my arse.

I received some crappy service from FXSOL yesterday some loser named Chris. I was pissed. THey are jacking GJ spreads during canadian CPI.
I said WHAT! you got me 20 pips down on a pending order placemeent because canadian CPI is coming out!

I asked what does candian CPI have to do with GJ. They tried to tell me something and I laughed so hard inside thinking how ignorant they are.
Canadian CPI does not affect GJ no matter what any fool tells you,
don’t entertain silly thoughts like that.

Let me assure you as I sat there waiting for the canadian news to be over, I missed some GJ entry orders I would have placed and got impatient.
But needless to say canadain CPI did NOT move GJ one bit.
I am not even goiong to ask why would it? BECAUSE it won’t!

All the markets affect other markets blah blah BAH.

Sometimes I place orders as much as 100 pips apart. I am borrowing yengetting the cash effectively and exchanging it for pound. The only way you can beat me now is to run me out of money. Every 3 months I hold pound I will make 100% interest of the amount of margin I have put up
(at fxsol @ 400:1 leverage). I never have to trade the pound back for yen.

And at 100% interest on my money every 3 months, Eventually I will get you,
the pound will not and cannot go down to zero. England is one of the oldest and strongest economies in the world. Thier real estate prices are amounng the highest in the world. Generally I don’t deal with what if’s into the past.
And extensive back testing while good for my uncle is often a waste of time.

The only way this run down would affect me is it would space my orders further and cause me to invest more money in GJ. THousands of pips down
day after day and month after month are meaningless if I am pipping you (scalping) and collecting interest. That draw down is like a deposit,
but only .25% of it is YOUR money if you are at 400:1. I have interest
to collect basically forever and evnetually the interest I collect will be
2,3,4 and quickly 5X the original amount of my margin required to secure the trade.

Again it is very much like a mortgage. PUt down as little as you can,
get immediate huge drawn down, build your equity over 30 years UNTIL you pay it off, evnetually you will have paid if off (with someone elses money if you are smart, A RENTER), the property will have doubled or tripled or more in value. The rent will have done the same. You will have paid off your loan (drawdown), now ALL the money you collect scalping & interest (rent)
is 100% profit after paying off the loan. And you can hold the REAL estate forever and collect rent, if you get tired of this, you SELL the house for 3 times what you paid for it or more.

Now does anyone want to try to tell me that after 30 years of drawdown,
I am going to be in bad shape financially? I expect no one. AND if there is anyone, please let it be someone who HAS experienced this and done this.
This wont be possible. Dad bought a rental property 25 years ago.
I guess he got tired of the drawdown and collecting rent, but that wasn’t it.
Someone came along and offered hgim OVER 80 TIMES what he paid for it,
at this point he had very little drawdown. That is literally OVER 8000%
profit on his one asset (which had FAT drawdown for years).

Drawdown is nothing, unless you mismanage your margin, and allow your broker to sell you out. You do not sell unrealized losses and convert them to real losses. Only a fool pays off his mortgage early, the smart man is patient
and waits.

Well needless to say dad sold that 68K building for 5.5 mil after 20 or 25 years or something. And I myself have countless mortgages. SOme say I am oveer invested in Real estate. I laugh at them when they say I lost money this year as my house price slid fvrom 245K to 218K. HAHAHA!
Really?!? did I NOT mention that less than 5 years ago I only paid 130K for the house? 218K - 130K does not make a loss. This is unrealized profit as I have NOT sold the house. But with the way it is increasing in vlaue in the MT and LT and I am collecting rent the whole way (pipping & interest) to fund my drawdown and build equity.

The key to this system is slow equity building, patience, & smart margin management. MY equity on GJ at this point is fat on my micro account.
I am at 99% equity or something. You know what this means right?
I have almost paid off my GJ mortgage And when I do I am at 100% equity (THE GOAL).

Building equity with GJ is WAY faster than REal Esate. GJ is CASH. It is a thing, hard currency even if I never take possesion of it I literally own it.