GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

FXSOL allows you to change the margin and lot size right inside your account YOURSELF!

I figured this out on my own after 3 years of solid FOrex trading.

It doesn’t take long if you learn what I do and get good at it. In the last 1 1/2 week I have increased my micro account size by 66%.

I was very conservative and kept my margin low. I think at one point it may have hit 7%, if I had it at 14% I would have had 2X as much invested and would have made twice as much. if I had it at 21% that would be 3X the money. THe key is to limit risk. I know it seems demented, but I have been doing this for most of the year.

And my original thread on FF got sent to the recycle bin, by a bunch of losers.

I get nothing from this. No one is paying me to help folks understand forex like I do. I do not need to convince anyone of this, When Malcolmb called me on this long ago in sclapers, he said BS you didnt make 3000 pips this week. SO I posted 250 or so of my trades from my LIVE account proving it. SHowing price time and actual ticket orders no one came back and tried to dispute one oorder as they were a matter of fact.l

Then the thread continued about how my 3000 pips wasnt 3000 pips,
It was 3000 pips I made & at $1 a pip. I figure pips differently. If I buy 10 lots at 10 different prices and sell them at 10 different prices which is how I operate. If I make pip profits on the orders of:
10,20,30,40,20,40,10,50,90,90 thats 10 orders sold with that many pip profits on each one it comes out to: 400 PIPS ( a matter of fact)

If you on the other hand buy 10 STANDARD lots and are playing $100 a pip,
if you make 50 pips, you made 50 pips on a traded unit size of 500 times my minilot. Yes you made 50 pips but you made 50 pips and profited $5000
because you increased your unit size per trade. You bought and sold those 10 standard lots at one price. SO trying to say I am not making the pips I am making is ignorant. If I say I make 3000 pips a week and I am playing minilots that $3000 ( a fact). If my unit size is a micro (1k lot), and I make 3000 pips it is only $300 ( I am playing 190 cents a pip)


So see! if you learn to make 3000 pips on ANY Account consistantly, the unit size really doesn’t matter except to determine the level of profit you have banked.

So all I ask is that as a result of my helping anyof you for free that you are thankful and generous and as a result of a new stream of steady almost easy free money that you commit to helping others, and really trying to love your neighbor as yourself.

One of the greatest keys to a successful and happy life is your ability
to literally love your neighbor as yourself. ALL this means is treating others how you want to be treated anbd putting yourself in thier shoes and tyrying to see things from their point of view.

Again I am not selling anything here, nor do I need to convince you of anything, The pips banked in my account have convinced me.

I am here to enlighten those few individuals who are willing to open their mind to the true reality that makes the world go around, we are all one, different parts making up the whole which has the illusion of being fragmented and separated. We all came from one and must return to our original source eventually. The universe is still expnading and this may not be the place to discuss parallel universes. But just know that the reality you see with your eyes is an illusion. The true reality is unseen.

Do not let your mind tell you things that are not true. Try to step outside your mind and observe it. I often carefully monitor my thoughts as this is
"cause" of the effects I get in my illusion called life.

You mention a micro account & to me this seems the only really safe way of getting started doing this & if it works as you say, you could parlay it to something significant within a year or less … but how much would you need to begin in a micro account? How many lots do you need to hold before the interest gained starts to become meaningful? I was trying to do some calculations last night … it looks like you are holding 20, 30 positions at a time. Even in a micro lot that would require $10k or more of deposit, right?

Is there anyway you could show an example of how to start with say, $2k in a micro account? How many positions do you allow yourself initially so as not to blow out margin?

The settlement date for your forex purchases is generally 2 full days into the future. Which means orders you have filled on wednesday are counted as friday orders. SO when you hold GJ lots overnight on Wednesday night,
they pay you interest for Friday Saturday and Sunday and since Monday is a holiday, this day you get paid interest to make the 4th day.

Some call it swap or rollover. SOme adjust your avergaed trade basis instead of paying interest. Folks like FXCM screw you on the interest, thats why I closed my account there. They have excellent customer service, which may be why they are the biggest broker. But they sure are NOT the best broker you could use. AND I think they stick you with FIFO.

If you really want to get in my heart and mind find all those FF posts I did
as the same username I have here.

I defied the masters and I play with the big boys, And I manage my margin SMARTER than they DO. And my mind is open to all poissibilites.
Closing your mind and saying that can’t or won’t work MAKES that a reality.
The man who says he can and the man who says he can’t are BOTH right.
If you beleive you can AND DO NOT DOUBT, then YOU CAN!.
The opposite is also obviously true…if you believe you can’t then guess what? YOU CAN’T. SO If YOU want to do something and your mind keeps telling you, “you Can’t” I suggest you fix it as that thing is boderline broken.
When this happens to me, I tell my mind to “shut up YOU do NOT know what you are thinking”

Your mind should be a tool that you use, nothing more. If it doesn’t work how you want, you have the power to fix it! OR change it.
progress, growth and change makes the world go around.

And lastly I forgot who said it but it goes something like this…
" if you want to change things in your life…you are going to have to change some THINGS in your life" Do not be decieved thoughts are things and are VERY powerful things. Change your thoughts and the movie of your life will change, it HAS to. This is how things work.

And my Dad always used to say " it is OK to talk to yourself"
“as long as you always give yourself the right answers”

MOre good news for GJ. MY 205 got sold at 205.20

Now what LOL! I been posting and missed the news and have no orders left to sell.

I forgot as far as the interest explanation it is like this.
When you buy GBP/JPY (GJ) long you are effectively borrowing YEN and exchanging it for pound. SO you now hold pound.

You are entitled to the interest rate differential between the 2 currencies,
which off my head JPY is at .5% and GBP is 5.0%

Thanks, I knew how that part worked but did not know about the “2 days forward” thing … so need to buy G-Y by Wednesday to have it count for the weekend… that is good to know.

With FXCM I have a mini acct & could not do this there anyway, I need to find a good broker for a micro account to start this … any recommendations?
And what would be min amount to get started as per my question below?

You can see from my sig line I already am in your camp with the ‘as you think so shall it be’ . These days I think they call it “creating your own reality” and physicists now tell us this may soon be a scientifically proven fact :slight_smile:
So, start creating folks …:cool:


I sure sold myself short today as we break 206 easily.
I could have made a lot more pips.

How are things looking now Todd?

After this last explosion up over some small deviation US unemployment,
I am, led to believe we are in for some more big jumps up.

WOW! today was one of those big jump days. we’re up over 350 pips and climbing. RRRAM, have you ever come across a good strategy for the GJ that suggests these big days or movements so that we could set bigger TP’s or let it ride some?

Awesome ride up , bagged alot of pips. To backup what Rrram2 is saying I think 2 of the most important lessons here are Patience and Margin Management. This system is wonderful once you grasp the concept, it is completely thinking outside the box. I am hoping we will get to 207.80 which would make me flat with a boat load of pips and more importantly PROFIT!!!. Elijah Thanks

Hey guys…took a little vacation from this after getting butchered. I do have a demo running with the GJ in position, and I still have 4 or so trades in the demo that started at 208 or so. With LOTS of interest!!

I am still concerned about the real possibility of crashing with this system. It feels real good when it is going well. I believe in the concept of the GJ going up eventually no matter what, the concept of bagging pips to strengthen the balance, and of interest. But we have all seen it when the bottom falls out and there is nothing to do but watch your account disappear.

I think there should be some strategy to deal with that eventuality, albeit an infrequent one (although we have seen it happen twice since March.)

Anyway…once I get out of some of the intense personal junk I am dealing with I am going to set up a demo account to just play this system. I do believe it in, and want to be on board with all you enthusiastic pippers. And by the way, congratulations to all with the run up last night…I bagged hundreds of pips as well with old trades and a few longs I put in here and there. It is nice to finally see a run up rather than that choppy crap we have been having…although I know very well the choppy stuff is where you make the money with this system!!

It is very interesting to me how this system is based on faith…you always are trading against the movement…buying longs on the way down (buying longs too on the way up isn’t as scary.) But boy can you make a fortune with it if it doesn’t burn you.

You have to understand. I lost big money with this, and as a result I am not going to be partying with the rest of you…not for a while at least. And although I was trading live “too soon” I do not think my choices or skill level is what hurt me (Elijah himself got burned.) However, Elijah, did we both make a mistake of breaking your own rule about margin??

See you in the trenches.


THis is funny. NOw I am holding one micro lot short.

It sure looks like a no brainer to be short on the 60 and the 240.,

But what I did was got long at 206.01 Then I hit the hedge button,
which sold one short at 205.91. Of course it went up so I sold my long for a small profit. ANd now I have a short which I am not happy with.
But if it runs UP 1000 pips I will ONLY be down $100. I hate to buy it back now and accept a $1 loss! But it is going to cost me like 44 cents a day in interest to be short, unreal. On a microlot that cost me $4.95 worth of margin. In 2 weeks if I held that short waiting for price to go down, I would have lost $4.95 or so in interest.

Everything tells me GJ will sink now (retrace down). It’s stalling, the longer it stall the harder it falls.

I am not going to start playing shorts now. But wow if I was this is where I would LOAD up on some FAT shorts. It would then go down slightly then rocket up to 207 or something. But at $10 per hundred pips, I can afford to give them back $10 after taking $00 from them the two weeks previous at 10 cents a pip.

LIke I figured I am sitting with one short and now I have sold my long and price is still going up.

NEVER go short GJ is my motto. I just had to try the hedge button in the FXSOL trading platform. NOW I know what it does. And how it makes me feel! ANd will probably never use that button again. But it had my mind racing, there has to be some way to do what I do to them now on longs that can be done somehow by using the hedge and beiong short and long at the same time, But I dont feel like thinking about it today.

Crap I couldn’t take it! GJ Is taking off as I type I had to close that short for a 30 pip LOSS! WHy in the world would anyone go short GJ! BAH!

Good thing I closed that short at a 30 pip loss INSTEAD of holding it as price headed to 206.50. Now look at her. She seems to be stalling and appears to want to fall down hard again. Here I would again be going short at 206.50
(DOH), this is where she continues up and blows through 207 and laughs at all you shorties with deeper pockets and shorter memories.

Any theories on how far it will retrace before heading back up?

THis beast is going to just keep going up with little dip downs and back up.

GJ used to do this to me when I was short all the time LONG ago when it was 225 230 235 and going up I was short short short 240 245 unstoppable.
So I think for a while it is going to be LT up with MT and ST toggling to down for brief bursts then back to the business of up up up.

all the news is lining up for GBP. UJ has shot up there, IT dipped below critical support but held. I think we are in line for a long term recovery where UJ creeps slowly steadily up for a while like it always used to do.
And normally GBP kicks USD butt.

Well I joined the party long at 205.94 and bailed at 206.48 … so … it’s a start!
Need to build account up to where I can trade it the way rrram does … that may take awhile but I like this “only go long” sentiment :smiley:

Hoping, praying for a significant pullback here because then from tonight through tomorrow we can maybe go stratospheric…

I had to get in again long. I am already 20 pips down on one. Spacing down at least into 205’s depending on how long it hangs.

I am doing it over again with a low initial investment.
I am back using my wife’s fxsol account and started with a $40 balance and added $300 and set the account to 400:1 margin and 1K lots(micro lots I think). THe risk per pip was and is 10 cents a pip. After trading a little I decided I needed at least $600 so I added another $300 so I had $640 to start.

You don’t need to make excuses, but you do NEED to trade it in a DEMO account first! Just because it works for me doesn’t mean it will work for you.
It depends on how open your mind is.

So stats on this account since 5-11 $640 deposits
balance today after getting flat about $960 or so, then I got silly and hit the hedge button and gave back 30 pips on a short, and got in long now with one at 206.43. SO in less than 2 weeks I increased my account by about 33% a week. SO now I have almost $1000 of margin to manage.
So I am NOT starting with 10 or 50K. And I don’t expect to put any more money in this account I expect to earn it the hard way. I build my equity slowly, I am not trying to get rich in forex overnight. That would be far too boring, and the next night I wouldn’t be playing forex?!

So you can do it even if you start your account with $300.
BUT FIRST I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT you trade it on a demo account first for at least a few run downs and completions where you return to the top and having sold off 100% of your orders for a priofit.

Then you have to decide where to get in again. THis time I am in high at 206.43, But I should have been in long MUCH lower and been holding onto it.
I missed a huge amount of pips. And I still made about 1500 pips THIS week.
True they are micro lots but I am going to show you dont even need to have a lot of money to do this. It only will take longer to build.

I cannot promise results and I CANNOT OVEREPHASIZE the IMPORTANCE
of SMART MARGIN MANAGEMENT. THis should obviously include the mindset of building your account safely slowly and steadily. Even at this rate, next week I have almost 66% more margin to manage and I will be able to get a few more orders and make a little bit more profit each week. And soon I will do 2K lot trades then 5k then 10K.

I know sma’s aren’t that great on a short TF but 233 is almost 8 hours.

So that may be about where I start buying more, perhaps one there,
then maybe 40-50 pips down then much thicker if it gets under 205.

IOf course 206 may even hold but price sure looks heavy in the longer TF’s

This is so helpful to see actual numbers … and it would be cool if we could start along with you with a similar size account. But probably many of us, certainly me, need to practice in demo for awhile. Maybe in July I will be ready to go live with a $600 micro account … so whatever you have gained by then in your new account, I would only be 2 months behind … if I don’t get crazy and screw up. Good to know you are human too & occasionallly mess up like today going short :eek:

It is all about the money management & control, the trading part is the easiest to learn :smiley:

Why tf are you looking at?? I tried a 233 sma on various ones and it is way down below 204 on most … except the 1 min, it is just above 206 . is that the tf you mean?

I’m looking at the fib levels, from last sh to sl, the 61.8 retracement is 205.25 but if you go to a more recent sl, then it is about 205.75 which is also the base of support it formed while it was going sideways and it is the center line of parallel trendlines which my MT4 draws automatically … that is where I would buy it if it can make it there again.