I am in so deep, luckily still in the new demo.
Something very wierd is going on in the world. It defies logic and common sense. MY dad doesnt know why gold/guppy is tanking.
I knew GU was going to tank and sure agreed with you all on that. BUt I thought UJ would rule the day and keep guppy up.
USD is killing everything in the world except JPY, go figure.
USD is worthless why is everyone putting such value in it?
USD is a debt instrument a promise to pay, A DERIVATIVE EVEN!
it sure is NOT an asset like gold or silver.
Before the USD goes under in the final act, we are in for some shockers.
As the chinese continue to hold at least 2.5 trillion USD in hard currency, they are going to continue to hoard pur money as if they know something we dont, they arent perhaps as ignorant as the americans. But I am betting
when they run out of toilet paper they will have plenty of USD instead.
Yes I am trying to amass 4 times the USD I used to need to live. I have very little gold and silver. and a ARK load of guppy long going all the way back to 190.00 Had I done what I wanted (BUT DIDNT DUE TO SOME WHAT IF< IF POSER here) was getting short at 197.00 and adding to the shorts the whole way down, wow I would be rolling in USD which is about what I need now
as I need 4 times of them as I used to need to live.
As the USgov considers the banking crisis, I am amazed at their stupidity
they know the fraud of the banks and the fraudulent manner in which they operate, but why bail the banks out? They are spending money like it grows on trees, it doesnt! It actually costs them 3.9CENTS US TO MAKE A PAPER BILL OF ANY DEMONINATION! I think they are going to get smarter here soon
and figure out that they can print $1000.00 bills for 3.9 CENTS which is a much better profit than making $100.00. This printing of so called "money"
without assets to back it up shall prove fatal in the end. This printing of so called money has the same economic effect of counterfeiting. This banking bail out ranks up there with one of the biggest frauds in the world.
Why bail out a bunch of thieves? Unless you too are one of them! EH!
bush, the worst president ever has secured his title forever it seems.
We as a country may never recover from being raped by bush.
All I can say is that logic and good sense will have to rule the day.
There is no way this high flying worthless USD can sail forever, it defies LAW.
this is a world or laws, spiritual, natural, and man made, the latter being the weakest and most insignificant.
Brace yourselves its going to be a wild ride back up.
If I had any real extra dollars USD or any currency I would be using it to buy all gold at 750. it may never get this low again. And silver is a steal too.
Hold the asset not the debt DOH!