GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Right, thanks, I knew I had seen it somewhere, it’s in the insert menu. I have a mac and a pc laptop, have not tried partioning the mac drive but it is ‘only’ 80gig so maybe I will wait until I upgrade again. I use the mac for everything except charting, try to keep the pc clear to run the charting stuff.

Well I missed a good move. Last night I had two orders on and closed them at a positive scalp as soon as I noticed another descending triangle formation forming. I was planning on buying more after the drop but… the drop has already happened and recovered mostly without me. Boo Hoo:mad:

This is twice now in a short period of time that a descending triangle has shown with this pair. Both times it has headed south quick after the completion of the triangle. So far she is a great example of western ta formations.

Well she is pretty low right now. If she will dip a little further below the 50 ema (15m), I will grab up some more longs.

Why is it so stinken hard to find longs with a positive carry before 5 est?!?!

I guess there are a bunch of cheap traders out there like myself that don’t want to ante up that negative swap with sell orders before market close that would drive price down to an attractive level.

Not trying to steal her thunder cause we all love her, but are there any other pairs that pay decent interest that trend like her. (not necessarily as big of moves) She seems pretty quiet today. I sure wish she’d jump back up to 209 and close all my orders I have WAAAAAY up there. :slight_smile:

You fickle beast … already dissatisfied and looking for someone younger, more exciting…
Don’t let her know you are thinking that way or she may never show you 209 again :eek:

Here’s IBFX swap rates. Check the history of the charts yourself to see if any of the pairs may fit your style.

Symbol Buy Sell
AUD/CAD $8.29 -$13.29
AUD/JPY $15.09 -$20.09
AUD/NZD -$4.33 $0.33
AUD/USD $11.50 -$14.00
CHF/JPY $2.44 -$7.44
EUR/AUD -$14.29 $10.29
EUR/CAD $1.33 -$6.33
EUR/CHF $5.93 -$10.33
EUR/GBP -$6.74 $3.54
EUR/JPY $12.69 -$17.29
EUR/USD $6.55 -$7.85
GBP/CHF $13.83 -$18.83
GBP/JPY $22.76 -$27.76
GBP/USD $14.55 -$15.95
NZD/JPY $13.85 -$18.85
NZD/USD $11.00 -$13.80
USD/CAD -$2.79 $1.39
USD/CHF $1.50 -$2.50
USD/JPY $6.50 -$9.70

Symbol Buy Sell
AUD/CAD $0.83 -$1.33
AUD/JPY $1.51 -$2.01
AUD/NZD -$0.43 $0.03
AUD/USD $1.15 -$1.40
CHF/JPY $0.24 -$0.74
EUR/AUD -$1.43 $1.03
EUR/CAD $0.13 -$0.63
EUR/CHF $0.59 -$1.03
EUR/GBP -$0.67 $0.35
EUR/JPY $1.27 -$1.73
EUR/USD $0.66 -$0.79
GBP/CHF $1.38 -$1.88
GBP/JPY $2.28 -$2.78
GBP/USD $1.46 -$1.60
NZD/JPY $1.38 -$1.89
NZD/USD $1.10 -$1.38
USD/CAD -$0.28 $0.14
USD/CHF $0.15 -$0.25
USD/JPY $0.65 -$0.97

She is hanging out around her 200 ema (15m) during the off hours. She will most likely just be wishy washy until tomorrow ranging a few pips here and there.

I wish she would make a nice bounce off so I could buy up some more.

It is an awesome trading platform!

So everyone knows, whatever pet names or femme fatale personifications you have for the pair are fair game, but we are, after all, talking about a fish. :stuck_out_tongue: Just don’t want anybody becoming so enamored with “her” that they become delusional. Now I know, I know: that movie [I]Splash[/I] with Tom Hanks and Darryl Hannah makes you think it’s a possibility, makes you believe you can dream, makes you think there’s something on the Internet that has a greater capacity to ruin marriages by consuming time and attention than World of Warcraft.

But mermaids that break television sets by squeaking loudly and a very specific currency pair - even if they both seem to be able to survive underwater and have blonde hair (you can code some crazy things into Metatrader) - are apples and oranges. Now you may say, “Andrew, wild hearts run free” or some lovesick nonsense and even tell me you and the Guppy shared an intimate moment the other night where you were long [I]while[/I] listening to that “Almost Paradise” song from [I]Footloose[/I]. Well, that sounds like a lovely time; but I’m warning you: don’t mistake that for a commitment from her. Open yourself up, show your vulnerable side, let your guard down, and one day you may wake up with her closet emptied out and in a margin call.

She will never leave me…
down and out.

You know what this means? THe dollar will be back and she will be all
in love again and going up with him.

204.60 pretty much held. I wasn’t here today so I made good pips :slight_smile:
We may see 204 overnight and there is significant news for coming out for GBP and especially the USD. I think everyone is in for a surprise again.
And the dollar is going to defy logic grab some “fish” and go hiking north.

There has to be a significant correction up in UJ in the works.
I don’t like the dollar but I live with it. And as bearish as I normally am for the dollar in the LT. I have to say the dollar HAS to come back.

Friday is going to be the extension of the hiking trip to the north pole.

Ha Ha.:slight_smile: Very nice read.

All pet names aside, I don’t get attached to anything.

good pips overnight, and nothing like a run up from 2am-5am.

Sinking down now, trying to buy some in the dip.

I will be in DC all day, i’ve got to save the nation, beofre the baushonomics breaks all of us.

I LOVE TRIPLE INTEREST WEDNESDAYS!!! I came back this morning and looked at my trades and there’s the interest just a racking up. Is it wrong to spend more time watching her during work than I actually do working? :slight_smile:

ROTFL :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

An ascending triangle is forming with the horizontal at 207. Price hasn’t coiled very tightly within the triangle, so I’m hesitant to call an upside breakout even though price has breached 207 ( and then rejected pretty emphatically at the fan @ 207.36). But, it does look like 207 may be establishing itself as support. Waiting for further confirmation the consolidation with the triangle is complete before going long.

Just opened my FX Sol account, it took all of 10 minutes including funding! Hope I will be happy with them. Looking back, FXCM was a cesspool.
I should be ready for the next big ride to the stars tomorrow :smiley:

4xstar: What made you choose FX Sol? How does their platform compare to MT4? I tried and it won’t work with this system. I was thinking about FXDD as well but haven’t decided.

I chose FX Sol mostly because Elijah uses it & praises it so highly. I did open an account with MB Trading & had planned to trade with them instead of FXS but they have pre-historic funding options & I did not want to wait weeks to fund an account.
As to FXDD … I am a bit afraid of that one, have heard many complaints. I do not recommend FXCM as I feel they find ways to grab money from smaller accounts. I think MB Trading is probably excellent if you can afford to keep wiring them money for funding … or wait weeks for a check to clear. I’m hoping FX Sol will be as good as Elijah says it is, so far I like their trading platform much better than FXCM or MBT. As long as I don’t feel like they are always trading against me as I did with FXCM, it’ll probably work out fine. :smiley:
FX Sol gets pretty high ratings on the forex peace army site.

Wow … quick service … FX Sol account already approved, open & funded & I am trading again for the first time in a week (outside of demo). Naturally am long the G-Y, may she continue her rise back to dizzying heights :cool: