GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

To answer your MT4 questions, I still use MT4 with ODL and & IBFX no matter which broker I use. With FX Sol I am trying out their AccuCharts and so far find it a very powerful charting software … looks better than MT4, but I keep MT4 because so many custom indicators are written & shared for it.

You can make a lot of money trading this way if you are patient and always on top of it. I kept riding it up and down last night, putting in the buy limits as a batch of them were taking profit. I could have done it a lot more if I could have stayed up all night.

Question: If I am running 100:1 leverage, have $100,000 in my account…how big should my lot size be? I have been trading 2 minis, but seems that the profits are so low doing that…and my margin never even gets a dent. :confused:

I keep forgetting to mention this Elijah, but I grew up in Virginia. My parents still live in Strasburg, near Winchester, and I visit them often. My sister taught in Charlottesville for years.

I love Virginia…

I’d say that would depend on a few things. Just a few thoughts:

You said you put two 10k lots on, typically. How far apart do you space them? If there’s - as Elijah puts it - a “mad run down”, and your minis end up 300 pips above you, are you going to go long on more lots, or just wait until price returns to the leave your 2 minis are at?

Position size relative to your marginable balance is going to depend a lot on how many lots you are willing to take on. Smaller sizing: more lots can be taken on; larger sizing: fewer. 2 minis equal, what? .4% of your available margin @ 100k?

I’m sure others who are actively trading this would have more precise ideas, but it seems like one ought to decide what % of their available margin they will not exceed, and then divide that figure by a maximum quantity of their lot type (micro, mini, std) to see how many orders they’re capable of placing. Then adjust one’s position size relative to that depending on market conditions: if you’re buying low (not “lower” so much"), then a larger position - or a higher number of smaller positions - could be taken, versus buying higher up.

It is not as stable as esignal and I will keep esignal so I can see the “real” price as well as my brokers.

I guess I need to learn mt4 and those EA’s so I can do an ea for this.

I was away most of the day, but still made good pips. I just couldn’t reload any of my orders. so an ea may be an additional option for me.

I’ve only got 6 going up. They will all close for a profit.
I think I am going to start holding one from the bottom so when we get to here (207.50) I would have a long from down around 204’s.

I sure would like to buy some more longs below 207.00

I’ll be flat at 208.89. It was a long ride down and I learned the TRUE meaning of TOO MANY TOO HIGH. Lessons learned! Still loving this system!!

BIG announcements tomorrow on the dollar. NFP, CCI, Unemployment… any thoughts on if you should be in on announcements? If you have positions, close them? Or just assume that it will always come back and just keep on collecting the interest?

YOu set a goal as to how many pips per week you want to make.
Write it down so you can look at it, and focus on it (the goal).

Well 100K at 100:1 is only 25K at 400:1
with a 25K account I would not be trading 2 mini’s. I would be trading one
for a cycle or two until I knew I could risk more. It also depends on how well you understand margin useage percentages.1-3 is ideal 2-5 is more realistic
and I am ok emotioanlly up to 10 as I know gj and try to refrain from TMTH at ALL times, even if I have to miss some pips. Set your buy orders and Tp orders and go to bed. I get up at 430ish and I find that is best.
Frankfurt opens at 2am london at 3am so SOmetimes I miss some.
But normally thatis just a run down and my orders are getting filled all night as it runs down. Then I wake up at 430 and sell them on the way back up heading into NY open. Best trading is Frankfurt Germany (euro) and london
and US. Asia, and most all the other markets are so staggered and of lower volumne that it can get boring. If you make $10 700 times a month isn’t that enough? Don’t try to get lost money back overnight, if at all. You really shoudl try the 1-3% and be ok with it going to 2-5%, but until you go through another cycle or two and experientially know as a result the answer that will work best for you in the long run.

Your goal can be a certain percentage increase in your account size.
my $340 account got another $300 because it wasn’t enough lots for me. Then I added an even 260 so I have exactly 900.00 in it. in less than 30 days my account is up 5000 pips, so my profit including interest is $500,
not much I know, I would have 5K at $1 a pip instead of $.10. I could take the 900.00 and be playing with my $500 profit but I dont think I will.
I am more thinking I have proved after a month in this micro account that this can be done with as little as $300.00 on a micro account. SO no one has any excuse as to why they can’t.

I am more thinking of putting some thousands in and going back to $1 a pip.
.10 cents is fun, but I may as well be outside planting grapes or grass or erecting some fencing.

I am in Gum Spring. DO a Google search for: goochland alpacas
I should have the #1 match. Furbelow Farms. You are welcome to visit the farm any time. You can never have too much patience wiuth this trading system.

And it is required in order to be the most profitable.

I am not worried about unemployment. NFP is going to be a blow out!
I expect a 50K or more deviation to the upside, seriously dollar positive.
AFter NFP I expect GJ to soar 100-150 pips.

NFP doesn’t scare me even when I don’t know what to expect.

Most experienced traders will tell you do not trade during NFP and do not have trades oipen. I used to try to stick to that. But NFP doesn’t affect us really. It is going to be USD positive tomrrow. Even if it did come out negative, if you have your margin smartly managed you can handle a 150 pip run down. And 9 times out of 10 all big news event evetually retrace the full way they moved back to the prereport price.

I wouldn’t worry about NFP with this system. ANd espeically tomorrw don’t worry. I guess when it hits 208.89 is when you will get worried… about what do I do now.

Elijah, your website is adorable … so are your kids! What a great family you have. I will probably take you up on that offer when my daughter returns from her trip to China. We are in Annapolis, she’s a Navy Lt working at the USNA at the moment. I lived in Afton for 2 years while daughters attended Sweet Briar College, son was a grad student at UVA … so we have a lot of VA ties as well. Maybe see you this summer & I hope you have alpaca yarn for sale :slight_smile:

Thanks also for that rundown of when you trade, one of my biggest challenges is figuring out what hours to keep … I am leaning towards 4 am to 11 am and again 2pm to 4pm. But I also see a lot of action frrom 10pm to 2am … when to sleep, that is the question…
Sleep? who needs sleep when we are playing with the lovely & seductive G-Y :smiley:

This opens up all sorts of triangles but I squarely stick to the circles.

I had to buy one at 207.49 just for gp. My margin is at 2.53%
after that one. And I am pretty sure she is headed higher.

Maybe later I can shed some more light into whats going on with the dollar. I am a dollar expert…expert at spending them, but still understanding why I need so Many of them to buy things.

I was in annapolis this morning I think. Calvert hospital?
Prince frederick then I had a stop in alexandria then back to goochland, about 260 miles maybe.

Ginger is all into the fiber and we are shearing the girls tomorrow at 5:00am.
We have 7 to do. I hope to get them all done before say 10. Pearl is due on Friday the 13th. She is looking pretty ready right now. She only has a partial shear as she was very hot and *****y that day, and eventully she got her way, but tomorrow morning I guess she is toast and will be bald as bald can be. Ginger needs to get a drum carder I guess, but we have nothing spun. And only sold a small amount of this years fiber on shearing day.
Usually we haved them sheared by now but it has been really cool here and since we are doing it ourselves we are challenged as this is our first time.
We shear them australian style I guess they call it. They are truly one of the worlds most unusual animals. And obviously the best trading is during the overlaps especially of frankfurt and/or london and ny even if for just an hour or two.

Range-bound pre-NFP nonsense - the night before is always staggered, plodding, and, well, boring. :rolleyes:

Ah well, some off-screen time isn’t a bad idea, anyway!

I think it has to at least move to be considered a range.

Someone throw some water on it to see if it’s still alive.

Very nice website, Elijah!

4xStar: I don’t think I’ve mentioned before: my wife grew up in Annapolis; her father was a Captain in the Navy. It’s a great town, and one of the few I’d to which I’d actually consider relocating; as long I can keep clear of the Beltway traffic.

Btw: I neglected to mention a moment ago I am [I]long[/I] the Guppy from 207 flat. Somebody somewhere that reads this thread is proud of me! :slight_smile: We’ll see how long it lasts.

Wow, a lot of Navy popping up. I have done some time in Va Beach at Dam Neck. Six year hitch, got out E-5.

Long from 207.00 Doesn’t sound bad. I’d sell half now and hold the other half with a trailing stop :slight_smile:

the UJ is tesying 106.00. DOn’t kid yourself there is serious USD rebound up ahead for certain. It is a matter of fact Let me organize some thoughts and
my generally bearish dollar self will come up with some solid things which indicate and will cause the dollar to rise. I would not be beting against the dollar at this point in history. The US is 17% share holder in the IMF crapola.
They are the strongest finacial force in the world despite recent economic
conditions. Yes they are selling us out to the foreigners but that’s only the half of it.

That beltway traffic was ferocious. Amazingly no one hit me!@ LOts of crazy oversized loads.

I was in 2 years 4 months and 20 days got out in Norfolk in 85.
Institutional life is hell!

Stirring a little bit, but I’m hoping for, not expecting anything substantial. Still, we could see some action if this hourly candle closes above 207.60 and above that red fib fan we’ve been contending with…

Had to get in somewhere. :smiley: Made some pips elsewhere earlier overnight and today (EUR/USD, EUR/JPY, EUR/GBP, NZD/USD), but saw an opportunity here and have added to my position here and there through the day. It was tough to overcome my short bias, Elijah, but when I considered that my little blip of a contribution to long open interest might propel the pair to new heights for all of you here, I decided the least I could do was throw my lot in with you. :cool:

I waited for that volatility spike we always get in the last few minutes of the hour to squeeze a few more pips out of it and closed 1/3 for +81. No trailing stops on Oanda’s platform, but I’ll be awake a bit longer to manage it.