GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

:smiley: :cool: :wink:

Maybe we should start another thread entitled ā€œTrading The Guppy in Alternate Realitiesā€

So you didnā€™t notice that was what this was all about to begin with?? :smiley:

I certainly will refrainā€¦and I apologize if I have offended anyone.

We can stick with objective reality, since that seems to work so well in predicting what will make money in this market. :wink:

Donā€™t let me dissuade you from discussing, and no offense taken whatsoever. I have an academic background in philosophy, so it isnā€™t as though I donā€™t find the topic engaging - just trying to keep my virtual feet on the ground. :slight_smile:

:mad: Comā€™on Guys,

This thread is rapidly degrading into mindless prattle. IMHO, I dislike the hijacking of this thread and direction itā€™s taking. The way things are going, it will take 20 posts before anything regarding substantive value is conveyed. Letā€™s stick to trading this strategy and give the reins back to Elijah.

I will long guppy again when the chicken bones and stars align to my buy signal. My medicine man will be over to bless my MT4 workstation later.:smiley:

Chill dude. They are just having some weekend non trading fun. This strategy, and all that goes with it, is not going anywhere.

Now I need to go call Dr. Phil and Tony Robbins for some trading pep.

You donā€™t have to be insulting. This is not ā€œmindless prattle.ā€

And again, if you do not see that much of Elijahā€™s paradigm revolves around this metaphysical concept of bringing into your awareness what you believe and what you think then this really isnā€™t the strategy for you as it will become increasingly frustrating trying to make sense of his methods.

But I agree that this is Elijahā€™s baby and I will step aside with my thoughts. I do not claim that I am reflecting Elijahā€™s views with my own expression here, so it IS best that I not confuse the issue with my own personal observations.

Have fun with all your chart analysis and fundamentals.



Thanks mytwopips, thatā€™s exactly what I thought this was as wellā€“weekend reflection!..I am just as anxious to keep the lines clear when Elijah is on board and the guppy is running for her life, up or down.

I am not much for communicating on these forumsā€¦have mostly been a reader in the past. But I liked Elijahā€™s philosophy and his methods resonated with me. I have been with him from the start and have paid my dues when I lost big time a while back working this systemā€¦but still believe in it 100%! I thought I had something to offer here. Againā€¦I apologize if I have wasted anyoneā€™s precious time. I certainly donā€™t like wasting mine either!

Best to you all.


You havenā€™t wasted my time. I like your posts. I hope to see more.

I think some are just upset that all this fun has to be filtered through to pick up on the free signals.

Unless your session with Dr. Phil is aired on TV for everyoneā€™s mindless, vegetated consumption, do us a favor and post what he says to you here: preferably a full transcript, broken into manageable segments across 20-30 posts.

Thanks M2P! :smiley:

Hereā€™s the first one:

ring ring:

Dr. Philā€¦ Hello, Ok

Meā€¦ The guppy has me upset, what should I do.

Dr. Philā€¦ You need to calm down first. Ok.

Dr. Philā€¦ Then you need to buy those dips. Ok.

Dr. Philā€¦ Then you need to hang on to them. Ok.

Meā€¦ Ok. Say hello to Britney, Oprah, and that girl who whips a$$ in Florida.

Dr. Philā€¦ Will do. Ok.

I will post more later

This will be an excellent help to all of us - do post more as you have a chanceā€¦ And please, donā€™t feel like you have to leave certain parts out to maintain credibility or save yourself embarrassment: this is a safe environment, and we are all your Guppy-loving brothers and sisters (may be a bit short on the sisters, though) here.


OMG, I hope I am not being compared to Dr. Phil! I am actually a licensed therapist, albeit a bit of an unconventional one, I have an MA in Consciousness Studies and teach courses in Spiritual Economics as well. Dr. Phil scares me though.

But to reiterateā€¦it is clear some participants of this forum are not going to be open to these sorts of off the wall musings. I am currently preparing a journal article on trading the forex as it relates to positive thinking. After discovering Elijah I thought his thread would attract ā€œlike mindsā€ā€¦Iā€™'m sure some of you out there are a bit open to this line of thinking. But if there is any negative vibe toward it at all, and is expressed as Bobkat expressed it as ā€œmindless prattle,ā€ then boy I want to stay out of that fire! I donā€™t need it.

Thanks to those who have at least gotten some amusement from my postings. I donā€™t take myself TOO seriously, but it DOES shudder me when I am accused of wasting someoneā€™s time. I really donā€™t want to do that.

Anywayā€¦thanks for the nice comments M2Pā€¦I wonā€™t take my toys away and play in someone elseā€™s sand box because I got my feelings hurt. But I will stay out of the fire for sure.

Looks like 3 orders of mine will fill at 4PM EDT at open.

I donā€™t see the gap yet. I use IBFX so I will have to wait an hour after open. So I opened up another broker platform and donā€™t see anything either.

I like that gap. I hope it holds until IBFX opens. I may want to start my buying.

Dow took a beating Friday but guppy hasnā€™t shown a big move south yet. I hope to catch it today if possible.

Then I will get 3 more in the lower 205ā€™s then one at 204.99 then 3 more in the lower 204ā€™s if we can get there.

In ANY event it doesnā€™t matter how far we fall, we will get back to 209.

There seems to be all sorts of sentiment in the market in general that the dollar is not coming back. Depsite what the illusion is and what wall street thinks ATM, the dollar is coming back. NO it shouldnā€™t be, the feds are printing grrenbacks 24/7. Just like Lehaman Bros, when they issued MORE stock fools bought it at a high price. ANYone looked at it now? I donā€™t think that is something I would want to risk owning. Itā€™s sort of like Bear. It is beyond me why someone would buy bear at 30!

The united states of america (THEY) is in a little different boat than lehman bros. THEY will wipe out the middle class with the Amero. The dollar MUST come back a certain amount before THEY cash them in for Ameros, so THEY can get as many Ameroā€™s as possible. Obviously adding Canada, and joining with them in a joint currency has to strengthen ours. As far as the peso goes, I am not thant hip on it. But I think the Peso has been kicking the dollars butt much like the Chinese yuan.

The conversion to the Aermo will be one of the final acts of robbing the hard working people of this country. In the past and NOW and in the future,
people will be what they think and do.

Well looks like she is going back up I missed that one at 206.09.

Anyways let me analyze this market and get back to you later.

I took a college level computer coarse many years ago, quite an expensive one at that, and the teacher was quite a follower of Dennis Waitley, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracey & the likes, and also faciliated at the local ā€œPursuit of Excellenceā€ semimars.

Every Wednesday, instead of programming lessons, we had a ā€œpersonal developement dayā€ and he would either play a video of one of these guys, or discuss how important developing a positive/winning mindset played in the level of success one achieved in whatever profession one chose.

Whenever we had an assignment, instead of giving us a grade, he would write us a chequeā€¦theyā€™d be written up as $10,000, $15,000 etc just to let us experience the possibility.

Unfortunately, someone in the class thought this was outside of what they paid for and complained to the administration and spoiled it for the rest of us.

However, I am a firm believer in that whatever thoughts you put out there to the Cosmos will get manifested back to you. ā€œWe attract that which occursā€. For example, this teacher gave us a thought to practice whenever we were going a busy mall, we were to think positively that there would be an empty parking stall just waiting for us that would be close to the mall entrance. More times than not it actually worked!

So no Iā€™m not saying we can ā€œthinkā€ a currency will go one way or another and it will happen, but we can ā€œthinkā€ ourselves making winning trades, and the ā€œsystemā€ to achieve that will come to us even though we think we found IT.

With so many books written on the psychology of trading, I donā€™t think this should be thought of as ā€œoff the wall musingsā€ at allā€¦itā€™s very relevant. So while my little speel isnā€™t as amusing as some of you others, I donā€™t think we should let anyone spoil it for the rest of us :wink:

I donā€™t like the idea of an Amero.

Crap like that makes me wonder why the people of this land have not got up yet and taken this country back from this dictating, moronic, and self involved government.

If the direction of the world is to ever head to just one world currency, what the hell are we going to trade?

Whoā€™s long or short the worldo/worldo pair?

I have fibā€™s at:
.250 @ 207.68
.382 @ 206.78
.480 @ 206.11
.500 @ 205.97
.618 @ 205.16
.750 @ 204.26
for .100 I used the old low of 202.55

I expect to return and test 207.68 and blow back through to the topside towards 209.00

I scalped one order today and am looking now to buy one at: 206.19 206.09 & 205.99. I will only have 4 in the 208ā€™s 4 in the 207ā€™s 4 in the 206ā€™s 4 in the 205ā€™s and 4 in the 204ā€™s theese are the pending orders.

I just scalped 20 pips on thgat last run down while I was here psoting :).
I reentered my order to buy a long to replace those orders I just sold.
I am buying another one at 205.99 and 206.09.

I do appreciate everyone here. ANd I prefer some noise rather than everyone reading my posts and never saying anything. I appreciate the guys who always want to bring GJ down and pay interest to wine and dine her.
Only to find that depsite her telling them she doesnā€™t like to go down.
He trys to force her down and we all know how this turns out 99% of the time. So we need the shorties to drive her down so we can get our longs cheaper. That is just how it works for me.

This IS a bit "off-the-wall, but have you seen that ā€œZeitgeistā€ movie?


Goes into the conspiracies of religion, 9/11, and the banks.

Check it out!

Ok, even though it may upset some people, I will go a little off topic with you for a moment.

First, thanks for the link. I will watch it in a bit.

I am really not into conspiracies. My last post may have come on to the fact that I am.

My neighbor is an old lady that is very tech. savy. (if that is how you spell savy) She is into all kinds of conspiracies. Many of them that she had predicted up to eight years back gave us a lot laughs. We never thought they would ever come true. Well as of today, around 85% of the so called crazy crap that came out of her mouth has happened!

Am I happy with my government. No!!!