GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Very well put, Elijah! I love it. The beach ball HAS to go down under water for us to make money, we just count on its natural tendency to break through and drive back up. But go down, please!

Thanks SweetPip for your post about the class you took. Very interesting, and I am too very much into that perspective. This market is the perfect opportunity to experience what you described…positive thought and a winning attitude having an impact on your choices. Does it move the market? Who knows… :-)–but you don’t have to believe it does to benefit. I will take the risk of flaming to suggest that we all emblazon 210 or higher (whatever number we can really believe in) on our minds…or write it big on a piece of paper, just keep focus on that positive number. I am NOT suggesting that this will WILL the GJ to go up…but it will keep YOUR mind in positive thought…and as you feel joy and elation from knowing that number will return you will make decisions in alignment with that joy. As Elijah says, it doesn’t matter when it goes back up, you are just in joy knowing it will return…and making interest all the while.

My IBFX market is not open yet. Itching to get on with it. I couldn’t keep up with all the buy limits I needed to enter last week, there was a lot of opportunity to do so. I am hoping I have time this week to get with the program.

Thanks again Elijah for hosting this forum!


I’ve been doing a bit of research over the weekend (taking breaks to wisecrack on this thread, of course), and am at an impasse concerning medium-term direction, though there are some significant markers indicating further movement up.

One is the ascending triangle (two straight white lines on the chart) from the pair�s mid-March nadir is well into it�s consolidation. The horizontal line marking resistance in the 209 area has been touched and rejected the advance three times over the last two months; but conditions are improving for a break.

The rest of the lines on the chart are an IKH overlay (Ichimoku Kinko Hyo), with which you may or may not be familiar. Telling what IKH is (I’m just learning myself, in fact) and then explaining the analysis of it is a bit involved for one post. If you’re interested, you can read the IKH analysis at my blog.

That is a very promising western chart formation for us long guppy lovers.

Thanks for showing.

We appreciate all your thoughts Todd, don’t let an ignorant newbie who has not contributed anything of substance yet put you off :cool:

MTP, your ‘savvy’ neighbor probably listened to Art Bell. I listened to his show from 1996-2004 and friends were often amazed how I ‘predicted’ news stories months or years in advance :wink:

Now I have graduated to another radio show which cannot be aired on public airwaves. This one takes you deeper, down where the real secrets lie…

At the least it is always entertaining!

I keep buying at 205.99 amd 206.09 and keep selling them for pips and rebuying again when it goes back down to those levels.

I am very excited about the possibility of a wide range that goes and up and down and up and down OVER and OVER in the same sweet wide range.

One of my ‘sources’ said 2 months ago that ameros are already being printed in Denver. This particular source is often right.

I agree they will pump up the dollar just before the real fall, they can’t bring in the amero without the $ going down the tubes. So … $ up, then way down … the real question is one of timing … that is what we need to know to stay on the correct side of this.

Art Bell - wasn’t he on Coast to Coast? What do you listen to now, 4xStar? Something off of the shortwave?

Thanks to Elijah for his forbearance. He knows everyone here is genuinely interested in GBP/JPY, though, so it probably doesn’t grieve him too much to see some harmless tangents.

Elijah has been grabbing nice trades since open and I am on the sidelines waiting for IBFX to open.:mad:

If you have never read his books “see you at the top” and/or his sales orientated books, you have missed some real gems.

Those few occasions where your parking space did not appear were porobably the times you allowed doubt to enter your mind.

Trading unfortunately is 80% psychological and 80% of folks lose on a regular basis. The point for me when everything turned around for me with GJ was when I changed my mind. I replaced OLD erroneous untrue thoughts. She did not change. I DId. Instead of doing what everyone does and knows, I do about as much of the opposite as anyone could imagine. If ever I try to explain this to an “experienced” trader their mind will not even allow them to consider this. They immediately reject it as useless impossible data. Normally I do not post trades from live accounts as they reveal my account number and the trade ticket numbers. I do not trade with demo accounts anymore unless I am trading at a new place and am trying to learn the tricks of their platform for free without losing money to learn.

I can assure you this works as crazy as it may seem.

And while I am not the one who makes her move, She does do the same thing weather or not I am watching her. Even though if I am sitting here waiting for her to move a few more pips up so I can close my order,
I know she isn’t stopping there just to tease me.

I am more of a witness to her behavior and I focus on her up moves. I know she has to go down as her mom was an elevator, but her dad was the king.
And had the queen found out about this wild child, everyone would have been in a heap of heat.

I took the Anthony Robbins course, the one where you have to break a board with your bare hands to qualify for part 2 :smiley:

Unfortunately, someone in the class thought this was outside of what they paid for and complained to the administration and spoiled it for the rest of us.

There are plenty of unevolved souls out there.

For example, this teacher gave us a thought to practice whenever we were going a busy mall, we were to think positively that there would be an empty parking stall just waiting for us that would be close to the mall entrance. More times than not it actually worked!

I’ve been doing this for years & 2 of my kids now do it as well. One son still doesn’t “believe” in that stuff … so when we meet out somewhere, he just revolves around the parking lot, cursing, while the rest of us are already inside.

So no I’m not saying we can “think” a currency will go one way or another and it will happen, but we can “think” ourselves making winning trades, and the “system” to achieve that will come to us even though we think we found IT.

Definitely the latter … but don’t be too quick to write off the former … we have as yet no idea how this universe really works…

With so many books written on the psychology of trading, I don’t think this should be thought of as “off the wall musings” at all…it’s very relevant.

And that’s why we’re all here sitting gathered around rrram2’s feet & helping each other figure it out :cool: :slight_smile:

I stay out until 8:00 EDT when Oanda’s spreads compress, but never really mind, personally. By the look of it, price probably isn’t going to wander much lower lower than 205.80 anyway, so no worries.

Yeah, I just grabbed my first long. Maybe a little early. The broker ripped my butt on a market spread. (18 pips)

Not everyone here is a subscriber to the mad prophet paradigm. :stuck_out_tongue:

Religion is what man thinks about God. 99% of all religion is idolatry.
The United States Government is responsible for 9/11. The banks
are the biggest scammers in the world.

One world government is not an illusion and it is coming.
We all should be fighting Real ID. I can tell you for certain that I WILL NOT under ANY circumstances for any reason card a card proving my identity
which contains and RFID chip which would allow tracking of my movemments.
I am not “who” you tag me to be. I will NOT be tagged. My animals will not be tagged.

What is even more amazing is the cast of liars still in office @ the white house.

I am working towards becoming completely self sufficient @ the farm.
I will need nothing from the outside world.

I try not to focus on the losers we have running the country. That 20 lane highway going from mexico to canada through texas and up is an insane idea.
On the local level and in the commonwealth, I can tell you we will be the first to separate from the united states of america. We also do not need them, they have become a liability.

There is a very violent time coming in america, Americans will not all sit on the sidelines as we are destroyed from within. Fema is continueing to build their concentration camps for those that challenge thier authority. I belong to this land and will not be removed from it without a fight to the death.
Those that sin against me wrong thier own soul and those that hate me love death. Those that violate my no tresspassiong sign and enter my land with evil intentions will not likely live to see tomorrow. I am not a violent person.
However I am willing to defend my self and family to the death.

There is a mental defect in the collective conciousness and we can correct it.
Despite what any and all mortals desire, will be unable to change the course of events to the extant of changing our final destination, so we must correct our defects.

I’ve signed on here on sundays a few times and there never seems to be many messages till the market opens. I sign on today and I’m rolling!!! I have a confession, before friday closed, I opened a short to cover all my longs thinking there’d be a gap. I figured worst case scenario was there wasn’t going to be and I’d just have to pay the spread. Guess I lucked out this time. I’m loving the discussion on creating your own reality based on your outlook. I used to be a very pessimistic person and it always seemed to snowball. Now, it seems that even when crappy things happen, if you’re looking there’s always an opportunity for something WAY better to come out of it. As for the “mindless prattle”, PLEASE PLEASE keep it coming cause really, that’s all this whole game is! :slight_smile:

That crazy up is when the fun really starts.


You might want to get some long at the bottom of the next 5 minute dip.

I did! I already sold it for 25 pips. I need another quick spike south to buy another that maybe I will hold onto like Dr. Phil told me to do.

I grabbed some uj pips too.:slight_smile:

I must say. Every time I try to buy guppy going south, she just pops up nice. She never gives me the chance to buy more. I guess that is a good problem to have.

On the other hand. Euro and mytwopips are not getting along with each other lately. Maybe I will have to dump the euro girl for now and get more exclusive with guppy.:smiley: