GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

207.50 wont be as hard to get through as 207.68.
THere has been nothing short of huge upward pressure since it opened gap down. I only have 4 longs left in the 208’s. I sold all my 207’s.

If you tell people like it is and don’t follow the rules to the letter,
and share your experience with some of their lame supporting brokers
you are not wanted. I really don’t trade the news and dont like the spread widening at news time.

There should be a bunch of folks from FF. All the way in the beggining we had some people which may or may not be around anymore.

I am not going to post links to external sites, which is I guess one reason for the first ban. I was posting there regularly after starting my own threead there which they sent to the recycling bin. I make my broker money and he treats me fairly as a rule. It is my own fault for not realizing that 5K in CC per month means just that. Sadly I was subject to the same limitation elsewhere but IT WASN’T ENFORCED THERE.

[B]“You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself.”[/B]
Galileo Galilei

She’s doing a token dip to allow you to hop aboard. Refuse her now and … well you know what they say about “hell hath no fury…”

I already did. I got one open order now.

I must be crazy having long orders and wishing she would go down enough for me to grab a few more.

Who thinks like that. I guess us on this thread.:smiley:

Better be careful what I ask for. I just might get it. Remember last month. That was hell on some of these guys around here. She even bounced all the way back. First she just had to margin call as many accounts as she could, then went on her way.

See you at 430AN EDT for PPI Input m/m
Same story as usual here, it will likely be down and less than expected and bad for GBP and GJ but expect a 100% retrace back up to preNEWS highs.

207.68 is just about dead on where where the top speed line crosses on the fib fan from 200.00 (May 09) to 209.25 (May 30) - there to 207.83 (repeated Chikou Span resistance) is the most formidable region between here and a retest @ 209. The 50% fib fan from 192.53 (March 16) to 208.94 (May 02) falls at 207.19, around which price is teetering right now.

The real challenge here remains the 209 region. We’re in the relatively low volume, erratic period of the Tokyo session typical of this time on Sunday nights; but the Frankfurt effect ought to rouse the pair. :slight_smile:

I was reviewing some of those posts (May 8-May 9, in particular) earlier this evening, in fact. It’s kind of disconcerting how that seems a distant memory on this thread, even though at least two people prominent to this thread had margin calls. If you ever need a reminder to exercise prudence and sound money management while trading, look no further than those posts. No matter how unconventional or contrarian anyone thinks this method is, be careful not to presume that provides justification for trading without due caution. TMTH, as Elijah puts it, can kill you, especially if you don’t know where “too high” is until you’re hundreds of pips below it. That’s what makes money management here such a slippery, makeshift proposition.

Well, let’s hope there’s enough good thought, intention and willing going on to move this little fishie back to 252 and beyond (sounds more than a little starry-eyed). I’m not doing any of the psychic heavy lifting, but I’d be glad to throw some longs on the fire. :wink:

Wow, I was in Santa Barbara at 4 pm Pacific, and put in two longs after the gap open. I come home 5 hours later and have 220 pips waiting for me.

Keep it coming!

Good post Elijah about everything coming to you as it is supposed to come to you. All is good, it is as it is. When I lost my account, sure it hurt, but I knew it was for the best, there was something about that experience that was worth its weight in gold.

“Where you stumble, there lies your treasure”…Joseph Campbell

I may be one of those people that you see lost his whole account (real money) trading this system…but it is important to know that I was not trading it wholly correctly. I had way too many large lot trades in. I was trading 100:1 instead of 400:1 and I didn’t really understand what I was doing. In other words, I was an idiot. :smiley: But a happy idiot! (not when I blew it, but when I was making lots of pips!!)

Seriously, I am not thrilled I lost so much money but believe me, my lesson was branded on my psyche with a red hot iron. I am not sure I would have done any differently if I had traded this on a demo account for months, I needed to learn that lesson the hard way, and it has made me a better trader ready to do what I originally set out to do. I trusted that my intention ruled my actions, and if my intention brought about the margin call then that was part of the process necessary for the intention to become manifest. As I know it eventually will.

Anyway…don’t be discouraged because of my “failure” if you see it that way. I was not really trading this system correctly at the time.

just waiting for the news at 430am EDT.

But I may have been a few minutes “behind” on my prediction.

and everyone had a chance to get a boatload of pips. I only have my loss leader left.

As for today I think 209 will be tested for certain. But I think a retrace down may be in order today before we break through 209.00

We believes, we believes!!

$74k up in demo account in 11 trading days

Real money acct up 5% in 3 trading days.

What’s not to believe?? :smiley:

PS … my real money acct would be up at least double the 5% except I was trading it ultra-conservatively to start.

We are obviously going to test 209.00 here. NY may bring some 210’s!
But let me look at the feasability today of getting over 209.00.

We will get over 209 for certain…It is just a matter of when, so we want to get in long at a low price before breaking through 209.00

We are obviously going to test 209.00 here. NY may bring some 210’s!
But let me look at the feasability today of getting over 209.00.

We will get over 209 for certain…It is just a matter of when, so we want to get in long at a low price before breaking through 209.00

I still have to wrap my head around this one … if you are trading at 400:1 you make money faster, but can also lose it faster? How does it help this system to be elevating your risk factor?

Don’t ask me, I am a leverage moron. I have not a clear idea how this helps. Elijah knows this stuff backwards and forwards, hopefully he will explain. I just know I was trading too many lots to be “safe.”

I am flat as well…amazing. Have a long in at 209.20 just in case in breaks through.

It was a nice move up - bagged 257 pips here and another 60 on U/J. I’m going to vacate the thread, though I will lurk from time to time to see how things are faring; but good luck to everyone trading the Guppy long. See you around other parts of the forum. :slight_smile:

Wow! woke up this morning and looked at the ole charts first thing. I had been down with TMTH for a while just kind of waiting till they cleared out before I threw any more orders in. I woke up this morning and I’m flat after getting all the way down to 40% margin! I’m beginning to see what RRRAM is talking about when he makes his suggestions. So today, i’m going to watch it and wait for a retracement before I jump in with orders. This is the third time to test 209 since April 14. We’ll see how she jumps today. It seems a lot like hopscotch… no matter how many jumps back she makes, she’s still going to end up further down the sidewalk. :slight_smile: