GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

No sign of slowing … 213 here we come??

You do NOT have more risk my using MORE of someone elses money.

YOU DO have more risk if you ignorantly use excessive amounts of your margin.

The leverage has nothing to do with risk. It just increases the size and/or number of lots you canget fopr the money.

There is nothing for you to wrap around except a truthful understanding that leverage does not in crease your risk.

If I buy Real estate and pay 100% cash or pay 1% cash and borrow the money from a bank, it has nothing to do with my risk. I have the same risk on my investment, no matter what the mortgage is.

213.00 is a little premature here.

You might want to sell that long :slight_smile: for 50 pips now!

Sooo … if use 400:1 leverage, it requires $250 for every full lot I buy or $25 for every mini lot. Therefore … if I have $5k in the account and buy 10 mini lots, I am using $250 or 5% of my available margin.
At 100:1 leverage, I need $100 for every mini lot, so if I buy 10 mini lots, I am using $1000 or 20% of my available margin… is that how you compute it?

It sounds like it would be [I]safer[/I] to use more leverage … you are putting more of the risk onto the broker :confused: I always heard that using the high leverage offered in forex is a quick way to wipe out your account … so I thought high leverage was riskier…

Could you give some examples? This is all second nature to you … but not that easy for a lot of us who are still pretty new at this.

Why 211? 213 is previous resistance.

It has to succeed at 211 first before I will look too far forward.
I really don’t completely just pick seemingly random numbers.

so a 10K lot is 49.40 a 100K lot is 494.00 at current price, this changes slightly as price changes. For example sake we will round up to the 5’s
so its 500 50 and 5 standard mini micro 100K 10K 1K.

Exactly! but as price moves down you have to add in ytour “unrealized loss”

heard? :slight_smile: from who? they lied. I compute like this. The less of my money I am using and the more of your money I am useing, the safer it IS for me.
and BETTER because I have to put up LESS money to trade GJ,
SO I CAN TRADE MORE,. A quick way to wipe out your account is to abuse the PERCENTAGE of your TOTAL available margin you are using. This really has directly noTHING to do with how much of your brokers money you are borrowing. high leverage is NOT riskier as you ARE using LESS of your money.
Using leverage can increase the depth of the hole you can bury yourself in,
if you use no stop losses and underestimate her downward fury and let her go shopping with your credit cards. It increases how far you can RUN down,
yes more leverage will enable you to LOSE more but it will not CAUSE you to lose more. The ninja turtlues will take care of that {{{TMTH}}}.
And other critical errors I have cleafrly identified.

What do you need an example of. I think you understand it.
What is it like is HAVING a higher credxt limit on your credit card.
Having a higher credit limit will not CAUSE you to go BK. But it sure could make it easier and faster, if the bank all of a sudden started you out with 1 MIL USD credit limit and you were new. You go out partying with HER,
ALL NIGHT, and get drunk (and stupid) & you let her hold the credit card (LOL), needless to say in the morning you you are screwed in more ways than one.

She drops you off in the front yard, your wife sees her. She leaves your credit card in your wallet with you, however she has already maxxed it out in one night and you now have the bill. When the minimum payment comes due, you are shocked that it is 30K and cannot pay. Margin call…sold out…
cashed out…losses realized…liqidated…done.

So it was NOT the high credit limit that caused you to go out with that girl.
It was her legs…I mean her eyes. Nor did it make you drunk or force you to give your card to her. See?

I should be getting into time predictions here. I hate to be wrong ya know.
I have missed much of this last leg up. As my last order sold under 209 and now we hit 210 looks like. I have things to do today and have to get out of here and don’t feel like traveling with the laptop.

Driving and trading GJ at the SAME time in VA is highly Illegal.

Perfectly, now that you have explained it so … picturesqly :smiley: :smiley:

Well good morning, good morning, good morning all.:slight_smile:

Those two trades I let ride overnight… well woke up to almost a combined 600 pips.:slight_smile:

I am so glad she made that final little dip last night. If she didn’t, I wouldn’t have let myself buy those two orders.

Hey guys,
I won’t give too many examples on such a boring but important subject. But you need to understand leverage and margin. So before you place one more trade, go find out about it forwards and backwards.

rrram2 is saying to use a high account leverage not true (real) leverage.

So you want a broker who gives you an account leverage that is high, highest possible. This will require less margin per order.(other peoples money)

But your individual orders will be a true (real) leverage of very small or whatever you can stomach. I can’t stomach too high of real leverage for this strategy. Yeah I caught a nice move last night, but what if it was the other way. Well with my true leverage being low, I could have easily bought up more. If my true leverage was high, I could have been margin called. See how that works.

uh oh … I’m confused again. Unless … by true leverage do you mean the quantity of positions you put on? So if you had a lot of positions on, like say 10 and they all went down 300 pips … you could have been margin called, but if you only had 2-3 positions on you would have been safe ??

Yes, not only quanity, but size too.

Account leverage = what your broker gives you. You want this high so each position requires less margin.

True leverage = how you trade

$10,000.00 account buys one mini lot = 1:1 true leverage

$10,000.00 account buys one standard lot = 10:1 true leverage

Now if you buy lots at 1:1 true for each order. Each time you pick one up you just increased your true leverage by one. If you owned one at 1:1 true and picked up one more, you are now at 2:1 true. Pick up another and 3:1 true.

Hey all,
Over all long term trend is down on G/J, are you guys looking to go long?
is this just a temporary correction up before it goes down.

I trade G/J a little bit, but not much, different than this strategy. I don’t care where she is at as long as she is below her 50 and 200 ema (15m) when I start to buy.

Now I may try to get in a little early and bend the rules slightly because that is more of a guideline than a set in stone rule.

As of right now, she is way above both her 50 and 200 so I am out until she move back below again.

Now the theme of this strategy is not speculating the g/j movement but buying down at any level and collecting the swap until she comes back home.

I throw in a little speculation because that is how I feel comfortable trading this strategy. I just don’t want to throw too many folks off the root reason of this strategy with a bunch of long or short calls.

If I ever feel like making calls on g/j, with respect to rrram2 I will do it on the guppy thread on newbie island.

Driving and trading GJ at the SAME time in VA is highly Illegal.

What’s the fine?:smiley:

Do they actually have a check box on the citation for that, or is it listed under other?:smiley:

I am getting long at 209.59! Pretty high eh? One loss leader and we will see from here. Tp is at 209.80

Soon they will add a fuel surcharge to the tickets!

is she pausing for breathe or gonna correct a little bit before plunging ahead?