GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

The question was a rhetorical joke. I didn’t really need an answer. Thanks anyway.

I bailed out with a pip. I got cabin fever or something. I need to get out of here!

That 240min chart looks very toppy
and very overbought already and now would be the time to get short or I will be siutting out here at least until we get into the 207’s for now

Yeah… Take the day off. You deserve it. Go enjoy that beautiful Virginia country side.

Ok… I went backed and calculated the actual combined pip count on those two orders and it is 526.

So my [B][U][I]“almost”[/I][/U][/B] in the above quote is a little off.

She really may NEED to come down 200 pips and get me, but I don’t think she will. She may never come down. When we missed 211 by 2pm we were just hanging since. NOW 90 minutes later she is still holding on.
Suddenly the previous resistance at 209.30ish is now support.
I do not think this level can hold without some retrace down. I for one do not scalp up. It just doesn’t seem right, as if my ways do. I have not made a killing because I have been conservative (if this means very wisely managing my margin by using a SMALL percentage of it.

I cannot watch her do all this shopping or she will make me buy her something overpriced! She already has 50K USD paintings hanging on her walls she wont sell, cars she doesn’t drive, and more jewels than she can carry at one time without wheels.

You’re talking about Guppy, right? …not Giinger :D:D

It kind of sucks being sidelined after that awesome run. I can’t find a trade on any of my pairs. Oh well, time to go drink some beer on the back porch.:mad:

I took a quick 10 pip no brainer short scalp on g/j.:eek:

I hope I am still allowed to come around here after that.:smiley:


aaand we’re up to 210.42!!! hope you guys didn’t miss at least some of that jump!

That’s just Bernanke having some Asian session fun.

He got tired of seeing the sideways stuff so he figured he would go give a speech.

He’s done now. It’s time for him to go watch Wheel of Fortune. He never misses the show. Gotta love that Vanna.

so is vanna a milf or is she up to gilf status?

MACD, RSI, Stochs, and Price Action still show Vanna not oversold yet but in a downtrend. So still milf headed towards gilf. We better be careful, many females following these days.

We got a little boost, but not much from that.
We are near the bottom I think here. I have a few in this range.
I started another loss leader at 209.31. Looking for a maximum dip into 208.50’s. I am looking to get more longs as we sink into 208.50.

Overnight we fell short of 211.00 211 is in the cards possibly for today or tomorrow.

No! I dont use Tarot cards to predict GJ!

Coffee is almost done! :slight_smile: mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

After a brief chat with 4xStar, I decided to continue posting here. I love discussing GBP/JPY with others, and this thread seems to be the best place to do it on the forum. So with that, I’ll leave analysis of this method to others (who are using it, after all), and stick with the pair itself. :wink:

Posted a couple updated charts with brief analysis after tonights retrace at my blog. I can’t get the images to come over in the appropriate dimensions without HTML enabled (the formatting wordpress generates by default is 1280x800), so you can have a look at them there if you like. Does anyone know how to specific dimensions with bbcode? I haven’t looked much beyond basic [IMG] tagging to see how this can be tweaked.

Hi Andrew,
Thanks for hanging around. This thread could use your analysis and off topic humor.

Well I have a confession, I shorted her again after the Bernanke spike last night. Let her run and bagged around 100 pips.

Now before you guys start flaming me. My "multi billion dollar sell orders :smiley: " were helping in pushing her down into a discount.

Multi-billion sell orders can’t do it alone. It took YOUR order to make it happen!! :slight_smile: Thanks. Is your avatar a pic of you or one of your kids?

Yes, That is my son.

I call him Halfpip.:slight_smile:

Let me guess, your other child is the other half-pip and your wife is the full pip = 2 pips.

Dang, and all along I thought that was YOUR picture … I thought you were a prodigy :smiley:

Back when mytwopips was just a halfpip, they didn’t have quality digital photos like that.