GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies


I have a clear board and no trades. I am done shorting now. I will wait for her to make up her mind if she wants to get cheap. She seems pretty neutral to me right now.

I cashed all my shorts in at profit but one. The one I let go at a loss is because price is at an undecided level right now to me.

I am slightly up for the day. I guess better than a loss.

Trading her long using Elija’s method is so much more fun than what I have been doing. I don’t know why. Maybe knowing if you buy low enough you could potentially receive positive swap for life is always in the back of your head.

I think also cheering her along on those wild runs up and cashing in the big bucks with all of us here going nuts adds to all the fun.

DOW looks cheap!

I wish guppy would follow so I can start picking up my longs.:mad:

Is that where everybody went. Losing their butts on the stock market and licking there wounds.

Yarcofin ( I don’t know if he does this thread, but haven’t seen him lately)

Everybody else seems here but quiet.

I think it’s like one of those sleepover parties you have when you’re a kid… everybody gets all sugared up and goes wild for a while then everybody crashes to sleep all of a sudden. WE NEED MORE SUGAR!!!

I think they’ll be a drop tonight/tomorrow. The daily chart is sure looking perfect for one…

I have been busy scalping in range, It has been a good month I am at 1620 pips or so for the month.

I now hold my highest loss leader for triple interest at 210.29!
I keep getting them lower and selling I am starting to like this range.
I don’t know about that coming down thing. I haven’t seen it go below 209 in a while it seems like.

Yeah… I see that. We are in an upward movement, so it wont take much of a retrace before my buying begins.

I hope she gets hammered for some reason or the other on the London session.

A very nice over correction would make my day.

You cannot go short GJ, you are making her go up prematurely before I can get enough cheaper longs.

Every time you go short, it goes up! I am ok with up, but first I need some down. So let her go down so we can load up. I have orders down into 204.
If we got that low we would rocket back up to 211 so fast it will make you heart pound.

You cAN play against me Todd but my ratio this month is 99.6% sucessful
trade ratio on 160 RT trades. SO it is very very likely that if you go short
against me you will lose 99.6% of the time.

So you may want to do shorts without SL’s ( I dont recommend this as 251 is not far off). of you can hold those shorts and pay interest and hope eventually it comes down. And it may. The trick will be getting out at the bottom and not losing money before she rockets back up.

She has impressed even me at these levels with her supreme bounency,
I have bought at seemingly high level consistantly and sold them for a profit
all week.

I have a friend in from out of town and have been training him on some work I have set up for him. SO I have been trading but not spending any time really on the Computer. I just set it and forget it.
And of course I make more money that way versus sitting here selling myself short.

You must focus on one thing I think. You cannot focs on down and up at the same time. I was never able to do it. You go down with her and she may hurt you, she knows you too well and knows how to take advantage of you and squueze the trigger on your emotions.

Is there any way I can lose money faster? LEt me try some stuff and see!!!

I have been reading all the posts and there is some need for alarm.
It was hard to recall everything I wished to dispute.

Forget going short it IS too risky BUT each has to make his own way,
each has to trade what works best for them. at 99.6% profit ratio on 160 trades for a 1620 pip profit is pretty good.

Yes this account started $40 previous balance from my blow out in this account on 3/17,with $300 then I added another $300 and another $260.
So total was $900. I did put $260 in this month but withdrew $300
so now I have $600 of my money in the account and my balance is
$1165, so I have almost doubled my account in 6 weeks. I was going to take out the $600 after another week or two of profits so I have ALL profit in my account.

I see many mental battles going on here in the minds of all those posting.
Understand this: “the battlefield is in the mind” You will win or lose with GJ
in YOUR mind FIRST then it will manifest at your broker.

The drawback to the shorts is the wicked interest charges. If I got a 1K lot
and used $4.94 to secure it and maintained a margin sufficient to assure I dont get sold out on that one order. If I recall right, after 40 years of holding GBP I will have almost 15K USD WITHOUT compounding my interest.
I earn 30% interest a month on GJ LONGS.

DOn’t you all see what is happening to most if not all of you?
You are losing to GJ in your mind, Not everyone can trade like me.
Nor are most people able to immediately change thier mind like I do.
But it is a matter of fact: YOU CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS AND
YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE. This is assured 100% of the time as that is how life works. WE ARE WHAT WE THINK! You really do need to control your thoughts. You really do need to interupt your mind when it is NOT doing as you guide it and change its thoughts by redirecting your thoughts to something else.

I am very serious when I tell you and I mean it.
Do not think about what you do not want. This is so basic for me these days.
I learned that you get whatever you think about. This is how we receive things. I am an expert at receiving.

I guess what I need to make clear is the truth about trading.
20% or less of your success is based on your skills (trading, charting, guessing or otherwise). 80% or more of your success is based on "WHY"
you are trading. To make money maybe you say duh, but analyze it. That is NOT why. It is not “the money” it is the pips! NO its the things that the pips (money) buys, or who you will help with the pips.
So understand me when I say It is the thoughts and intents of your heart that will determine your success in trading.

It is not that I am so skilled! isn’t anyone getting this? I am not an expert trader. But you know what? I will bet you that I am in the top 1% of the top 1% of traders in the world based on my RATIO of 99.6%.

Not too brag but does anyone know someone who came close to me this month so far? Or last month @ 99.5%? It is the thoughts and intents of my heart that assures me a profit. It is my unshakable confidence,
my ability to eliminate and not even allow doubt to enter my mind.
to reject uselss thoughts immediately on impact with my brain.

I have said before and I tell you again it is important to monitor your thoughts and inspect what you expect.

I am not saying it is easy was easy or could possibly be easy. It is not. It takes work. It requires clearly defined goals, burning desires, enthusiasm,
committment, dedication and confidence.

I hate to disagree with you all. But I see the trend reversing to the upside before the week is over I expect to break above 211. Regardlesss of what anyone says or does that it what I expect. Normally I get what I expect more times than not. Yes it looks a little toppy on the daily and we have pretty much a 3 day trend down 6/10 6/11 and tomorrow 6/12 is down so far (after 5pm). I do not expect the downtrend to continue. Everyone is a littel scatter brained as they couldn’t imagine GJ would ever get back to here NOW.
But here we are NOW Falling from 210.00. And really I can hold my 2 210’s for 40 years if I need too. I am committed to NOT accepting any losses.
I assure myself of no losses in my mind as I do not consider them, I do not think about them, I do not allow them. I do not experience them except in the rare case where I have foolishly mismanaged my margin.

I hope everyone understands margin and leverage at this point.
the most important thing here is margin percentage used, and generosity.
I am telling you if your desire is greedy, it will cost you. This is not open for debate as there is no question that this is the way of the world.
I am not going to say there are not greedy rich people n the world.
But I will bet you they changed. I bet they used to be generous and kind and considerate when they had no money and were climbing to the top. Then after they got to the top, I bet they changed! for the worse.
Money does not solve problems. Money can solve some problems, but often it ends up creating all sorts of other problems.

Why do I do service calls? People need to get thier stuff fixed :slight_smile:
otherwise they get mean and upset and treat others like crap.
And deep down I think what excites me is the $1 a minute, I charge.
I thought at a rate like that I could drive some business away.
But instead business has exploded. I enjoy driving! :slight_smile:
I went to northern Virginia today, drove about 200 miles or so.
Driving is what really drives me I guess. I love to drive.

There is just something about charging $1 a minute that makes me giddy.
I can sit here and make 2000 pips a week which can convert to way more than $1 a minute.

You must not focus on the small stuff. .10 cents 50 cents. I take anywhere between 10 cents and $5 for each RT trade. No it is not alot. But so far I have 160 RT trades for the month and lost only on one trade for .19 cents
2 pips. I know, I know! How could I do that concede and give them 2 pips?
It wouldnt be fair if I always had 100%. They would start saying I was cheating or hacking them or something.

But by now everyone here should know that I am genuine.
and my intentions are good, and you don’t have to trade like me.
but you MUST learn from me. I am teaching you how to improve your life situation, the clues are subtle but this IS the “holy grail”.

BUY on the way up? Like dreamliner? Buy every 10 pips as price moves up?
I tell you that would have worked excellent during that last mad run up.
I sold my last loss leader in that run in the low 209’s. Heck I should have held it and sold it at 210.60.

Now I have 2 longs in the low 210’s & 1 in 209.79. She may retrace some down. But there is once again what I refer to as huge upward pressure.
So it is wishful thinking I think here to count on it retracing to 208.50.
If we got that low I would be loading up @ that price for the ride up into 211’s.

It is about the pips. Play for pips. Play with your “why” in mind. Forget the money real or otherwise that go along with the pips. pips are pips.
Play for pips, that’s it forget the negative mental stigma that is attached to that demo vs real account struggle. You should be trading your demo account initially to learn the platform, but ideally you should be trying to trade in the exact way that you would IF your account was real money.
You have to treat the pretend money LIKE real money. It is almost pointless to be making millions in your demo account and hundreds or thousands or nothing or losing in your real account. It is a pschological flaw to allow your mind to tell you that there is a difference between a live and demo account.
It trades the same way, the market moves the same, nothing is changed because you are or are not using a live or demo account. The market does not behave one way because you are doing demo. And then another way because you are trading live. The only place where something has changed is in your mind.

An important man once said:
“there is the same light of the creator in the penny as there is in the billion dollars”

I am not going to say that this is going to happen this week.
But there is still a serious correction UP coming in UJ, which means GJ will do the same, pretty much. Got 3 longs now, buying more at 209.59 209.09 208.99 and on down spaced on average 25 pips down and as far as 50 between orders.

[B]“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”[/B]
Henry David Thoreau

Can you elaborate on why you think this and how serious you think “serious” will be?

btw, I’m here. I lurk during the day while I work (at a brokerage firm, in fact), but if you’ve paid attention to domestic (US) equity markets, you know things have been a bit tumultuous over recent sessions, so no posting going on. Ironically enough, as should be evident here I’m far more interested in the Forex market, though. :slight_smile:

CompassFX agrees with Elijah and anticipates 213 is near! Time to enter some more BUYs!:cool:

I work in several fields. One of which is the mortgage business as a broker.
I carefully monitor rates when they are moving especially as I get involved in locking rates in for specific terms and making a bad choice could cost me money. Since the fed did their last rate cut, immediately after that
all lenders I deal with bottomed out their rates. Since then Mortgage rates have continued to steadily climb while fed fund rates have not changed.
Futures traders have odds at 88% on a rate hike in october, after hearing the revised gdp numbers from 5/29. It is very unlikely that there will be any more rate cuts. It is possible that rates could get cut another .25% but thats really it. They have nothing left. They have sold us out down the river to the foreigners. We have no gold. So the banks here cannot lease gold for 1% and then sell it on the futures market and then take the proceeds and buy tbills and make squat. So they are not going to be cutting rates. They are like gas stations. You think they are going to lower the price now? Even if gas goes down 10 cents a gallon, you think the foreigner at the gas station is going to pass the savings on to the end user?

Bernake & Paulson will do whatever they need to to preserve the value of the dollar. We have a new president coming, it is a dollar positive time. The new president gets to set pretty much his own monetary policy agenda whatever that may be. And he is going to be NEW, And if he is a democrat, it is going to be dollar positive. There is no way mccain stands a chance against Obama. I favour Ron Paul myself.

There is alot of hedgeing going on among top money managers perhaps related to the turbulance and uncertainty in the market.
But we are on the rebound for certain. New President will be in with a NEW clean Slate. He will have much money to spend and many problems to recify after that bushbombgroup tore thru there.

The dollar has fell so far. It cannot keep falling. The Amero is coming and when we convert to it they are going to what to have the dollar UP
so that the amero gets a good staring value related to other majors.
The united states remains the most powerful force in the financial world as a result of that 17% share in the IMF. Currently in order to change something you need a 85% vote which means that if the whole world votes one way, if the USA votes the other no one in the rest of the world can change IMF policies.

Both the weekly and monthly GJ charts are clearly in an up trend, there is some risk of downward correction but based on other factors above I just don’t see the downside. GJ and UJ pretty much are the same chart.
So USD positive is normally GJ positive.

The dollar is pretty worthless but the Yen is even more worthless, unless you are trying to borrow yen at a cheap interest rates to buy pound L:)

Inflation is no doubt here. In fact it is runnaway. I didnt expect feds to start jacking rates and fighting inflation until thanksgiving, but it could happen as early aS September. When rates increase and they will and have been on mortgages (banks) dollar demand will increase and dollar will strength even more and price will increase against the yen and GJ will follow.

Serious is 110.00, 115.00 after rates start getting jacked. 120.00 going into thanksgiving and if it is a good xmas shopping season for shopping. All this depends on when they start jacking rates and by how much.

I have discussed rates at length with my uncle.
Dollar direction from dad is still selling dollars for gold. But Dad doesn’t always get out in time. HE bought bear when it was 30.
Now is the time to take profits on those dollar shorts (effectively GJ shorts)
and get off that dollar bear train as we are heading back up.

194’s for gu! pushing 108 for uj?
Bernanke is talking at 1130 that should move the dollar even more positive and send GJ up up up.

Its been a while since we saw GU down in the 194’s I think. 189 cannot be far off. But if UJ is up into 110’s and higher gu wont matter so much as GJ will sail up up up as it is more controlled by its strengeth or weakness against the yen, the same as the dollar.

I sold all my longs now except my loss leader at 210.29

looks like that was the bottom. I got one at 209.66 209.79, and sold those already. But sure am looking for some more besides that loss leader.

With all this toppy strange moves since we blew through 209 and completed the last cycle had me worried for a bit as she was floating and rising almost too good.

But I think I am feeling 100% confident that she will continue up.
once we get through 211 213 will be right behind it. But we have to break 211 and hold it for a ST before we explode for another leg up.

BTW I got my first loan from the loan club :slight_smile: Their money is now in my
STP account.

Loan club? There’s a club?

What’s the loan club?

If the dollar dropped a pip every time two analysts agreed it would appreciate instead…well, you know the rest.

I would agree - largely, but not entirely - with what you’ve written. Just some thoughts on improving the thread for the benefit of others:

You should provide this level of rationale more often on this thread - saying “She’s going UP UP UP” is all well and good, but there are those who are watching closely and may rely on what you say to determine the direction of their trades but haven’t cultivated the analytical depth to make intermarket connections or, for example, to infer forecasts about the Guppy from US fed funds futures. But, think about cutting out talk about the Amero and other mostly conjectural topics: those ideas may have validity, but an analysis of a pair on which to base trade decisions should stand on what is evident and concrete, not what is - effectively, at this point - little more than a tall tale. Being bullish is one thing - but solid fundamental reasons for why are where you can add value and educate. That provides a picture of the forest; and then you could provide charts along with your discussion of news releases to zoom into the trees.

Again, just some ideas. :slight_smile: