GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

“certainly clear rates will have to rise"
This man is a genius. And when that other genius speaks at 1130
listen closely for clues in case he isn’t as blunt as

I can assure of of one thing, IF rates rise, Dollar demand will increase,
Dollar will strenghten against *, and GJ will go up as USD interest rates rise.
Rising rates and higher interest rates is what increases dollar demand worldwide without a doubt. Demand increases price increases unless supply increases. They are literally printing greenbacks 24/7, so they will have a huge supply, a mountain of dollars, so when rates rise things will really take off.

Just kidding! But I cannot focus on that here. Here I need to focus on GJ.
GJ provides more money to me than any loan. At least until I get some seriously HUGE credit limit increases.

If you are interested in anything outside of GJ, you need to contact me outside of here.

Andrew was know to have said: "I would agree - largely, but not entirely - with what you’ve written. Just some thoughts on improving the thread for the benefit of others:

You should provide this level of rationale more often on this thread - saying “She’s going UP UP UP” is all well and good, but there are those who are watching closely and may rely on what you say to determine the direction of their trades but haven’t cultivated the analytical depth to make intermarket connections or, for example, to infer forecasts about the Guppy from US fed funds futures. But, think about cutting out talk about the Amero and other mostly conjectural topics: those ideas may have validity, but an analysis of a pair on which to base trade decisions should stand on what is evident and concrete, not what is - effectively, at this point - little more than a tall tale. Being bullish is one thing - but solid fundamental reasons for why are where you can add value and educate. That provides a picture of the forest; and then you could provide charts along with your discussion of news releases to zoom into the trees. "

This is not a paid service and I do not always have time to dedicate enough time to make this thread all it can be.

Contrary to popular opinion, the Amero will affect several folks in a negative way, and ANY and ALL notions of my communicating caution are in order as they directly relate to the GJ trading system I USE on a DAILY basis in MY live account, which I have dedicated this thread to.

No one should be so ignorant as to blindly follow me without some sort of mental processes of their own. I have explained several times that I am not here to provide signals nor am I really here to cheerlead, but frankly
GJ gets me emotional at times and I get excited as I truly enjoy trading,
EVEN if there were no real money at stake. I started trading as a means of making extra money and it turned out that I enjoyed trading even if the money involved was not real money. But even so the “real” money we are all using is NOT OUR money. It is NOT money at all it is merely accepted as money as ou choices are limited.

What is concrete and evident to me may be invisible to you and or others.
You may think of the physical realm as being concrete and evident.
The only thing concrete and evident here is cause and effect.

If ignorance blocks people from connecting the causes in their lives to the effects they receive, that will not change the cause and effect relationship.

A tall tale, that is very funny and I appreciate that. Nothing I say is a tall tale. I say what I believe to be true. I am not perfect. I have been worng a few times and be wrong again, but that is not my thought or intent.
Nor will I knowingly be wrong or say something that I know is NOT true.
I speak the truth. I have no hidden agenda. I am not selling anything here.
I am not trying to convince anyone of anything.

I am unable to save images from Esignals advanced get charts. Accucharts
is my second choice in charting and is only running if esginal is not. SOmetimes both are running. But since I am connected to the internet on a wireless sprint card which is fast, I do not have the time or bandwidth to engage in uploading charts and providing detailed analysis.

I do need to work. Most of what I do on a daily basis may be work,
but my priorities must be in order of income produced for time or effort or expense invested. I have no employer. I employ very few people as I prefer to assure things are done how I desire so I do it myself. I am learning to
delegate authority and processes to others.

This thread is a free service and thus my time is limited and I have poured all sorts of time into this. This is not the only free service I provide. I have a whole line of free services. I am obviously not advertising these as I alone determine need and do not have the ability to provide free services to the world.

I value and again appreciate your presence here. And I am very glad you came back. Your input is a valuable asset to all of us. I know it is for me.

Where you diverge or disagree with me is what I am personally interested in,
just so that I can perhpas reassess things a bit if I have errored or missed something.

I am a very busy person, and don’t spend a lot of time vacationing or lounging. I may take 3 vacations a year for no more than 2 weeks a crack maximum. MAybe alot for most, but considering I “work” 6 days a week sometimes 12 hours a day dwarfs the vacations.

If I was charging $1 a minute for my time that I have shared here, I would have a pile by now. So I need a balance between $1/MIN time and HERE/FREE time. I need $ to pay bills like electric and so on.
huge mortgage drawdowns scare me way more than any GJ. The sag in the RE market has bottomoed out price wise here and is headed back up.
Chesterfield County taxes are up almost 20% THIS YEAR!

Again I sincerely appreciate your choice to rejoin us, and welcome your analysis and charts. And encourage you to participATE at whatever level you feel comfortable. You will not step on my toes at all. This thread is not about me. It is about others, you and you and you. I am just honesty
sharing mself and putting myself on the chopping block as an example so others can learn from my mistakes and more importantly my success.

My Borther tried to tell me some BS about trading yesterday. He trades no more, and I did not agree with his BS view he got from some book I never read. He doesn’t have the widest opened mind. Anyways if you believe lies you will not yield positive results. With that I have to run.

Anyone please contact me if you need me. I am going to spend the day with the 3 boys today, so I will be away from the computer.

I agree, I love it when ram finds time to make those analyses, I learn a lot from them.

But, think about cutting out talk about the Amero and other mostly conjectural topics: those ideas may have validity, but an analysis of a pair on which to base trade decisions should stand on what is evident and concrete, not what is - effectively, at this point - little more than a tall tale.

Um … Andrew, I think it is way more than a tall tale … (North American monetary union - Wikipedia) but now that I know your workdays are spend at a brokerage firm … I can more easily understand where you are coming from. :wink:
I’m glad you found forex, this is the future of trading IMHO.

That is the most valuable ‘investment’ you can ever make … and the time while they are young goes so blindingly fast… Congrats on being a great Dad as well as a great Guppy-educator :slight_smile:

I also learn TONS when RRRAM does one of his commentaries. I also like it when he goes UP UP UP though. :slight_smile: We appreciate all you do RRRAM! Have a great day with the kiddos!

Yeah, I do too but somehow it is hard to imagine him in a mini skirt with pom poms…

Thank you 4xstar…you just set me back about 3 yrs in therapy…

I understand just how precious time is, and I have to make a conscious effort not to evaluate some of what I do in terms of time-value cost (such as the cost of sitting in traffic, aside from gasoline!). I’m not suggesting a deficiency on your part, Elijah - there’s no minimum expectation to be maintained by someone on a thread that is simply documenting a method and their thoughts on implementing it. What I was suggesting are things that would better the thread, without added time-value cost. If you can’t do it, though, then you can’t. I know about splitting time for family, work, trading, and other responsibilities/pursuits, and it is possible to blur the lines, but never quite end up two places at once.

Enjoy your day with the kids. I’m home today myself, had a pretty good night elsewhere (EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, EUR/CHF), so I’m going to step away from the screen and we’re going to go to the zoo. :smiley:

And on the Amero (which I’ve read more than my fair share about, I’d say): I acknowledge the “validity” speculation about the Amero and NAU may have - certainly there are powerful political and economic lobbies pushing in this direction, and there can be no doubt the US has dug itself into a bit of a hole (to put it crudely, simplistically, and more than a bit too lightly) - but that is only marginally relevant - if at all - to the short and medium-term analysis of G/J we develop to take trades from… That said, of course anyone is free to talk about it! :wink:

Arggg… She didn’t sell off in the London or NY.:mad:

It looks like I missed out on some good posts to share my two pips on.:smiley:

Well all of this rhetoric has just convinced me to buy a top.:eek:

Thats ok though. With the way I buy I can stand a 1000 pip fall buying every 50 pips down.

This could be a long one. Yet at the end will be many rewards.:slight_smile:

The Amero will do nothing but help Canada and Mexico and put the US into more of a crap hole.

I can’t see the US going for such a deal. On the other hand, we have built a pretty consistent mission of selling ourselves off like a $2 hooker. So it might be a good idea. You gotta stay consistent if you can’t stay anything else.

Sorry guys. I couldn’t do it. I had to sell that long. I can’t buy at this level. I have no doubt she is going to 213 or higher, but it looks like 210 is going to reject her first. After the rejection of about 200 pips or more, I can see her skyrocketing to 213.

The dollar is going to strenghten (referring to u/j), but nothing goes straight up. It is due for a correction.

Is USD/JPY topping out at 108.13 today, off of resistance from February? And if so, how will the Guppy likewise top here? I’ve got a short on in the mid-210s on the Guppy and caught one @ the day’s high for U/J, but have some orders ready if things turn sour on these…

Yeah I was shorting too and doing well.

Then Elijah wrote a book on me.:smiley:
All very good positive stuff though, that I enjoyed very much.:slight_smile:

I am sidelined right now. I don’t want to short dollar any more (or anything correlated to it). I am waiting for some sell offs to grab some bargains. I am amazed at these levels and what the DOW has done, that currencies just sat there for all of the London and NY sessions.

I for one would love a 200 pip run down. My orders are set and I am gone.
But I doubt we are going to get past 209.50/60 for a while.

You may very well be right. I am not being picky. I just want one nice dip and I am in.

[B]“Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.”[/B]
Bruce Lee

HEre you go down grab some at the bottom :slight_smile:


have read my part which i should read before, i’m online with this method in demo since 46 hours now, i’m up 3.7% equity with a max. seen drawdown between 1-2.5% and used margin around 1-max. i have seen so far 1.83%

i hope i’m doing it not wrong, i do it this way, after one of my trades goes TP i place the same order in again to participate from the whipsaws. i don’t know how many RT’s i have so far, but it impressing me a bit… :smiley:

at the moment my lossleader is placed at 210.80…

in all i like this very much, trades are earning at TP 21 pips which equals $ 5.67 (amount: 3k)per trade sometimes i play with targets around 11 pips also fine, when i’m feeling to get a bottom i try to place all 5 pips with TP 11 pips also fine…

okay haven’t feel a real move for now, maximum positions was 22, but as i can see if u have the time for screentime u can place the same order in again and again and again and again and again… lol

did somebody tried the same thing with the AUD/JPY this lady gave more interest for the half margin of the british lady…


If she doesn’t break out of this range maybe someone (NOT ME) can short her at 210.20 and force her to break to the north@!