GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Make sure it has a big sail so you can relax and forget burning gas.

I dont think we will get to 212.50. She is turning up now.

[B]“The less effort, the faster and more powerful you will be.”[/B]

Bruce Lee

I hope no one is using too much effort trading :slight_smile:

The volatility on those candles was the FOMC announcement @ 1415 ET. Both rates were left unchanged, and the announcement reflected an uptick in concern about inflation.

The pair is channeling upward (red fib fan and red speed line on attached chart), and has now found support @ 212.70, but continue to encounter resistance in the 213.05 area - a very narrow trading band for the Guppy, as we know. Meanwhile, the pattern ambiguity I’ve spoken about a couple of times has resolved itself into an ascending triangle (bold white lines). All things considered, a break of 213.05 seems more likely, but I don’t suggest that without some misgivings. January and February saw intraday highs well into the 213s (214.04 on a day in January), but could not hold a breach above ~212.70. Positive momentum remains, but the uptrend is missing some of its former strength.

[B]“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”[/B]

Dale Carnegie

Only time will tell on the guppy, I see bigger resistance at 214.50/60 as after that we are into the 215’s, very psychological number there. The bulls will win out and price will push through 213.30’s eventually.

[B]“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it called Present.”[/B]
Origin Unknown

The last part of this quote concerns me. “Today is a gift”. Agreed. But then they throw in this thing about calling “Present”. Who is that, and why did Today, because it is a gift, call him/her? What is it about being a gift would cause Today to call Present? And did he use free long distance? What about international roaming charges? Or was Present out back hanging up clothes while Today was making chili in the kitchen when they called, or something like that? I don’t know what to think. :confused:

andrew…sounds like you need another beer. :wink:

I know you believe you understand what I posted but I am not sure you realize that what you read is not what I meant

[B]“The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.”[/B]

Maureen Dowd

I wonder if she was a forex trader and had a bad broker experience

mmm. You know rrram, if this forex thing doesn’t work out and you decide you’re tired of service calls and alpaca, you could probably get a gig as Yoda - all these aphorisms and pithy sayings would really serve you well in the capacity of Jedi Master. :wink:

That’s just it: I never had a first one. Since I’ve been married, it’s infrequent to see a bottle of Coke in the fridge, let alone beer. :rolleyes:

Then I guess you’ll just have to make sure those little green plants out on the back porch are growing well…

Closed out my demo longs, flat in demo acct at $710k, opened it at $500 k around June 1. I traded this acct strictly by rrram’s rules, only long, never short and take rolling profits, +25, +30 +50 etc along the way. I was away today or probably could have cashed in 20k more … unreal! :eek:

In real-money (micro) acct, I’m still holding 4 positions to see if she can break through the 213.30 ceiling which should leave her clear to 214+ at which point I will go flat there as well & await the next utterances from our Jedi master…

May the Force be with us all :slight_smile:

Glad to see everyone here is still bopping along and doing well. I have been out of sorts with business stuff the past couple of weeks, hope to be out of it by the beginning of July…but then I am going to Virginia to see family.

I have set up a demo account to trade just this method. It is doing very well, but I have not been paying as much attention to it as I need to. It is also on my laptop and I need to transfer it to my main computer. I am planning on opening a 10k mini live account and trade this method on that. Probably will do that some time in August. (Like, who cares? Hope I am not boring any of you…)

I have managed to make back most of the 50k I lost in my live account a few months ago. Alas, I am not trading this method to get my real money back. I needed to do “what I knew fairly well” and have averaged about 15% a week…so I am happy.

I believe this method does need its own separate account to trade…any other thoughts on this? That is one of the things that messed me up before…I was trading other stuff on the same account which of course affects the margin and is basically just too confusing.

I love this thread…and am excited to jump back in with real money!!

Since we are into quotes here, this is one of my favorites:

“…why be an average person? All the great achievements of history have been made by strong individuals who refused to consult statistics or to listen to those who could prove convincingly that what they wanted to do, and in fact ultimately did do, was completely impossible.”

~ Eric Butterworth, 20th Century Spiritual Teacher from Spiritual Economics

Why be average?

Don�t consult stats or experts.

Follow your heart.

Do what you�re here to do.

What do you do to earn 15% a week? That is a very high return!

I believe this method does need its own separate account to trade…any other thoughts on this? That is one of the things that messed me up before…I was trading other stuff on the same account which of course affects the margin and is basically just too confusing.

Absolutely agree, it needs its own account, in fact maybe it needs to be the only method traded at all in order to work the way it should. As I said a few posts back, there may be deeper magic at work here than we yet suspect :cool:

Don�t consult stats or experts.

I spent 5 years studying “stats & experts” and it got me zip. Yet now it seems a little ol’ alpaca farmer in deepest Virginia may be the one who holds the keys to success. :smiley:

As I type she is consolidating around 213.40, after a b/o to .60. She likes to take her beauty naps.

You are all so funny sometimes. Needelss to say guppy ran up and tested 213.70 she is trying to leave without me again.

That is my biggest problem when she loads up her hummer with cash and heads north, sometimes you never know when she is coming back or what she is coming back with.

Often I wonder WHEN she will be coming back and with what, not only with the truck full of stuff, but pulling a trailer (not full of hay or alpaca), BUT with a big boat on it.

I errored yesterday, you cannot carry pips in a boat no matter how big the boat is.

Anyone wanna trade some Kiwi for some pound? :slight_smile:

In case you didn’t get the How Long thing. This is a good one.

It goes like this…

How Long is a Chinamen

This above statement is best said aloud to an unsuspecting test subject.
Simplely say the words and they will go crazy for hours if you let them trying to figure out How Long is a chinamen, some people can go on for days.

But this statement is often misunderstood as a QUESTION…so it doesn’t work well in the forum.

Suzie Long is a chinamen
Suzie Long is How’s sister

Simply make this statement “How Long is a chinamen” and they will think it is a question, don’t let the cat out of the bag too early let them struggle with it some.

Well if you missed 212.50 yesterday, you can get one now at 213.50
but wait she could come down to 213.40 or maybe she will even touch 213.20 again here this morning. But one thing is certain, get ready for another leg up.
213.00/30 is clearly broken. You would do well to get some longs down there
213.00/20 if you can, but it is 610am and you may have already missed the hummer heading north. If you run you may be able to catch it while she is stopped at "4bux"
getting coffee for the ride north to Novia Scotia.

[B]“It’s choice - not chance - that determines your destiny.”[/B]

Jean Nidetch

Well crap she left without me and I ran to the 4BUX!
There may be nop catching her now until she comes home!

New highs around 213.80 hoping for a small retrace down to get another long.
@ 622AM 2 min bar, be careful she wants to fly, do not step in front of the truck…
She WILL run you over, she stops for no one!