GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

I used to make alot of pips on EUR/JPY and wow is that thing looking very toppy.
Wow there was some major moves up in this pair since the mar 17th crash.

[B]“Where your thought is, is precisely where you are - all of yourself is there.”[/B]

Baal Shem Tov

Is to reveal the dark side. What I am doing here may seem complex once you jump in the river here.

The light of the creator exists in suspended animation at every point in the universe in an undeferrentiated state (concealed, waiting to be revealed).
EVERY point IS every possible location that exists that you can imagine, weather in some form (all points inside the form {OBJECT}) or located at some point in space but AT every point simultaneously.

The dark side is also concealed but is unable to exist at every point and must
travel around if you will. I was in Frankfurt this morning at 105am about the time Todd was posting. I am not going to reveal what I did there. But look at your charts :slight_smile: it is suttle. now follow 144 MINUTES after that. As if 55 pips can be suttle (wink). No I didnt buy any, despite what I knew (did).

The dark side cannot exist anywhere where the light of the creator is “uncovered”. Even one candle light in the center in a huge auditorium dispels all darkness as it emenates outward like a riple through water.

Anyways, I figure it like this, if I put money in your pocket,
the single largest problem encountered by most folks (LACK OF MONEY)
OR (NOT uNF MONEY), you will be a captive audience.
Too bad I am not selling anything! LOL

When the french fry farm fried me, folks were on the edge of their seats!
it was if someone removed their oxygen, Maybe it was all their little believing
which was struggling with that basket full of drawdown that they could NOT see as the SEED of the move up. Through much stress and worrying most made it through.

I am going to be around for a very long time and those that seek me will find me.

My alert went off at 2:15 am, I had sold one at a tp and when she dipped I got 3 more from 213.22-42. Niener, niener, niener :D:D You snooze you looze :eek:
I am starting to play my real account like the demo and it is starting to show similar results. Yay.

[B]“Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.”[/B]

Marilyn Vos Savant

Did I mention I NEVER give up?

Teleportation, time travel… remote viewing? I am liking this guy more all the time :cool:

BTW, that was one of the best (and most profound) explanations of God-power vs dark-power I have ever heard. Did that come out of [I]your[/I] head??

Except there were some parts uncannily similar to passages from St. John’s Gospel. Beware the Messiah Complex. :eek:

By the way: Jedi Church - Jedi Religion - Online ordination

Emperor Palpatine trades the Guppy too. But, he only [I]shorts[/I] it. :frowning:

Expected 4.96M
Previous 4.89M

I don’t know if someone leeked the story or what.
I expect this number to be HIGHER than expected which will cause GJ to jump towards 214.50’s.

It could be that the number is down mostly due to slowness in the process of
of selling and closing and funding loans for new owners on forclosed properties which is what everyone is buying these days at 80 cents on the dollar or less. Also there is a tightness of mortgage funds which is thwarting many pending sales that are falling through.

In any event this event wont affect GJ for long. 30 more minutes and everyone is not going to want to be short I dont think.

John was the messenger. I would rather be thought of as the messenger.
I am not any messiah, he is coming and I am not he.

(my God is Yud Hey Vav Hey)

213.30 to hold now for the bottom

[B]“Money isn’t everything but it sure keeps you in touch with your children.”[/B]

J. Paul Getty

Is everyone confused? Sales are up higher than expected at 4.99M
we should have gotten a boost up with this. This report looks like it has had no effect on GJ. VERY ODD.

Price doesn’t like that top speed line. For the latest advance (from 211.72 on June 23) there’s been buying pressure along the Tenkan-sen (213.28 on 3H); testing support there now. If price closes below and holds on the next candle, could see pullback to test @ 212.70-80.

Here’s that test I was referring to…

Not much of a test, as it turns out. I’m short (I know, I know) from 213.81 on a contrarian play; but watchful here for a bounce off of 212.50 or so - now to see if price is bounded up top by 212.70-212.80. This type of price action response at these levels is similar to January/February (look back at those candles on 4H and 1D for reference). The trend is headed in the opposite direction this time around, however, though the daily looks like a shooting star forming.

I got a boatload of NJ now! Holy cow im at 10.94% on my $715 100% profit account. I will get lots of interest now. I will have to carefully montior it in case it falls more I still have orders in lower to buy. I would rather have been loaded up with GJ ATM as I am ok with GJ drawdown. I don’t know what
knocked the hell out of the USD but maybe another rate cut is in order and it was priced already into the market and since we didnt get it price is crashing.

I didnt copy it from a book. That is the way I understand it to be
which is the result of much research, study, meditation and reading.

  1. He who goes on a journey

No matter how high we climb spiritually, we are always beholden to our wives, for it is through their essence that we receive ALL our light. The woman is the direct manifestation of God’s presence, or [I]Shechina[/I], in our world.

“All that is yours and all that is mine is hers.” Rabbi Akiva

  1. The Zohar discloses the importance of treating one’s wife with the utmost love, honor and respect. A man must make every attempt towards elevating his wife to the highest level. Here the Zohar is not simply emphasizing the need for moral and ethical behavior between a man and a wife. Rather the Zohar is revealng supernal secrets. The woman corresponds to the Sfirot of [I]Malchut[/I]. She is the VESSEL, and is therefore responsible for manifesting Light for the entrie family. Accordingly, the male must prepare and build the vessel if he hopes to maximize the spiritual Light in the Upper Worlds, while the wife manifests the Light in our world.

In pursueing their own religous goals, some men relegate their wives to a secondary position [ignorantly]. Herein lies the difference betwwen a religous mindset and a genuinely spiritual one. Spiritually, a man can NEVER grow and develop without elevating his wife to her rightful place. From these passages, we draw the consciousness and inspiration to strive for this kind of marriage.