GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

… and I will buy to 209.50 and beyond.:slight_smile:

Im looking still at the 240MIN after noticing the weekly now looks like a very nasty doji for the bulls. I think the uptrend will hold even though we have broken trend line support.

I changed after looking at some more charts and visualizing the future :slight_smile:

I am maxxed out with those NJ’s, still trading GJ in my mind :slight_smile:
I know I Was saying how significant this mornings 2 min Doji was at the french fry farm and they laughed at me. The ones laughing are the folks in the shadows who took the trade and sold it at 212 for 100 pips.
Imagine 100 pips at $100 a pip thats 10K. I would be set for the month
and have to make less effort in other areas of life. But then what would I do?
Lay around the house all day like a dog? I cant take chances like that :).

Not yet.

I HOPE YOU SOLD THEM AT 212.00 @!@>)) :slight_smile:

Did I forget to mention this?

Instrust the troll to charge pips every time price wants to cross the bridge.
Breed your trolls and set up trolls on all the bridges. And soon price will be tired of running over your bridges and run far away. Brdiges should be strategic phsychological price points where price is liekly to cross frequently.

30,60 120,240 daily

[B]“In the short run, the market is a voting machine, but in the long run it is a weighing machine.” [/B]

Benjamin Graham

[B]“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”[/B]


GJ could go either way. I dont think it can go below 209.50.
I am not even sure if it will dip down that low.

Tuesday starts a new month. So after Mondays close all the freaks can reasses their monthly bars.

Even if it does go down into 209.50 it will be back up in a hurry. From here
I would get a loss leader if you dont already have one. And scale down to buy a second one around 212.00 then from there scale down 20 pips or so down into 211.00 and if it falls another 150 pips from there into 209.50 maybe keep buying in 20 pip spacing or heck do 50 pips from the LL and scale down that way. We are for sure going to get some run down into mondays frankfurt & london open. I expect when london opens we are off to the races.
So get your lots on the run down before 2AM EDT when LONDON opens.

I guiess next month I will set up another account to trade GJ only at FXSOL,
And I will sit with those NJ’s literally until the end of my life if I have to.
And since ALL the funds in my account are profits, earning interest on them LT is great as my principle is all profit! Nothing like making interest on 100% profits eh?

fitting into my plans. WHile I am holding many lots making lots of interest,

I have been really very unable to do a good amount of scalping it for a profit.

With GJ I made most of my money by scalping and holding baskets full of GJ long at different prices. And holding them until they hit my TP targets.

I have no doubt that the KIWI will eventually WIN over the yen.

And surprisingly the KIWI didnt sink too low after those recent news reports.

So I will hold my KIWI and must go back to GJ trading.

This means I have to start all over again by funding an account with my money, then setting goals for pips per month, pips per week.

I don’t know yet what size lots I’ll be trading, but those 10 cent per pip lots just dont do it for me I guess. But I proved it can be done from almost nothing and converted to an account that all of the balance is PROFIT.

So now I have my profits locked up in some slow moving kiwi, earning

insane interest.

I guess I spend to much time trading, but it is what I really enjoy doing,

trading is like football for me. But when I look back week after week,

and think about all the time I spend trading, all the trades I make, and

noticing my percent profit ratio, I get like a sort of buyers remorse

where I feel like I have spent all this time and have gotten so little cash lately.

IN the end you have to count your trades, and count the number of trades you lost $ on and count the # of trades you made money on and divide them to get your percentage of profit on all trades. I’d say depending on your risk reward ratio, 50% could be a pretty good point to be at. I do not like the up and down at 50%. I prefer to go up at 99% even if it is in smaller amounts.

So next month I am going back to trading GJ, as it is no fun posting if my only open trades are sitting idle. NJ is too slow for me. For my own pleasure I MUST go BACK TO GJ.

[B]“Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they are yours.”[/B]

Richard Bach

Thank God! :slight_smile:

[B]“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”[/B]

Napolean Hill

gap up on GJ at 4

So why do you trade with so little capital in your brokerage account, relative to what your net worth seems to be, Elijah? I don’t mean to pry, but I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t expect a candid answer. I know trading the Guppy is as much (or more of) a source of enjoyment and a hobby for you as a profit-making activity; but why not put more capital into something your already doing, anyway, on the line with a strategy in which you have implicit confidence?

Perhaps it would seem too much like business, then. Or maybe you’re working up to the point. I remember having a few posts we exchange about time-cost: why not make your investment of time more valuable?

Good question, I was wondering about that as well … with the system you have in place why are you running around VA-DC doing service calls when you could be at home collecting pips??

Maybe one of the most brilliant explanations I have yet heard of how to trade a pair that is rolling… the visuals of the troll under the bridge made it jump out crystal clear to me… gracias :wink:

I love the troll.

I guess what it comes down to is that trading is what I do when I don’t have anything else going on. And after being gone all day with a boatload of lots open, I hate to be in a position where I am gone for sometimes 8 hours or more at a time. If I had a driver and traded while driving, that would be ideal.
I have been so buried in service calls it isnt funny, which is good. It only takes so much time to take care of some Alpaca and chase after some rent.
All the Alpacas are sheared. We had a baby alpaca friday. So there isn’t much going on, but service calls which I never want to turn down because it decreases business when you don’t provide reliable service, which to me does NOT includes denying someone service when they call because you dont feel like working or something. The distances I have been driving are crazy.
Always in the past when I am not trading a live account, I always had a demo acct or two going. I guess I dont trade anymore demo accounts and for me a micro account is like a demo account, very little money at risk.
So I guess until I can be assured the new guy I hired can cover all the calls,
I will be doing service calls. The kids are home for the summer. So sitting here trading with them all day and night doesn’t sound like my best choice.

I guess I am too conservative to have too much at risk with no stop loss orders while away from the wheel all day with the meter running and not knowing which way it is going. That was one of the largest contributing factors to my loss on 3/17/08. I was away from the market for 8 or 10 hours only to find I got creamed that day long after it was over. Up until that point I just didnt think there could be a fall that fast in such a short period of time. I had been winning for so long before that, that I got sloppy.

I am a bit more excitied about my p2 interest which it appears pretty soon here will supply more than enough money all by itself to cover everything we need. SO I guess I am limiting my risk and in the back of my mind there is always the thought that we could be in for another hard fall for which the recovery will take a very long time.

I don’t think we can get below 209.50 but it is possible that things could retreat back into the 207’s. The GU is looking strong and what is interesting to note: just before the 3/17 GJ crash GU was just off its high of ALMOST 204.00. GU is heading back up or has been. It looks like RIGHT NOW would be a great time to short GU as it looks severly overbought on the daily.
'But is could jump up another 100 pips before it tanks. It looks almost certain.
And oddly enough if GU tanks GJ should tank with it, but it could go opposite like on 3/17. SO I am always aware of her downward fast fury. So for now I am happy taking $300-500 a week from my broker until I have more money to risk (money I really dont need).

I guess for me it is more gambling in my mind than a business even though I keep telling myself I have to treat it like a business. But in business I never lose money, like I can and have in forex in the past.

[B]“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it open.”[/B]

Arnold Glasgow

If it is under the bridge it could be possible for price to sneak across without paying!