GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

[B]“The possession of anything begins in the mind.”[/B]
Bruce Lee

I’d be buying more on the next dip into high 210’s for the sspeedy ride back up.

Wild morning thus far I have been up since just before 4am EDT.

Was there news or something that caused that sharp drop?

this would be a great place to get long 211.00 or there abouts

there was news at 4am and 430 am but nothing significant. All news today was (will be) only low or medium impact. Lots of times the EU news effects GJ.

[B]“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.”[/B]

Tommy Lasorda

4xstar I hope you aren’t the only one up, I think we are going to rock back into 213’s
when I get rid of these NJ’s I am going to test some new GJ stuff.
Did I ever Mention I was NOT concerned with back testing, back testing is a false sense of security…sort of like a radar detector.

holy cow they slipped this in this wasnt there last night

as even coming out and sure not as a red event

4:30am GBP Current Account -8.4B -12.0B -12.2B
so thats good for the GBP only down 8.4B!

Agree about backtesting, I have never seen the point of it.

Hope you ditch the bimbo soon so we can get back to concentrating on GJ, curious about your ‘new stuff’ :cool:

We could get down as low as 209.50 on the bottom. Thta is 161.8% fib on the 240MIN. I am out of GJ for now :frowning: trying toget rid of some more NJ. But it looks like I will have to hold these until they hit their tp target. I am going to ave load up my account with some of my money, begginning july 1 so I can start another month of trading and make some money instead of screwing around with this young slow girl from NJ.

whoa baby! woke up to a little bit of a drop there… something happen?

So you no longer think this will rise into NY open … why not? what happened to make you think it will drop another 150 pips?

On the 1 hr, the descent from 213.90 to 211.92 retraced to the 50 fib retracement then continued down to the 161.8 retracement at 210.60. Right now it’s holding as support. The Stochs show oversold with the chance of it bouncing off this level before trending up on the ST. The Daily is showing more downward motion which may lead to a continued downtrend to the 261.8 retracement at 208.70. Here’s hoping we find a footing at the 161.8!

Jeb at the G-Y tech thread has been predicting a pullback to 209.50 for a few days, but early this morning, rrram was saying it would hold in upper 210’s and be back up for NY open … then he reversed himself and now agrees with Jeb that it could pb to 209.50 … so I want to know why he changed his mind … what happened? At the time he made his post (06:19) g-y was in an uptrend retracement, so could have just as easily continued upward as he said at first… why the change of opinion (just trying to learn how to fish…)

Man I wish I knew how to play these rolling waves she is making now … up and down from 211.80 to 212.50 … I am just not skilled enough yet to do it :smiley:

4XSTAR I know EXACTLY what you mean! I keep thinking I’ll get in for some small ones and realize that as soon as I decide to, that the spread would defeat the purpose or start second guessing it. I just can’t seem to bring myself to do the 5 min. TF like RRRAM. I play off the 1 HR TF for the most part with the 15 min for conformation on entry. What TF’s are most people using here?

I use the 15’ and 1 hour mostly

Does anyone have any idea what is going on now? Looks like a break to the upside again???

… but no one seems to be around to do it. A day like today, she has so much volatility … I would love to be hearing commentary from everyone on what they think she is doing … and more importantly, will do next. The US market is going down, but she is going up. She seems to be reacting opposite to any usual stimuli.
I think Jeb’s downside target of 209.50 is accurate, but there is a lot of upside pressure at the moment, where is that coming from?

Rrram2 is still shacked up in some sleazy motel with NJ so I guess we can’t expect much from him until he dumps her once and for all … but where is Andrew, MTP, Pipsquito and others? Days like today don’t happen that often!

It makes no sense … but I am talking into a void. What a day for everyone to take the day off! :smiley:

Hey guppy heads,
I have been staying busy, so I don’t get to post as much.

Anyways… I am collecting longs down now.

Ah, another human … :smiley: I’m not sure it is time to collect longs yet, she still may have to make that retracement to 209.50 … but being the guppy, anything could happen :wink: