GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies


I sure dont feel like uploading it to a website.
When I click the paperclip to attach I get a drop down that says
undefined with a red X broken link icon.

Attachments have not been working lately, I can rarely see the ones Andrew posts.

Upon further examination of the 240, sure looks like it is getting ready to head on up for a bit at least to 212.30.

Also sometimes the header is missing and a little box at the bottom is constantly loading, eating bandwidth prolly.

[B]“He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has.”[/B]

Henry Ward Beecher

I guess that is why I am a value player and not a momentum player.

If I had not slept in this morning (past 6 CDT), I would have been buying that up.:slight_smile: Not shorting?:confused:

That is why I said “boo hoo” earlier.:smiley:

Just not to confuse…

When I say “buying that up”, I mean as slang, not scaling in. I am a value player. I buy down.

Yeah, I’ve been having challenges with attachments as well. Need to start hosting them elsewhere and just putting HTML in, but attaching with screenshots is so much easier…

I am still way too easily influenced :smiley:

I was short, and happily so … but let myself get talked out of it when Andrew said he had closed his shorts and everyone seemed to switch to long bias. Closed shorts, went long. Closed longs, went short again, just in the nick of time (211.10).

Trust the Force, Luke :cool:

i staye short, and got in at 211.40, still riding the baby down…when to get off…209.6 agian…wo hoo!!!

Could even go lower this time around.

Well something must have happened … she screeched to a halt, reversed and took off like a rocket.

And reversed again … stay on her good side and there are huge pips to be made tonight :smiley:

210.50 could be in the cards but this would be a good place to get long near a bottom. Current ask 211.08

I see it did get to 210.40 around 130AM. I think thats it for the downside for the overnight low.

As said last night expect 210.50, You may want to get rid of those shorts.

You know every night she likes to run down in the 1-5am Range.

[B]“If we all did things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”[/B]
Thomas Edison

SO GJ will follow, Good luck with that 209.60 target, but I dont see it. I guess you can sell your shorts on the waay back up to 212’s

Time to load up on some more GJ longs.

i dont know if i’m coming or going, but i know im just going to listen to you guys in the know…i’m settling in for the long haul until i’m hearing otherwise