GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Still long and getting some play now, with at least tentative resistance back @ the 212 area. Also nice moves up on USD/JPY, EUR/JPY. I’m undecided at the moment, but I’ll probably close these out and call it a week with NFP tomorrow morning and the 4th coming on Friday.

Just close it, rrram - I hate to see you agonizing on the sidelines here, although it is good for building discipline about margin. You could’ve taken your lump on N/J and then turned the capital freed up there around on the Guppy and made back what you lost and more. Win % is great, but sometimes maintaining the track record can work against you if it keeps you in a busted trade.

i jumped on thinking i could ride her up and down all night long… Unfortunately i am still novice…so jumping had to jump off and now realise its long all way, made 120 pips just these part two hours with my leader at 211.87. When she went down i placed my longs down to 211.20 and collected on the way back up.
As for the interest thing i still need to see/understand how that works. I actually changed fro GFT to this Metatrader today. GFT would just increase or decrease my one position size. The metatrader is allowing me to play properly.
So where she headed. When should we load her up? Where does she go if she breaks 212? Are we staying in the 210.80…212 range
rrram is the man from10cent pip to $100 pip…overnight…sounds good …just hope the PRO hangs around here… keeping us up to date and telling us how that lady is feeling everyday

Ditto, ditto and double ditto.

We want you back with full focus … and [I]she[/I] wants you back as well.

i didn’t get quadruple interest yesterday… just regular old one day interest. anybody else get any different?

You are doing very well. Dad lost like 75K in june. JUne was the worst month since 1939 or something? Giving away 10% is excellent and I used to give 12% so I didnt come up short. BUt let me explain the 10% principle to you. IT works like this, when you give away the 10% you are giving away the “poisin”. THis 10% of your money is poisin and if retained infects the rest of your money. SO it is a wise man that gets rid of this poisin money so that it cannot affect the rest of his money. If you keep the poisin, your life will suffer one financial misfortune after the next as all your money becomes infected from the poisin money you failed to give away. YOu keep it it is poisin, you give it away (this is like putting gold in the bank). Once all your money becomes poisined then suddenly you have unexpected car repairs pop up, then a speeding ticket maybe for going 7 miles over! And the best place to give your money is too someone or some charity in need, it is best to give it anonymously as there should be no confusion as to recognition for giving
(you will get this from Supernal Ima), And we should not give lartge sums of money for our own gain, like I will give your orphange 1 MILLLION if you name it after me and put my name on the building…BAH…WRONG, you will lose the gold deposits made up above to the credit of your account.

35 cents/1k lot. Was that on the guppy or the NZD/JPY?

I cannot find in FXSolutions where to see the interest payments, but from my demo acct with ODL it looks like I get about $26 per 100k lot, which would be 26 cents per 1k lot.

But that is for one day only … 4 days interest should be $1+ per 1k lot.

This is for the guppy, not the NJ.

You do have the most unique and ‘visual’ way of explaining certain concepts. From now on I’ll look forward to the first of each month so I can get rid of the “poison” !

As to giving in secret, that was instructed long ago:
Matthew 6:3-5
[I]“But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”[/I]

This is where I would be getting GJ long on a swing trade.
It is at the fib 61.8 and trend line support. Not quite turned up yet, but it is a bottom. And I still in favour of higher prices and I do not believe OIL would only be $80 a barrel instead of $140 or whatever it is now if they eliminated or severly limited oil futures speculators by requiring them to take delivery or offerring them no real leverage on oil futures contracts, price would go down. If that is true.
That leads to some very disturbing currency thoughts for me at least at first.

and is full of mucous or something and a bit sluggish on her normal follow through.

The central bank gold LOL
I hope you are thinking the European central bank
as the so called “central banks” in the united states have NO gold.
the reason those banks are doing so poorly is due to interest rates.
How can you lease gold from the ECB or elsewhere outside the USA
for 1% and then sell it on the futures market in the USA and take that money and buy tbills at 2% you wish, and make 1% and keep running your overextended derivative overrun bank any longer?

We certainly appreciate having you and you are welcome here.
Some of us are here to take the big boys money that 40% of the time.
To all the big boys reading…thanks :slight_smile:

The price of gold directly affects GJ. I may have mentioned it before.
But certainly my feeling without even overlaying charts it that gold and GJ
normally would go opposite of each other. It should be obvious that gold and USD go opposite of each other. Which would then lead one to believe that perhaps USD is worthless. It is for now still good. And this sure isnt the place for the Amero discussion. Once everyone realizes how useless the USD is it will be gone and I bet convert when it is at a very high price after a mad USD run up. So Gold normally would go opposite of GJ I would think.
What is more at issue I think is the ratio of gold to oil now. My dad maintains that there is a gold to oil ratio and has been forever. It seems gold is down in relation to oil and expected to move up, which means to me GJ should go down. But GJ does what she wants and it is harder for me to predict her from news events than merely from watching her moves. She has amzed me these last few days with how closely she is following my trend lines.

I will not sell NJ at a loss, literally every 21 days my margin doubles
by earning 100% interest on the amoutn of $ required to secure my trades.
AND even if I am only at 10% margin useage. My account will make enough interest to equate the whiole account doubling every year WITHOUT compounding interest.

Plus when it comes up and hits those TP targets it will sell and until then I will save money and collect interest. There is very limited downside on NJ and the upside is much wider and more likely to be retraced than lower than say 78.XX. WHich if it went down there I would be loading up with my life savings. I have a high faith in NZ. And I think I am going to join the Alpaca NZ association as they are VERY advanced in the alpaca industy.

I still havent figured out what makes that NJ move like ti does sometimes.

Guppy would have piad 20 cents on a 1k lot but instead of having to put up $1.90 you need like $4.95

That pretty much says it, it is true giving when you don’t expect any recognition in return or will figure later that the person you gave to “owes” you something. Thats why if it is anonymous there can be no recognition to the giver, since that is not the purpose of giving.

[B]“The big shots are only the little shots who keep shooting.”[/B]

Christopher Morley

I think NZ starts trading here soon!

Double bottom at 210.84 on the 6 min like a pin cushion and its just as valid as any other TF, we will see but we are headed back up into 212 I think.

You know why I have to do this with NJ? I cannot just bail out. I can easily stay in forever if need be and collect interest. I think what you are missing is that my broker sends me a check a week. Even if it is only $300. I really enjoy collecting interest as I have to do nothing to get it, it just accumulates over time.
It will prove that despite any drawndown if managed by someone who smartly manages their margin, will never yeild a loss, and in the long run they will multiply their initial investment by 100% the first year VERY safely while keeping their margin useage low. It is just tooo slow for me.