GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Here’s an example, on July 8 the guppy was in a perfect value setup on the 15’ … entry would have been around 211.30 … but then instead of reversing, she dropped another 100 pips … so you would say to just hang on because according to your criteria, even if there is a 100 or more pip drop, because she was well below the 50/200 in the first place, the drop should not be sustained?
I will do some back testing on this over the weekend to see how it played out when she had some massive drops in the past. In theory I would think at some point, if the fall continues, you have to bail … unless you play it like rrram and plan to hold for centuries if necessary :smiley:

OK, now I will definitely look back over guppy’s actions this past year to see how that would have played out … if it is as I think, you really are on to something!

And I am just one post away!

Go start a thread on Newbie Island and title it:

“How I made 2000 pips today”

I bet you will have all kinds of questions to answer within minutes. You will increase your post count by at least +50 by the end of the day.

TA-DA!!! :smiley: :cool: :slight_smile: :wink:

LOL, that will put me over 1000 in no time :smiley:

Actually … one could have fun on Newbie Island, if one were so inclined in an evil, demented sort of way… <wicked grin>

The only thing that will kill you trading the way I do is greed and bad mm.

I have done the backtesting. Guppy will end careers about once every three months. She is a diva.


That’s not a Beastie Boys reference, is it? :smiley:

Yep, congratulations, indeed! You’re now two slots away from joining M2P and rrram in the top 10!

Yes it is.

Back when I was in the Navy, every Friday we would sing (just being dumb), “No shave, til Monday!” to the Beastie Boys melody of “No sleep, til Brooklyn”.

Now we have “No trade, til Sunday!”.

Yes, Elijah blew past me. All I saw was tail lights.

Thanks for the well wishes on the vacation, guys. We’re not going far enough and won’t be gone long enough, but it should be relaxing! I’ll bring my laptop along, but plan on unplugging mostly. This first half of this year has gone very well, so a short break to recharge and a little thought on how things have progressed - good and bad points - will be beneficial. I’ll be monitoring the market while I’m away on occasion, so may take a trade here and there - wouldn’t want to miss this fish on a real breakaway!

This thread is changing: I’m unsure if Elijah’s coming or going, and we’re bringing in a lot more topics for discussion (GBP/CHF, M2P’s trading style, IKH, etc.). I’ve thought about starting a committed GBP/JPY analysis thread (I know Jeb already has one, but I don’t want to hijack that thread), or even a GBP/JPY and GBP/CHF thread to discuss these pairs, trades taken on them and methods used to analyze them more in-depth. Let me know what your thoughts are.

I like it, I like it! :cool:

I like the idea. Count me in.:slight_smile:

Even though I will still spend a lot of time here. Elijah doesn’t mind us going off topic of the original system. He has stated he welcomes it and even participates with us.

I will myself try to organize some material on my methods and post it elsewhere for all to learn or go broke trying.:smiley:

As long as he doesn’t mind all the off-topic material, no need to go anywhere, I suppose.

To keep Elijah happy all you need to do is post one of these every now and then.:smiley:

[B][I][U]GO GUPPY GO!!![/U][/I][/B]

Ditto! :):slight_smile:

I dont have esignal anymore so I cant do 24 min as easily but that is a good TF, I havent used 20 much. For LT I am 1H 2H 3H then daily, but daily means very little to me.

The lower GJ goes the better the value. G will always come back vs J
as long as I live. J had some bad news for June so in July I expect it to continue to decline. As long as GB hold rates the same we will be ok for steady movement up up up in the LT.

I am normally set to easily weather a 2000 pip run down. The key is continuous scalping. I can make money in a 2000 pip run down.
The greatest error is getting too many too high.

As to data that could support a run down to 190 I would like to see that.
I am not talking history, I want hard data that exists today and is a matter of fact. Things are rough all over. And in the end G will continue to rule J.

Yes I went down with the ship a few times and didnt bail. What would have been wise, like I discussed with Todd long ago is that you need to sell ONE to stay in and take a loss on that one and another one if you need too,
giving up and bailing is the wrong choice. You can never give up!
Had I been here when **** was crashing on 3/17 I would have sold off one lot at a time until we bounced off the bottom, and only realize enough losses to STAY in for the ride back up.

SQRing everything for me is the wrong move, this is normally a reaction to a warped thought. Everytime I have done it I was sorry I did later.
Price always comes back.

Trading is much like life. In life when you give up (you literally give up the ghost - AND DIE) in trading you should never just give up the ghost,
perhaps in life we should also never give up the ghost. But thats what happens when people get old and run down, they GIVE UP,
it is at this point that they DIE. I am sorry I cannot give up.

Mr Broker, you are going to have to sell me out if you CAN, good luck though,
you are going to need it.

So who NOW is going to take the opposing side of my trades if not Andrew!?

Someone has to make a profit off all those GJ rundowns, I will be bringing next week (EG)

I am more dedicated to progress, growth, learning and change.

Anything that is in good taste and is presented in a nice way is fine,
unless someone wants to sell us something :slight_smile:

And more concerned with the form here than the content,
and with treating others with kindness, than sticking on topic.