GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

I won’t leave anymore, as long as everyone understands that until they fix the attachments I wont even try to post anymore charts.

Sometimes I feel I should be a bit more obligated to share my market insights accompanied by data not just cheerleading and predictions or posting of signals.

But as Andrew so elegantly summed up in that long summary post,
it has all been said and the rest is filler. It should be clear by now exactly what I do, trading wise.

Everyone sure doesn’t need to copy me as some cannot take this type of emotionally charged trading.

The main idea here was always to force others to open their minds and learn
how to trade on thier own by using this method as an example, but also as a way to force them to trade many lots and study charts thus gauranteeing that they at least get invaluable experience at trading. I want people to think for themselves and learn how to trade in a profitable way that suits thier style. I want them to build confidence and basically teach them to fish
thereby feeding them for life.

Much of trading is a positive mental attitude and a discipilined mind.

[B]“The greatest mistake you can make in life is continually fearing that you’ll make one.”[/B]

Elbert Hubbard

FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real
whatever you fear most will come to pass. BY allowing fear to exist in your mind all you are doing is operating your mind opposite of how it was designed.
By allowing fear to dwell in you, by continueing to allow those types of thoughts will cause you more harm than good. By allowing fear to dwell inside you, you are attracting more fearful thoughts.

Whatever your fear WILL appear. Focus on Fear and you will be frantic.
If you are always afraid of making a mistake? Guess what? You ARE going to make a mistake. As long as you continue to think you are going to make a mistake, you will continue to make mistakes. It is this simple.

Do not think about what you do not want.

[B]“To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.”[/B]

Bruce Lee

Trading opens for me in just over 5 hours, the South African food festival is this weekend at my neighbors, The Grayhaven Winery, just across the creek.
This is the third annual south african food festival they have had. It is a GREAT time! My kids have been over there working for free south african food, good thing the folks running it didn’t realize those boys would eat more food than ANY adults. Goochland is a great place to raise alpacas and kids :slight_smile:

Sydney opens at 5PM EDT, Ill be looking for gaps around 4PM.
It is worth it having esignal just for the ability to check market prices before open. There are many times you can make a boatload of pips in the first few minutes of trading on the sunday’s markets openings.

Say Hi to all my fellow countrymen. Hope you enjoy the food!!! grader

Close was like 211.44. So take advantage if this if you can! O course price is movingnow and I expect it to move back up and retrace the pag down.
Also I think we are heading back to the top of the channel at 212.50.
As to weather or not we can break through on our first or second or subsequent tries is another matter right now.

Some prawns, some lamb, chicken rice all sorts of good stuff.
We will go back later when the crowd calms down to help clean up.
Last year I was serving wine until dark on Sunday I think.

SOmeone even came up to my wife and I and baby and asked if we were from South Africa. I should have asked if he was. He sounded more like a brit.
Anyways we will go back later and get the kids as well, they are all sunburned.
And in a year or two baby joe will be over there.

I bought another one at 211.20 value priced :slight_smile:

Next buy down is 210.65 then 210.30 then down into 209’s. But I dont think we will get anywhere near that low. FOr now I am feeling the market out to see where it stands. If I can see we are at support now 211.20/00 I will likely get another one or two.

But when I was studying some charts earlier I saw a breakout to the topside coming for GJ, I hope Andrew doesn’t miss this next fat jump up!

211.20 based on my 12 minute chart looks like a good entry.

I closed all my g/c longs early and in profit so I could go short euro.

Guppy needs to give me more of a bargain before I pick up a leader. Hopefully this week we will catch some nice moves to go long.

I just closed most of my short euro positions in profit. I let some small ones ride in case we get a big move south.

I don’t know if you plan to hold your g/c longs until price crosses the 200 ema or cut them now. You should be well in profit if you want to let them go now. Just mentioning because you were worried Friday. Maybe let all go and let the first one ride the cross back. Buy more dips as needed.

I used to spend a lot of time in Singapore. Many people would ask me if I’m Australian. I don’t know why? Maybe the Texas accent? Which to me sounds nothing like an Australian’s accent.

I have worked with many Aussie’s. They are good people. The only problem I have with them is after years of working with them, my liver is ruined.

Tag! Anybody is it but me.:smiley:

Hey M2Ps…tell me more about how you set up your indicators and how you use them in conjunction with Elijah’s system. If you have already done this, just let me know and I will try to find it amongst your posts…

And you say you closed SHORT e/u?? I just closed my longs at big profit. Do you think it is good for further shorts? Hmmm.

And the guppy is headed south? Darn. I am still holding my original loss leaders from weeks ago around 213.30…and lots on down from there. They are holding me off of other trades…never will I trade this system in the same account with other trades…doesn’t work.

It shouldn’t be too many pages back. Just look for when 4xstar asked if anyone was going to take a short on gbp/chf. That is about the time that I jumped in with details of how I trade.

Yes I closed shorts on e/u and still have some running. If you caught that move up you did well.:slight_smile:

When you go back and find my strategy you will also see my official guppy analysis for this summer.:smiley:

I am going to start gathering materials and post a thread about my strategy. Even though most of my time will still be spent here.

South you say?

Really? Better check your charts!


I spent part of the weekend going over your strategy back several months … I am very impressed. This may be the “missing link” I was looking for :slight_smile:

I closed 1/2 my GC longs when it hit that high, then bought 2 more on the dip into the 20’s. I am still in profit overall and it it does not head north from here, I will close them.
I will check out the Euro too

Can’t wait for your thread on your system … pipsquito, it really is so simple & effective … did you invent this yourself, M2P??

As to GY, I am scalping 2 positions for 25 pips each, but otherwise I am staying flat until she figures out once and for all what she wants to do … or until M2P’s charts beckon me irresistably :smiley: