GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

You should have been buying all the way down to 205.50
I think I said yesterday I expected to hit that overnight.
You shopuld have loaded up on some and sold them already.
Looks like I made less than 200 pips somehow (overnight).

One a week? that is no way to trade. It is wednesday morning.
I have almost 100 RT GJ trades from SUnday night open until this morning.
FOr a total profit of about 950 pips. SO my average is now less than 10 pips profit per trade. BUT 100% of those almost 100RT trades yielded a profit, even if just 95 cents.

MY trigger is the 2 minute. THe 15 min if MT for me.

You cannot obtain a better win ratio this way. YOu may be able to get more pips profit per trade. But if you make ONE trade a week, it will be nearly impossible for you to 3000 pips a wekk like I normally yield week after week. Yes sometimes I only make 2000 pips a week. But much of these profits relate to how much time I spend sitting here at the CPU. IF I don’t spend any time trading in a week I won’t make thousands of pips.

This method I use is unconventional and nonsensical to most experienced traders.

But no one here that has actually put the time in to test this and learn this can say or HAS said they are losing pips or are waiting all week to get in.

See the interest is just a backup thing. The primary money making here is in banking pips not in earning interest. YOu can see though from my orders that I am holding a long at 209.63 for over 2 months now, which has PAID so far over $30 in interest. I only used LESS than $50 of margin to buy that long.

That long has $50 of my money tied up holding that order, but in 2 more months that trade will have yielded $60 in interest, eventually it will hit its TP.
IN the mean time I am ok baking interesdt at 30% per month on higher longs I am holding.

UJ should hold 105 and prolly test 106 by week end (WE)
GU should is due some correction up, The dollar should slide today and GU should rise.

GJ is running down now into 205’s I am buying all the way down and expect to blow through 207 and test 208 by week end.

FOr the run down to 205.50 I am buying long every 10 pips.
I am using a little more of my margin as Wednesday is a BIG day for me,
as all sorts of fools are selling GJ right before rollover. And I am buying GJ
always before rollover. GJ normally seems to run down before rollover,
but it almost always retraces 100% iwithin an hour or two afterwards.

NOW is the time to get GJ long, you should be able to see we are bottoming out, and the 830 news may make a new bottom. But caution as much news is now pointing to a stronger USD and more of the news latyely has been USD positive, which is GJ positive.

Lots of pips getting banked as she runs up and down.
margin useage is up to 7.91% on 21 lots.
The idea here is that I am loading up on longs which will collect triple interest
today at rollover. I may get in deeper than 7.9% margin useage but I doubt we will get a run down below 204. 204 should provide solid support for the next major move up.

From the news and chatter out there, everyone seems baffled that the USD has come back so strongly and wondering how gold is down around 875,
all of this news and chatter from so called experts just makes me expect more strongly what I already felt. GJ is coming up for a major move up.
I don’t suggest trying to buy a large amount of orders down low and holding it for 700 pips but you could.

It may even be smarter than my “SAFE” way. But riskier because many of you prolly dont understand the GJ as I do.
Some may but for 3 solid years I watch GJ charts usually 24/7/365

We have been in such a tight range here, making it even hard to get them for 1-3 pips :slight_smile:

I have been half steping and going every 5 pips @ bottom from 205.80 into 205.50. But its boring getting 1-3 pips over and over and reentering orders.

I guess its lunch time in NY and coming into lunch in CHicago.

D1301405~P/L~E08171809~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/06/2008 23:53~206.29~05/07/2008 00:36~206.31~$1.91
D1301405~P/L~E08171807~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/06/2008 22:10~206.49~05/07/2008 02:22~206.70~$19.99
D1301405~P/L~E08172568~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/06/2008 21:59~206.59~05/07/2008 02:22~206.70~$10.47
D1301405~P/L~E08173652~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/06/2008 21:28~206.69~05/07/2008 02:23~206.80~$10.47
D1301405~P/L~E08171819~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 03:26~205.79~05/07/2008 03:53~206.10~$29.51
D1301405~P/L~E08171817~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 03:25~205.89~05/07/2008 04:00~206.20~$29.49
D1301405~P/L~E08171816~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 02:58~205.99~05/07/2008 04:01~206.30~$29.48
D1301405~P/L~E08171814~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 02:58~206.09~05/07/2008 04:01~206.30~$19.97
D1301405~P/L~E08175621~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 02:56~206.29~05/07/2008 04:01~206.40~$10.46
D1301405~P/L~E08183625~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 08:23~205.85~05/07/2008 08:30~205.99~$13.29
D1301405~P/L~E08181802~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 08:25~205.79~05/07/2008 08:33~206.10~$29.39
D1301405~P/L~E08181807~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 08:18~205.89~05/07/2008 08:34~206.20~$29.39
D1301405~P/L~E08181815~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 08:15~205.99~05/07/2008 08:48~206.30~$29.36
D1301405~P/L~E08181875~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 07:36~206.09~05/07/2008 08:48~206.30~$19.89
D1301405~P/L~E08171821~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 09:42~205.69~05/07/2008 09:52~205.78~$8.54
D1301405~P/L~E08185102~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 09:39~205.79~05/07/2008 09:54~205.81~$1.90
D1301405~P/L~E08185807~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 10:06~205.64~05/07/2008 10:07~205.66~$1.90
D1301405~P/L~E08186151~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 10:08~205.64~05/07/2008 10:15~205.75~$10.44
D1301405~P/L~E08185796~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 10:00~205.69~05/07/2008 10:20~205.73~$3.80
D1301405~P/L~E08186440~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 10:25~205.69~05/07/2008 10:31~205.71~$1.90
D1301405~P/L~E08186505~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 10:23~205.74~05/07/2008 10:32~205.77~$2.84
D1301405~P/L~E08186424~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 10:38~205.64~05/07/2008 10:40~205.75~$10.43
D1301405~P/L~E08186648~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 10:35~205.69~05/07/2008 10:43~205.74~$4.74
D1301405~P/L~E08186667~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 10:32~205.74~05/07/2008 10:43~205.75~$0.95
D1301405~P/L~E08185834~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 09:55~205.79~05/07/2008 10:44~205.84~$4.74
D1301405~P/L~E08171826~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 11:04~205.59~05/07/2008 11:10~205.62~$2.85
D1301405~P/L~E08187024~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 10:56~205.64~05/07/2008 11:11~205.69~$4.75
D1301405~P/L~E08186936~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 10:55~205.69~05/07/2008 11:11~205.71~$1.90
D1301405~P/L~E08187520~GBP/JPY~1.00~B~05/07/2008 11:16~205.64~05/07/2008 11:50~205.66~$1.90

I am down unrealized 2500 pips and am at 8.64% margin useage so I am ok
with 24 longs heading into rollover.

The roller over I am looking for is tomorrow (Wednesday) at 5PM.
Glad I only have 24 not 44 or something extreme.

SO I am doing better than previously thought as it took one less day.

FIB levels. bottom could be forming at current price level 205.50/60ish

It feels like Tuesday to me since I took Monday off work, but I like Wednesday because it’s our “Goodie Day” and we bring in sweet treats to eat…today is a fruit tray, homemade coffee cake and a few doughnuts :smiley: …and Fridays not too far off either…oh and last night I made 60 pips in 30 mins :smiley:

Ok, back to earth. What is interesting about this system for me is that usually I am late to enter for example a short when the price and indicators are saying to do so…the lag factor or a pee break. This way, which feels a bit unnatural, to place a buy against the grain actually makes me really early for a retrace!

Previously I had been putting a stop loss and it was getting hit a lot, not because I was entering incorrectly, but because I was just a little late in the initial move, and after a small retrace hitting the s/l it would carry on. And a 20 pip minor retrace is not a lot to expect on G/J. So instead of a stop loss, I’ll put a 20-30pip take profit. No stop hunters gonna find me :wink:

Now IF I’m going to put a stop loss, it’ll be quite a ways away …just in case of a power outage, computer crash or whatever…just to keep me from losing my whole account if the market does something radical :cool:

Hi rrram2,
Thanks for the reply to my comment given before. You frowned upon the fact that it gave a signal only once a week with my suggestion. A little correction I will add is the signal is given about once a week but once given you are active in trades until tp time with a very high win/loss ratio that can bank some large pips with the swap rates as an added extra.

I also understand that you are already very happy with your strategy and don’t want to fix what is not broken.
I wasn’t preaching any change at all, just interacting. I know the last thing you need is someone preaching how something could be made “like this or like that” after it has for a long time been helping your bank account grow. You don’t need to hear that and that isn’t why I came on here.

I will elaborate on a strategy built upon the foundation of your strategy but in the end will be very much different. I have a lot of testing before I do. I won’t hijack your thread with it but will start on a new thread and give you full credit for the inspiration.

I do like your style of trading though. I don’t believe that there is anything in life that gives high yields from low risk. Why should Forex trading be any different. You have to risk a lot to yield a lot. The only edge you can have is putting the odds in your favor.

Hey folks…just dropped the girlfriend off at the airport and I am back to trading.

Missed a lot I think but hope to catch up. I have been placing my buy limits…did all the way down to 205.59 last night…she blew past it…lower…so missed out on all that. Don’t know if many of my buy orders were profitable since they were spaced out a bit with large 30, 40, 50 pip TPs. I have not banked much this week. But I haven’t been working it either.

I did do well with shorts on the EU and GU last night…finally paid off. I was holding them at a loss for a while.

Question to those more experienced with carry trades. Elijah…you talk of Wednesday being the “pay off day”…what do you mean by that? My “swap” just accumulates over time. Does the broker ever zero out the swap and actually put that money in my account? Or do I have to wait to close the position before collecting the interest?

I have been trading a while but never hold anything for too long so I don’t notice if the swap number ever resets to zero and the total either deducted or added to my balance (of course I know it does when I close the trade.)

So when is GJ turning around? And will we still hit 208 this week? Or next?

I am going to go start loading up with trades…


Hello Todd,

please check this text, I am not able due to my English explain it better. Hope it helps.

Rollover / Premium Rates
Rollover automatically occurs each evening between 4:58 and 5:06 p.m. EST (Monday through Friday).

During the rollover period, interest is added to or subtracted from accounts with open positions based on the annual Buy or Sell Premium rates.

Daily Premium Formula
Volume (in USD) * [ (Premium Rate / 100) / 365 ]
100,000 EUR/USD | Premium Rate of -1.83

(100,0001.3426) * [( -1.83 / 100) / 365] = ($6.73)
1.3426) * (-1.83% / 365) = ($6.73)
What is Rollover?

Rollover interest arises from holding a currency pair overnight, which may result in debit or credit interest posted to an account. Foreign currency trading involves borrowing one currency to buy another whereby the borrowed currency is charged debit interest and the purchased currency is paid interest. The net difference of the two numbers results in a credit or debit interest charge (rollover), if held overnight.

“Spot Forex market transactions have a value date that is two business days forward. Rollover involves exchanging the current position for a position expiring the following settlement. Industry practice is if a trade is executed on Tuesday, then Thursday would be considered the value date. An exception occurs if a position is opened and held overnight on Wednesday. The normal value date for Wednesday would be Friday at 5:00 PM ET, however, since the market closes at 5:00 PM ET the value date is extended to the following Monday. Positions that are held overnight on Wednesdays will earn or incur an extra two days of interest (due to the weekend). Additionally, positions with a value date that fall on a holiday also incur or earn additional interest.”

To avoid rollover interest debits or credits on your positions, simply make sure your position is closed prior to 5pm EST (the established end of the market day).

Hey Todd,

Wednesdays are in most cases tripple interest except weeks that fall on a holiday the interest each day changes. Here is a schedule that tells you how many times the interest is paid each day.

Sure would like to see it go up anytime now …but looks like it may go down to 3rd support of 204.10ish (according to this pivot point indicator I use)…?? My free margin’s getting a little low :cool: Apparently the news wasn’t so good for GBP. But at least I should make a little interest on them soon :smiley: Glad I’m going back to work now and won’t be sweating over watching it for the next ?? hours :eek:

Hello Elijah,

I just checked forex dot com and made today +140 pips on this choppy market - unbelievable…many thanks again. I must all the time think about your trading ideas, which looks now more easy to me than before. Just taking cycles and interest as it is.

Regarding the interest, I do not understand if is it fixed or not for some time period. For example now it is 3,25% for G/J long(EFX). Does it depend on broker? What you mean with the text: If I held it earning 4% annual interest and earned it on 400 times my money.
It comes out to about 30% interest a month. That’s 360% interest a year.

I just noticed also that you sometimes take only one or two pips, sometimes you go for 20-30 pips, do you use buy limit order with if then sell limit order as the profit taking order? or just open longs and took what the market offer?
Many thanks

I got TMTH and have had to cancel some longs further down waiting to get filled. Margin is 15.73%. overall this month basically I am up about 5800 pips
and currently down unrealized now big @ 5944 so thats a -144 but I am ok with that. What worries me is exceeding 15% margin useage. The general goal is 1-3%. then you have 5 and 10 but when it gets to 15 you need to scale back in case of another run down.

I’ve got quite a few spaced 5 pips apart around 205.50 so those are all down a figure. 204.20/00 should provide firm support and the ride up should be exciting.

If I buy a minilot it costs me $50 worth of margin. If I hold that GJ long for one month that is 30 days in 30 days I will make $15 in interest on my $50 that is holding my trade open. Multiply times 12 for a year, its roughly 360% interest per year holing G long against J.

I dont use if then’s.

I use limit entries and wait for price to hit my entry point on most orders.

ITS WEDNESDAY like I originally thought earlier but then got tricked somehow into thinking it was only Tuesday.
204.20/00 should hold.