GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

MY Tp is only at 213.56 for my .35 LL

And Todd youy could trade as many as 4 standard lots on that 10K account,
just dont buy more than 4 lots, and make your first loss leader, at A SURE bottom, but ta that large size you cannot get in with many and may as well swing trade off the bottom.

You would have loaded up at like 208.00, THis week I think you may have already missed the bttom, bottom.

It is sad sometimes. I have 136 pips for the week with some time invested.
Yes I made $13.60 on my $600 account. But you know what? COme back in a month, and my account will STILL be increasing.

YOu cannot trade too fat as you would be a fool to underestimate her downward fury knowing what you know.

I am struggling with many things Todd. And it all comes down to what IS.
When I do not agree with or do not like what IS I get into trouble.
Instead of acknowlefgeing what IS and realizing I am not the creator of that
and accepting it or taking steps to change it, I just rebel or resist.

Resistance is Futile!

156 pips for the week so far at a meager 10 cents a pip. But that is not significant the per pip value.

She is heading past 213.60 now look out!

Tremendous upward pressure exists here.

Bearish divergence hahahaha, right right,
bear are mean and CAN run fast, but rumor has it they really cannot see that well with their eyes :slight_smile:

Bears are often trapped. If I was a bear I would use TIGHT stop loss orders!
but I am not so I wont worry,.

But like I said a few hours ago? This is not the palce to be short.
its going higher now you have a chance to get in short higher! LOL
Keep selling it all the way up heh. Thta is much like me buying it on the way down.

But in the end the bulls will beat the bears again!

[B]“It’s the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance, sweeps away all obstacles.”[/B]

Claude Bristol


On the weekly TF, we’re coming up on trendline resistance starting back in July '07 and bouncing off Oct '07. Also, on the daily TF it seems to have resistance off the 200 SMA. How strong do you think these are? Also, if there’s a retracement before we can break through them, any guess to how far down it will go? 100 pips? 400 pips?

Dang, I’ve been scalping pretty well all morning, but when she headed past .70 with such steam, I thought it may be the breakout we were waiting for and grabbed 2 positions at .80 … so far, that was a mistake :smiley:

But Elijah will say she is just resting and will soon dazzle everyone with her northward energy.

If not, I am in too high :eek:

I didnt post a weekly chart but look at the rsi it clearly want to continue up,
look back and see how powerful she was once the rsi got above 50 and hit 55
and kept moving up. looking back to july last year on the weekly we are not in the same boat. The weekly to me is screaming up not a reverse.
I am still carefully scaling in my trades. My margin has not been more than maybe 2%. I want to win the upcoming contest. But am already at almost 200 pips for the week now just scalping. GJ & NJ. Soon I guess I will have to start trading AJ but not too soon. First I need to build up some solid GJ money. She still owes me! :slight_smile:

She wasnt able to even move 100pips down HEH!

2 2 .80 eeeeek I am flat. trying to get in with a LL at 213.35.
She is not coming to get me so far since she was there last when I bought at that level. I think she is heading for 214.50 where she will bounce off heard especially the first time.

She seems to have a need to reach higher prices. Patience she is playing with some folks then she will move on.

[B]“A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.”[/B]

Charles Schwab

Why does that look so ripe for a fall? Wow on my 12 min that thing went fast and hard and peaked at @ 1224PM @ 205.65 wow

she is getting ready to take off, I suspect she will reach her highs for the day before the 430 Bell.

So don’t worry about those .80’s. I am NOT on the BUS! ARG

Of course she dipped slightly lower. Looks to be on the way back up.
It doesnt look like she is going to go down and get my other orders.

I still have 3 orders above 213.30 and am wondering if I should take small profit as it becomes available or wait out 214+? It is a demo acct and I have no problems with margin as I am only 2 micros per order. --Trying to keep a more realistic perspective on my future live account potential.–Jerry

go guppy go!

Youa re in the demo acct not to make an error but it would be the best place to make an error. I like to take 11-31 pips per lot. I have been thinking let some run. BUt as much as she retraces, I normally scalp all sorts of orders.
So holding it to that high may not work in a rangy range. But you have to try it each way and see how it works for you. I prefer to bank pips as those are realized gains and they are basically banked. So If I can get 30 pips I take it.

The idea is to trade the demo account like you would your live account.

Do you still try to keep your LL so as to stay in the action or is it fair game as well?

[B]But as expected it rallied into the close so I sold![/B]

Trying to buy again at 213.35 we will see what happens but gj is looking strong.

I scalped another one from 213.66 and am flat again.

I need her to come down to 213.35 and get me on one.
SHe is going to break here soon. I don’t think anyone can keep holding her down and when she breaks loose, you better have a trailing stop for the TP.
FXSOL doesnt have that or I havent figured out how to use it. But a trailing stop to the topside is a good idea.

Like if you have two from one price. Sell one at 21-31 pips and hold the other, with like 20 pip trailing stop.

[B]“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”[/B]

Buddhist Proverb

I scaled out the last leg of the short in profit @ 213.17 earlier this morning before leaving this house, leaving a couple of limit orders on tap, neither executing in the range maintained today.

Price dallied out of the symmetrical framing and with the small ascending channel over the last few hours evolved into an ascending triangle where the horizontal resistance lines lies @ ~213.86. I’m long and still looking/hoping for a momentum breakout.

The short did pan out. How many times has she done what before? Yielded pips on a down move? Sometimes there are bear traps, but more often than not (if personal historic win ratio statistics on GBP/JPY shorts are any clue), I follow the Guppy tracks to honey while El Toreador is lopping the head off the fallen bull - at least in terms of the trade at hand. But there are plenty of bear traps, and sometimes I’m please to see the market step in them. :smiley:

Beware El Toreador! :eek: