GBP/JPY Technical Analysis

Preferably, I’m looking forward for completion of a horizontal triangle corrective pattern to complete a,b,c,d and e in subwave iv (yellow). Therefore, advisable to look for any good bullish continuation signal from BSTS later before making any entry. Otherwise market may follow to the alt count in magenta. Good luck.

I believed market in progress to complete corrective a,b,c,d,e (cyan) in subwave iv (yellow or white) before expecting for another bullish continuation trend to perform subwave v in 3 (yellow or white). Otherwise, please be careful for any possibility referring to the alt count in magenta. Please analyse all critical lines. Good luck.

I’m looking forward for a bullish continuation trend to perform subwave v and 3 (yellow or white) once subwave e in iv is completed. Therefore, please look for any good bullsih entry signal from BSTS later. A breakout to the bullish continuation line 2 and 3 would bolster this scenario. Otherwise please be careful for any breakout to the lower yellow and red trendlines. Good luck.

Due to latest scenario, please be noted that I need to do a small adjustment referring to the corrective subwave d and e (cyan) in wave iv (yellow or white). Favourably, I’m looking forward for a bullish continuation trend to perform subwave v in 3 (yellow or white). But ocassionally, this scenario would be invalid if there is any true breakout to the white/yellow critical line later. Good luck.

Market still inside the yellow corrective horizontal triangle zones and I’m looking forward to see any breakout by today or tomorrow. Favourably, I believed market will perform a breakout to the upper yellow trendlines to complete subwave v (yellow or white). But please be noted that this scenario would be in major doubt if there is any breakout to the white/yellow critical lines later. Good luck.

At this moment, my white/yellow critical line still intact, therefore favourably both alt counts in white and yellow would still valid. But please watch closely those critical lines for any breakout today. I’m still looking forward for a bullish continuation trend scenario to be establish later today. Good luck.

p/s : Saya mengambil kesempatan ini mengucapkan Selamat Meyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf zahir dan batin sekiranya ada terkasar bahasa dan kesilapan selama ini. Hati hati memandu bila balik kampung nanti.

Due to the breakout of the white/yellow critical line, the bullish continuation scenario already in critical stages. Unless market in progress to complete an expanding triangle (reverse symmetrical) of subwave iv (white or yellow) before expecting a further bullish continuation trend, then we shall see a bearish continuation trend to complete subwave v and C in magenta. Please be extra careful. Good luck and happy weekends.

Oct 3, 2008 10:48am (3 hr ago)
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I have an edge… Do you?

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Originally Posted by alwaysloss View Post
i don’t understand why this “old guy” laughed. Even you have 100000 posts it doesn’t mean that you can laugh at newer member’s charts/posts. respect others first before you want to be respected
There appears to be a lot you don’t understand, My post was meant as some light humor, but apparently the concept of political correctness has disengaged your rational thought processes… Any way if the mess he calls his charts works for him then great, (I have only seen 1 other place where the charts are a bigger mess and that was on the malaysia thread) … but the old adage of keep it simple stupid seems to have escaped the majority of traders hence the success of MT4 with all the crap available to paste all over a chart.
as to my success… I am doing fine , thank you for your concern.
Happy trading, and I really do wish you success.

Here is the malaysia chart I mentioned…

This was posted in response to my real traders, real money question.

Due to the latest market scenario, please be noted that I did a recount and preferably, I’m looking forward for a bullish reversal to complete either a subwave c in a (yellow) or another bearish trap scenario to complete subwave v in 5 (magenta). A valid diagonal triangle pattern, double bottom and a possible bearish trap scenario would bolster this scenario. Otherwise market will continue further down referring to the alt count in white. Advisable to look for a good bullish reversal entry signal from BSTS later before making entry. Good luck.

hey o! good to have ya back jeb :slight_smile:

nice to see u also. Good luck and happy trading.

Please be noted that due to the breakout of the major bearish continuation critical line 1, both previous alt count in yellow and magenta already become invalid. I believed market in progress to complete subwave 3 (yellow) or an extension subwave 3 (white) in wave v/5 (yellow or white) before expecting a retracement to complete subwave 4 and 5. Preferably, look for any bullish entry signal once major wave 5 in completed. Good luck.

I believed market in progress either to complete subwave a (magenta) or subwave 4 (white or yellow) before expecting for another bearish continuation to perform either subwave b (magenta) or subwave 5. Preferably, I’m looking forward for a bullish reversal trend to perfom once either subwave b (magenta) or subwave 5 in v/5 (white or yellow) is completed. Good luck.

Preferably, I’m looking forward for a bearish trend either to complete wave b (magenta) or a truncated wave v in 5 (yellow) before expecting for another bullish continuation trend. Otherwise we may see another strong bearish continuation trend to complete an impulsive subwave v in 5 (white). Therefore, please watch carefully both magenta and white/yellow critical line for any breakout to confirm which alt count is in progress. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for a bullish reversal trend later referring to either alt count in magenta or yellow. I believed market in progress either to complete corrective wave b (magenta) or subwave v in 5 (yellow) before expecting a bullish reversal trend. A true breakout of the bullish continuation critical line 2 would bolster this scenario. Otherwise, this scenario would be invalid if there is any true breakout to the magenta critical line which is would favour to the alt count in white. Good luck.

Due to the latest scenario, please be noted that alt count in magenta is already invalid. Preferably, market still in progress to complete subwave v in 5 (yellow or white) and I’m looking forward for a bullish reversal to perform corrective a, b and c once its completed. Therefore please look for any good bullish reversal signal from BSTS later. Good luck.

At this moment, please analyse the latest possible alt counts and favourably, I’m looking for bullish reversal to perform corrective a, b and c once wave 5 (magenta, yellow or white) is completed. Please watch closely the critical lines and trendlines for any true breakout. Good luck.

Due to the bearish continuation trend, please be noted that the previous alt count in magenta already invalid. Therefore please analyse the latest possible recount waves. I’m still looking forward for a bullish reversal (magenta or yellow) trend once wave 5 is completed. But please be careful for any extension of wave 5 (white). Good luck and happy weekends.

At this moment, I believed market in bullish reversal trend and in progress to complete the corrective subwave c in a (magenta or yellow or white). Expecting to see a bearish retracement to complete wave b later before another bullish continuation to complete wave c. Therefore, please look for any bearish retracement entry signal to perform wave b and later on a bullish continuation entry signal to perform wave c (once b is completed) from BSTS later within this week. Good luck.

At this moment, I divided market in 3 possible scenario which is :-

  1. [B]Magenta[/B] - market already completed wave a and in progress to perform corrective wave b.

  2. [B]Yellow[/B] - market in progress to perform subwave 4 in c in a before expecting a truncated subwave 5 in c in a.

  3. [B]White[/B] - market in progress to perform subwave 4 in c in a before expecting an impulsive subwave 5 in c in a.

Therefore, overall strategy, advisable to look for any bullish continuation entry signal later from BSTS either to perform wave c in magenta or subwave 5 in yellow and white.

Good luck.

Preferably, I’m looking forward for a further bullish continuation trend either to complete a truncated subwave 5 (yellow) or an impulsive subwave 5 (white). Otherwise we may see a bearish trend to complete corrective wave c in b according to the alt count in magenta. Good luck.