GBP/JPY Technical Analysis

At this moment, I’m looking forward for a bullish retracement trend to complete subwave ii before expecting f0r another bearish continuation to perform subwave iii in 5. Please be noted that wave 5 could be a truncated wave (yellow) or an impulsive wave (magenta). As long as both magenta/yellow critical lines and major bullish continuation critical line stay intact, this scenario would be valid. Meanwhile, a breakout to both critical lines woul favour to the alt count in white. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward to see a further bearish continuation trend either to perform a truncated subwave v in 5 or an impulsive subwave v in 5. A breakout to the major lower red trendlines would bolster this scenario. Otherwise we may see a bullish reversal trend referring to the alt count in white. Please watch closely all critical lines and trendlines. Good luck.

I believed market in progress to complete wave 5 either a truncated wave (yellow) or an impulsive wave (magenta). A further breakout to the downside trend would bolster this scenario. Please be extra careful for any possibility a bullish reversal trend referring to the alt count in white. Please analyse latest updated critical lines. Good luck.

At this moment, market still inside the teal triangle and I’m looking forward for any breakout to confirm which alt count is more favourable. I believed market in progress to complete subwave 2 (cyan) before expecting for another bearish continuation to complete either a truncated major wave 5 (yellow) or an impulsive major wave 5 (magenta). A strong breakout to the lower red trendlines would bolster this scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for a breakout to the upper green trendline and later to the magenta/yellow critical lines which would favour to the alt count in white. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for a true breakout to the lower red trendline to bolster the bearish continuation trend scenario (yellow or magenta). Another breakout to the bearish continuation line 2 and later the major bearish continuation critical line 1 would confirm this scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for any possibility referring to the alt count in white. Good luck.

Please be noted that I did some recount and I’m looking forward for any breakout to determine which alt counts is more favourable. Therefore, please watch closely all critical lines. Preferably, I’m looking for a true breakout to the lower red trendline. Good luck.

At this moment, market already break the lower red trendline and I’m looking forward to see a further breakout to the white critical lines to bolster the bearish continuation trend sceanrio to complete subwave 5 eiher in magenta (impulsive) or yellow (truncated). But please be careful for any bullish reversal trend referring to the alt count in white. Good luck.

At this moment, market already make a breakout to the lower red trendline but so far, the white critical line still stay intact. I’m still looking forward for a strong breakout to the white critical line to bolster the bearish continuation trend scenario. Otherwise, we may see a bullish reversal trend referring to the alt count in white. Please be extra careful for tomorrow NFP announcement 9.30pm (GMT +8). Good luck

Due to the breakout at the previous white critical line, I believed market in progress to perform a bearish continuation trend either to complete a truncated wave 5 (white or yellow) or an impulsive wave 5 (magenta). A further breakout to the major bearish continuation critical line 1 would bolster this scenario. Therefore please analyse the latest possible wave alt counts and please be careful for any possibility of the bullish reversal trend if wave 5 is truncated (white or yellow). Good luck and happy weekends.

I just had a seizure from looking at your charts.

I just had a seizure from looking at your charts.

I agree! You should print those out and sell them to hippies, Jebatfx. It would make a great psychedelic poster. You could put in under a blacklight, take some LSD, and stare at it for hours.

Seriously though. Could you explain what’s going on here? I trade GBP/JPY and would love to be able to follow your charts.


First of all, I would like to ask do you have any knowledge about Elliot Wave Strategy in Forex Trading ?

At this moment, price still inside the bearish channel, therefore it still unclear which alt counts that is more favourable. Eventhough, I’m still looking for further bearish continuation trend to complete wave 5 (yellow or magenta) but please be careful for any possibility toward the bullish reversal trend according to the alt count in white. A strong breakout either to the upper or lower trendlines would unfold which trend is more favourable. Good luck.

[B]Gbp vs Jpy 1H, 4H & Daily Pre Market Overview[/B]

[B]Chart 1H -[/B] At this moment, I’m looking forward market to make a breakout either to the upper or lower triangle trendlines. Preferably, I’m looking forward for a bearish continuation trend either to complete a truncated wave 5 in yellow or an impulsive wave 5 in magenta. But please be extra careful for a bullish reversal trend if a truncated wave 5 is already completed (white).

[B]Chart 4H -[/B] Preferably, I’m looking forward for a bearish continuation trend to perform a bearish continuation to complete subwave v in 5 (yellow or magenta). A breakout to the lower red triangle trendlines and later to the bearish continuation critical line 1 would bolster this scenario before expecting for a bullish reversal trend to perform corrective a, b and c once wave 5 is completed. But please be careful if there is any breakout to the upper green triangle trendline which is would favour to the alt count in white.

[B]Chart Daily -[/B] Basically, I’m still looking forward for a final bearish continuation trend to be perform in order to complete major wave 5 (yellow or magenta). As long as the upper green trendline still intact, favourably, this scenario would still valid. Therefore please watch closely if there is any breakout to the bearish continuation critical line 1 that would bolster this scenario.

[B][U]Summary :[/U][/B]

  1. Preferably I’m looking forward for a bearish continuation trend to perform either a truncated wave 5 (yellow) and an impulsive wave 5 (magenta).

  2. Otherwise if wave 5 is already completed (white), we shall see a breakout to the upper green trendline to perform corrective wave a, b and c.

  3. Advisable to look for any chances to a bullish reversal trend once wave 5 is already completed either referring to the :-

a) White Count - when market in progress to perform corrective subwave c once subwave a and b is completed, Or

b) Yellow or Magenta - when market in bearish continuation trend to perform wave 5.

Good luck.

At this moment, price already at the upper green trendline. Preferably, I’m looking forward for a pull back scenario to bolster the bearish continuation scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for any true breakout to the upper green trendline. Please watch closely the bullish reversal critical line. Good luck.

Until this moment, the major upper green trendline still remain intact and preferably I’m looking forward for a pullback and bearish continuation trend scenario later. A true breakout to the major lower red trendline would bolster this scenario. Therefore, please watch closely all critical lines and trendlines to assist you in determine which alt counts is more likely in progress. Good luck.

At this moment, price already break the lower red triangle trendline and we need to wait for a while to confirm is it a true breakout or only a false breakout. Preferably, I’m looking forward for a bearish continuation trend to perform subwave v in 5 before expecting for a bullish reversal trend later. Another breakout to the bearish continuation critical line 2 and later to the major bearish continuation critical line 1 would bolster this scenario. Meanwhile, please be careful for any truncated wave scenario either referring to the alt count in white or yellow. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for a completion of truncated wave 5 either referring to the alt count in white or yellow. Advisable to look for any bullish reversal entry signal from BSTS later. A breakout to the upper green trendline would bolster this scenario. Otherwise we may see another strong bearish continuation trend to complete an impulsive wave 5. Good luck.

I believed market in progress to complete subwave v in 5 before expecting for a bullish reversal trend later to perform corrective a, b and c. But please noted that wave 5 could be either a truncated wave (white or yellow) or an impulsive wave (magenta). Therefore, please analyse all possible alt counts and look for any bullish reversal entry signal later from BSTS. Please watch closely all trendlines and critical lines for any breakout. Good luck.

Please be noted that, due to the further bearish continuation trend, the previous alt count in white is already invalid. Therefore, please analyse the latest possible updated alt counts in the chart. Preferably, I believed market in progress to complete subwave v in 5 and I’m looking forward for an opportunity to find a possible bullish reversal trend once wave 5 is complete. But please be noted also that wave 5 could be a truncated wave (white or magenta) or an impulsive wave. Also, please be careful for any bearish trap scenario. Please confirm any possible bullish reversal signal from BSTS later. Good luck.

At this moment, preferably, I’m looking forward for either a bullish retracement to complete subwave iv (yellow) or a bullish reversal to perform corrective wave a (white). But please be careful for a bearish continuation trend to perform an extension subwave iii in magenta. Please confirm any alt counts from BSTS and any breakouts later. Good luck.