GBP/JPY Technical Analysis

At this moment, please analyse all possibile alt counts. Favourably, I’m looking forward for a bullish retracement trend either to perform subcorrective wave b (Head & Shoulder) in white or a truncated subwave 5 in magenta. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the magenta/white critical line. Good luck

At this moment, I believed market in progress either to complete subwave v (wave 1) in white or magenta before expecting for a bullish retracement trend to perform wave 2. A breakout towards the bearish continuation critical line 1 would bolster towards the alt count in magenta. Otherwise, a breakout towards the magenta critical line would indicate the market is already in progres to complete subcorrective wave c and 2 in white. Good luck

At this moment, a valid descending triangle bearish continuation pattern would indicate that subwave v in magenta still in progress. Therefore market may perform a complex corrective wave abcde in iv to complete this pattern. Otherwise, we may see a bullish trend to complete corrective wave c in white in 5 bullish wave structures. A breakout towards the upper yellow trendline would bolster to this scenario. Good luck.

At this moment, preferably I believed market in progress to complete subcorrective wave e/iv in magenta before expecting for another bearish continuation trend scenario to perform subwave v. A valid rising wedge bearish continuation pattern would bolster towards this scenario. Therefore, advisable to look for a bearish continuation entry signal from BSTS later. Otherwise, we may see a bullish continuation trend to complete subcorrective wave c/2 in white. Happy weekends and good luck.

Preferably, I believed market in progress to complete wave v in magenta. But please be extra careful for any bullish retracement trend to perform subwave 2 in aqua. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the pivot critical line. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for a completion or subwave 2 in aqua before expecting for another bearish continuation trend scenario to perform subwave 3, 4 and 5. A pullback from the upper green trendline and later a breakout to the S3 critical line would bolster towards this scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the green upper trendline and aqua/magenta critical line. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for a pullback scenario from the yellow upper trendline for a bearish continuation trend. A valid rising wedge pattern and a breakout towards the lower red and yellow trendline would bolster to this scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for any further bullish rally perhap to perform a bull trap scenario. Good luck.

Looks like 147 will be taken out after FED meeting.

Please be noted that the previous alt count in magenta is already invalid. At this moment, I believed market just performed a “bull trap” scenario which is a typical trap happen in diagonal triangle (rising wedge) pattern. Therefore, I’m looking forward for a pullback from the upper yellow trendline and further breakout towards the lower yellow trendline. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the bullish continuation critical line 1. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking forward for another bearish trend either sub corrective wave b in aqua or an extension of subwave iii in white. Selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah to all muslim and happy weekends.

Favourably, I’m looking forward for a bearish trend to perform subwave iii in white. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the upper green trendline and possibility to a “bull trap” scenario in magenta. Good luck.

Please be noted that the previous alt count in white is already invalid. Favourably, I believed market just performed a “bull trap” scenario which consist of a corrective abcde in diagonal triangle pattern. Therefore, I’m still looking for a possible bearish trend to be perform later. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the upper green trendline and magenta critical line. I also would like to take this opportunity to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you all and I’ll be back after holidays. Take care…

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (1H)[/B] - Please be noted that due to the strong bullish trend, therefore I have to do a recount towards the bearish possible alt counts. Preferably, I’m looking forwards for a valid rising wedge pattern that would bolster towards the bearish continuation trend scenario (yellow trendlines). A pullback from the upper yellow trendline would bolsters to this scenario. Please be careful since market may have a possibility to perform a corrective wave abcde in magenta.

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (Daily)[/B] - At this moment, market already touched the upper trendline of the bearish channel in daily. Favourably, I’m looking forwards for a pullback scenario either to perform corrective wave c in white or wave iii in magenta. Otherwise, please be careful for a breakout from the upper green trendline.

[B]AUD (Daily)[/B] - Preferably, I believed market already in bearish reversal trend either towards the alt counts in magenta or white. Please be careful for any bullish retracement trend to perfom major corrective wave B either in whte or magenta.

[B]Eur vs Usd (Weekly)[/B] - Preferably, as long the white critical line is remain intact, I believed market will perform a major bearish reversal trend scenario to perform a major corrective wave C (white) in 5 bearish wave structures. At the moment, I believed market in progress to complete subwave i. Therefore, advisable to look for any good bearish entry once market perform a bullish retracement trend to perform subwave 2 later. Good luck and Happy New Year.

Gbp vs Jpy (1H) - At this moment, I believed market either in progress to perform subwave 1 in white or subcorrective d in magenta. Therefore, please be careful for any bullish retracement trend scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for any possibility towards a bullish trend refering to the alt count in yellow.

AUD (Daily) - At this moment, I believed market in progress to perform major corrective wave B either in white or magenta. A pullback from the upper green trendline and later a breakout towards the bearish continuation critical line 1 would bolster towards the alt count in white scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the upper green trendline either to perform a “double top” corrective wave B in magenta or another bullish rally to complete major wave 5 in yellow. Good luck.

Why would I use all those colorful lines?

That’s how I do it.

I place a 1h,5m gold chart next to a 1h,5m AUD chart.

I draw a bottom horizontal line where two retracements have touched. I do the same on the top. On 5m,1h Gold and AUD charts.

That gives me a tunnel. The third try either top or bottom is a breakout. On Gold and AUD because Gold and AUD move in union.

If you want to get real fancy you only trade Gold & AUD breakout in direction of dorminant flow on 1h.

Otherwise, please be careful for [B]any breakout[/B]

But that’s what I’m looking for.

So it can be bashed back on NFP friday. :smiley:

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (1H)[/B] - Favourably, I’m looking forward market to perform a bearish trend in white to complete wave 3. A breakout towards the pivot critical line and lower red trendline would bolster towards this scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for another bullish rally perhap to perform corrective wave e in magenta.

[B]Aud vs Usd (Daily)[/B] - Preferably, I believed market will perform a bearish reversal trend in white. A strong pullback from the upper green trendline would bolster towards this scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for any bullish rally perhaps to complete the unfinish corrective wave B in magenta.

[B]Aud vs Cad (Daily)[/B] - Favourably, I’m looking forward for another bearish continuation trend scenario either to complete subwave v/A in white or yellow. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the dotted green horizontal critical line.

[B]Usd vs Cad (Daily) [/B]- I believed market will perform a bullish reversal trend scenario in 5 bullish wave structures to perform a major corrective wave C in yellow. Therefore, advisable to loog for any opportunity towards a bullish reversal trend entry signal from BSTS. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the red horizontal critical line. Please be careful tonight for NFP news announcement at 9.30 pm (GMT +8). Good luck and happy weekends.

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (1H) [/B]- At this moment, I’m looking forward for a breakout to the lower yellow trendlines to bolster towards the bearish continuation trend to perform subwave 3 in white. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towatds the pivot critical line.

[B]Aud vs Usd (Daily) [/B]- I believed market will perform a major bearish reversal trend scenario to complete major corrective wave C in 5 bearish wave structures. Otherwise, please be careful for another bullish rally perhaps to perform a “bullish trap” scenario for corrective wave B in magenta.

[B]Aud vs Cad (Daily)[/B] - Preferably, I’m looking forwards for a major bearish reversal trend scenario either in yellow or white (triple top) to perform major corrective wave in C. Please be careful for any breakout towards the yellow critical line.

[B]Usd vs Cad (Daily)[/B] - I believed market will start to perform a major bullish reversal trend to complete major corrective wave C in 5 bullish wave structures. But please be careful for any bearish retracement trend scenario to perform subwave 2 later.

[B][U]Summary[/U][/B] - Please make your own trading plan and try to wait and find for any possible “Sell Top” or “Buy Bottom” entry from BSTS later. Good luck.

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (1H) [/B]- At this moment, I’m looking forwards for another bearish continuation trend scenario to complete wave 3 in white. But please be careful for any possibility towards a bullish retracement trend scenario to perform subwave ii in white before expecting for another bearish continuation trend.

[B]Eur vs Usd (Weekly) [/B]- At this moment, I believed market in progress to perform a major corrective wave C either in white or magenta. Please be careful for any possibility towards a bullish retracement trend to perform subwave in white. Favourably, I’m looking forwards for a further bearish extension of subwave 1 in magenta before expecting for any bullish retracement trend scenario. Good luck.

At this moment, I’m looking for a bearish reversal trend scenario (diagonal triangle pattern) at tf M30 either in white or magenta. Therefore advisable to look for any good opportunity towards a bearish entry from BSTS later. A false breakout scenario and a pullback from the upper green trendline would bolster towards this scenario. Otherwise, please be careful for any breakout towards the white critical line. Good luck.

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (1H)[/B] - At this moment, market just bounce again from the lower TL. A pullback from the pivot critical line and followed by breakout towards the S3 critical line would bolster to the alt count in white scenario. Otherwise, we may see another bullish rally to complete the corrective wave e and 2 in magenta.

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (4H)[/B] - Please be careful for a possibility towards another bullish rally to perform corrective wave e and 2 in magenta.

[B]Gbp vs Jpy (Daily)[/B] - Favourably, I’m looking forward for a valid rising wedge bearish continuation pattern scenario to complete major wave 5 either in white or magenta. Otherwise, please be careful for any truncated major wave 5 scenario in yellow. Happy weekends and good luck.