GBP/NZD moving slow today? Why?

Thank you, Hendrik!

Yes, maybe opening a test (demo) account for long-term positions may be the way for you to go…


…here we go down again…

Ive been shorting NzdUsd recently with some success, which helps offset this pair. Cant see much positive on Gbp generally until Brexit vote and if Cameron gets embroiled in this Panama leak things could get worse.
Like I said earlier, im prepared to wait but 2.00 is my limit

Yes, NZD/USD seems to be making progress, suddenly, but if the RBNZ cuts rates later this month then this will move GBP/NZD, possibly, but I do not hold much hope anymore of central banks moving currencies a great deal, worldwide… We are, therefore, in the hands of.destiny (i.e. pure money flow dynamics) :slight_smile:

2.0 must be IT…

[QUOTE=“baz1982;757513”]I was proper busy at work today but I had the chart open on the computer in the corner & was keeping an eye on it. I ended up getting a really good short entry at 2.0933 with a 40-pip stop. Still got it open & aiming for 2.0650.[/QUOTE]

Low of 2.06417 today & with the spread taken in to account, my trade must have hit its TP by the universal Scottish measurement that is “a baw-hair”.

I thought I’d be leaving pips on the table & was toying with a trailing stop so this is by no means skill, that was 90% luck.

A good, well needed win. By the middle of March, I was nearly up 20% then came more & more losses. Losing trades are inevitable but the back end of the month, it felt that bad that I couldn’t hit the floor if I tied my shoelaces together & ran down the stairs. I do like a tight stop & usually have a few losses, some break-evens , small wins & few that exceed my target +4R but this felt like loss after loss. I had one good trade at the end of the month & that was about it until now so two trades that I’m actually happy with in about 2.5-weeks.


reminds me of that 2011 hurricane… ‘Bawbag’… Remember that… Not like Katie, or Katrina… ‘Bawbag’!

Only in Scotland haha

Well, Barry, that is very good and is indeed a heart-warming story… just because 100m other retail traders

go through it, well, it does not make it any less special to YOU. . . Luck needs a little helping hand, and you

obviously have a strategy, so you deserved that bit of good luck back!! Nicely done!!

Now please do not go downstairs with your shoelaces tied together!



I saw this quote for the first time and immediately thought about “Buddha Buttocks”.

[B]“Money is made by sitting, not trading” - Jesse Livermore[/B]


That lady is a lot nicer to look at than your avatar. I’m sure her buttocks look fine. LOL

Speaking of buttocks, I need to get off this chair and get on my bike.



Has anyone caught the 2.08 rollercoaster train?


Negative, I missed the initial move but was spying the 50% retracement for an entry. I then took the kids to the park, came back & had missed the bus on that trade. It would have been a good pin-bar entry too.

Lucky kids


Ah well,

there will be plenty more opportunities to go long (or short) between 2.08 and 3.0


[QUOTE=“PipMeHappy;758728”]Lucky kids :slight_smile: Ah well, there will be plenty more opportunities to go long (or short) between 2.08 and 3.0 ;p[/QUOTE]

I love the optimism!

I can’t wait for your predictions to come true, my success rate on longs is far better than when I short the pair.

I have to give these themes time to evolve… Nobody can tell me how long this ‘time’ will be…

Part of me thinks that I am not trading effectively in this way; part of me thinks that my plan

was never designed to be rushed.

My plan is for a pip-target of between 5,000 and 10,000 pips over the three trades I have …

The lion’s share will go to GBP/NZD, being the most volatile of the three pairs…

You will do absolutely fine, Baz… that Inverness air will bring much joy to your lungs… I mean longs :slight_smile:

What sort of % account increase are you hoping for if you hit your pip target if you don’t mind me asking? That might help give an indication around effectiveness and how long it’s worth sticking it out for.

HI Tektolnes,

I only have 1k positions on :slight_smile:

GBP/NZD 1 Hr Chart. WTF???

IMF warning of possible drop in Sterling should UK Brexit. Live on tv as I type, not very positive at all.
Also, UK inflation target for coming year revised from 2% to just 1%