GBPUSD/GBPCAD Trading signal for people interested

Buy GBPUSD at current price - 1.26813 TP : 100 PIPS lOSS : 100 PIPS

I’d have better luck flipping a coin and landing 50/50.

That’s basically what you’re posting here.

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You’ll need to add more than just signals. They’ve been removing posts with just signals since you’re not really learning anything.


Not a good week for GBP trades. we have a general election tomorrow. Unless you are a gambler, or you trade the news, which I do not.

by now, you should have seen the reality

by now, you should have seen who is right or wrong between you and I

GBPUSD selling is eminent soon… plan for it

We are both right. I choose not to trade the news, so I am right in staying out of GBP trades today.
You are right because you chose to participate in the market today (whether real participation or paper trade).

When you get to realize this is not a competition between you and me, you will learn something valuable. :pray:

In the first instance, you don’t have good technical trading expertise. That’s strong enough for you to acknowledge that you’re wrong with your assertions. Man ! if you must trade, learn the technicals

Sell GBPUSD at the current market price - 1.29696. or 1.29600

Take Profit : 150 pips / 200pips

Stop loss : 150 pips / 200 pips

SELL GBPCAD at current market price.

Take profit and take loss are 100 to 150 pips

These might be good trades for me to take. Maybe for others too. But I must ask what is the reason for these signals now, today. Why not Wednesday? Or next Wednesday?

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Because the technicals informed the trades

What’s the purpose of posting them as “trading signals” with no discussion at all of the technicals that informed the trades?

How does it help you to post them here, with no discussion?

Why would it interest forum members, on that basis?

I know already that your focus is on technical analysis to identify trades. But TA covers a lot of territory.

There will be multiple methodologies available to highlight the timing and direction of the entries you have posted. But it’s more interesting to understand what methodology you yourself used on this occasion.