Genesis Introduction

So My name is Kevin I currently reside in Florida! I have always had an interest in learning how to be a trader since my teens but never took the initiative or knew how to take the first step. I got into it a few years back and regrettably quit. However now it’s a fresh start again! And while I’d be lying if to say I don’t want to do this for a living. My goal for this 1st year is to just survive and learn and gauge who I am as a trader and try to find what works for me and starting with a demo account.

Currently I struggle with day dreaming too much about how great I am going to be at this rather than doing the work lol. What strategies do you guys incorporate to catch yourself day dreaming and get back to work?

Thanks take care everyone


Hi, and welcome.

There is nothing wrong with day dreaming too much. I think too many people day dream far too infrequently, and let themselves be influenced by all the negative things going on around them. The biggest culprit for that is social media, and the feeling of inadequacy with one’s own performance when compared with how beautiful and perfect are the lives of those social media influencers. Then you realise the truth. It is a fabrication and their lives are a lie.

There are hundreds of ways to say this, but after 5 decades of living, investing and trading, I now believe more than ever that you become what you think, and when you choose to think that you are great, then you become great. Great means different things to different people. One tactic you can use make useful progress towards your day dreams is to break them down into manageable chunks. I used to ask my mentees “how much freely convertible money would make you comfortable about your future?” A week’s worth, a month, three months, six months, a year?" Answers varied but many answer between 3 months and a year. So my next question would be “how long do you think it would take you to achieve that level of comfort”? to which the answers would vary from between a year and five years.

If you start your life’s dreams from a position of financial comfort, you have a far greater probability of achieving your goals than by starting your journey from a position of discomfort. So breaking down your day dreams to a point where your first goal is to establish your comfort zone by having enough money not to have to worry if you lose your job for (a month, 3 months, 6 months, whatever) more than your comfort zone, you will be surprised how easy it is to achieve that intermediate step to your longer term goals. Try it out. You will be amazed.


Yeah, I day dream a lot and it’s way easier than actually doing the job.

Get your butt moving! Get your demo account, find a strategy to trade on demo and get used to the market and following one or a couple pairs. Place some trades. Learn the trading software or charging software. Just get started already!

@Mondeoman said it all.

However, I personally use a very simple strategy when I begin to day dream. I accept that it is normal and whenever I am in the middle of my studies, I just walk to my bed, lay low, relax and day dream until it is gone. Day dreaming builds my confidence and keeps me motivated to persist.

:rofl: I tried learning about this thing called meditation and visualization which is highly recommended by high performers in every career. But I got to realize that the concept of day dreaming and visualization are the same. So instead of finding time forcing myself to practice visualization, I just relax and day dream whenever it occurs (and that occurs naturally to me).


Hello and welcome back to trading, Kevin! I hope all goes well for you this time.

Really? Ok so I shouldn’t try to kill my positive day dreaming vibes maybe just channel them accordingly. While also thinking of an amount of money that will provide comfort for my future. Thank you for the tip especially from a veteran in the field!

That is what I do, but it only started to make a big difference to me when I had two people 12,000 miles apart mentor me. One is a qualified masseur and hypnotist, and the other is an ex-NHS nurse and self confessed medium. Both are close friends.

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Tysm yeah I just want to put in the work and the time and not quit midway like I have done with so many other things.

Hello Kevin! :blush: I’m super happy that you decided to give forex another go. Your problem about daydreaming and procrastinating is one that I also struggle with so I’m here to wish you luck and also read suggestions from other members here. :sweat_smile: Hahaha!

Good for you.
Right now, I can’t create any time for practicing meditation and visualization, so I will stick to my day dreaming as visualization. Maybe in the near future I will create time to be mentored and try to practice it too to experiment the difference.

It’s something many of us can relate to! Try to set specific daily or weekly trading goals. This can give you something to focus on and help shift your attention away from daydreaming. Take care and happy trading!

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Good advice actually. It’s better to deal with real outcomes, and not daydreaming.