Getting up to trade the European session, sleep cycles

Hi folks,

Hope everyone is well on here…

Wanted to ask if there are any traders like myself who are on Eastern Standard Time and trade the European session at night, then report to a 9 to 5 job the next morning?

I was curious how you handle it from a sleep perspective, do you break your sleep into two cycles?

I’d be interested to see this too mainly because I’ve tried this myself, trade eaarly for the London Session and take a nap for a few hours then out to school for the morning. I stopped because falling asleep during lectures didn’t really benefit me haha.

Today is my first experiment, I’m trying what is called a ‘biphasic sleep cycle’, where you break your sleep up into two chunks (e.g. one large chunk and one smaller chunk). We’ll see how it goes. It takes some time getting used to it I hear, but some argue that its even healthier than just one straight chunk of sleep.

what’s your sleep cycle? I tried getting up for london open but couldn’t stick with it.